*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Chapter 4: Records and internal tables *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT CHAP0407. * Records (or structures) consist of a fixed number of components DATA: BEGIN OF CUSTOMER, ID(8) TYPE N, NAME(25), TELEPHONE(12), END OF CUSTOMER. * Working with the different components and the structure itself DATA VENDOR LIKE CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER-ID = '87654321'. CUSTOMER-NAME = 'Edison'. CUSTOMER-TELEPHONE = '111-111-1111'. MOVE CUSTOMER TO VENDOR. WRITE / VENDOR-NAME. * Defining an internal table each entry having the structure of * the record customer DATA ALL_CUSTOMERS LIKE CUSTOMER OCCURS 100. * Using a reference to a non-elementary type. TYPES: BEGIN OF PERSONAL_DATA, NAME(25), CITY(25), STREET(30), END OF PERSONAL_DATA. DATA PEOPLE TYPE PERSONAL_DATA OCCURS 300. * Internal table with a header line, which is used as a default record * to hold the record currently being added to the table DATA NEW_CUSTOMERS LIKE CUSTOMER OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE.