- /KDK- DATA CENTER/1.6) Information Technology Department/2019-20/4.9) Expert Guest Lectures/

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1.2) Expert lecture on Opportunity and Challenges in Software Industries-(20-1-2020)
1.3) Seminar on Recent Trends and Technology in Industry by SAPALOGY-(11-1-2020)
1.4) 1 day workshop- hand-on session on web devpt-PHP by Adjunct faculty Mr. Sameer Pathak -(3-10-2019)
1.5) Technical Session on CSS by alumni Nikhil Raut CT Department-(28-9-2019)
1.6) An expert lecture on Intelligent Agent Design Issues and Techniques-(24-9-2019)
1.7) An expert lecture by Dr. S.R. Sathe, Professor, Dept of CSE,VNIT, Nagpur for CT,IT students-(28-8-19)
1.8) Seminar on Recent Trends in Computer Science by Unisoft Technologies-(17-7-2019)