- /KDK- DATA CENTER/1.3) Electrical Department/2018-19/

[To Parent Directory]

1.1) Electrical Safety week in assiciation with PWD Maharashtra-(11 to 17 January 2019)
1.2) EESA activity Poster Competition-(1-1-19)
1.3) Teacher's day celebration-(5-9-2018)
1.4) Parent Teacher Meet (1-9-2018)
1.5) Seminar-GATE Exam by Mr.Anand Saxena-(3-9-2018)
1.6) EESA Installation ceremony Chief Guest Dr.Upadyay,Police Commissioner(18-08-2018)
1.7) EESA -Poster Competition & T-Shirt Design-(10-8-2018)
1.8) 3rd Sem students visited to 150 KW KDKCE Solar Roof Top Plant-(28-7-2018)
1.9) NCES Subject Activity for Design of Solar Cooker-(28-7-208)
2.1) Awareness of Oral Cancer-(24-7-2018)
2.2) NIRMAN-18-(15-03-2018)
2.3) International Conference on Advances & Practices in Electrical Engineering-(8-3-2018 & 9-3-2018)
2.4) One week training program on Aptitude and Skill Development -Electrical Dept-(19-06-2017 to 24-06-2017)
2.5) Yoga day Celebration (21-6-2018)
2.6) Alumni meet-2018-Electrical Dept-(27-01-2018)
2.7) Expert Guest Lectures
2.8) Industrial Visit