- /KDK- DATA CENTER/1.5) Computer Science & Engineering Department/2020-21/2.2) FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s-(25-12-2020)/
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FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (1).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (10).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (2).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (3).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (4).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (5).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (6).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (7).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (8).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s (9).jpg
FACE-IT Donated Clothes to the NGO’s report.pdf