*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Chapter 11: Using where clauses *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT CHAP1104. * Work areas TABLES: BOOKINGS, CUSTOMERS. * Internal tables DATA CUSTOMER_ORDERS LIKE BOOKINGS OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA ALL_CUSTOMERS LIKE CUSTOMERS OCCURS 100 WITH HEADER LINE. * Selecting data with a simple where clause SELECT * FROM BOOKINGS INTO TABLE CUSTOMER_ORDERS WHERE ORDER_DATE = '19990101'. * Displaying the result LOOP AT CUSTOMER_ORDERS. WRITE / CUSTOMER_ORDERS-FLDATE. ENDLOOP. * Selecting data with a complex where clause SELECT * FROM BOOKINGS INTO TABLE CUSTOMER_ORDERS WHERE CUSTOMID = '87654321' AND ORDER_DATE >= '19990101'. * Displaying the result SKIP. LOOP AT CUSTOMER_ORDERS. WRITE / CUSTOMER_ORDERS-FLDATE. ENDLOOP. * Selecting data with a complex where clause SELECT * FROM CUSTOMERS INTO TABLE ALL_CUSTOMERS WHERE NAME LIKE 'E%'. * Displaying the result SKIP. LOOP AT ALL_CUSTOMERS. WRITE / ALL_CUSTOMERS-NAME. ENDLOOP.