// paint.cpp: helper functions used when drawing bitmaps on the dialogs // // Copyright (c) 1985-1998, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "customwz.h" #ifdef _PSEUDO_DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // Coordinates for yellow rectangle in dialog-box units #define RIGHT_YELLOW_DLGU 124 #define BOTTOM_YELLOW_DLGU 197 // Draws a background of yellow on the left side of the dialog void PaintBackground(CPaintDC* pdc, CDialog* pDlg) { // Get the yellow brush CBitmap pattern; pattern.LoadBitmap(IDB_YELLOW_PATTERN); CBrush brush(&pattern); // Draw the yellow background CRect rect(0, 0, RIGHT_YELLOW_DLGU+1, BOTTOM_YELLOW_DLGU+1); pDlg->MapDialogRect(&rect); pdc->DPtoLP(&rect); pdc->FillRect(&rect, &brush); } // Draw the specified bitmap at the specified location void PaintBitmap(UINT nBmp, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, CPaintDC* pdc, CDC* pdcMem) { CBitmap picture; // Load & select the bitmap into the device-context picture.LoadBitmap(nBmp); BITMAP bitmap; picture.GetObject(sizeof (BITMAP), &bitmap); CBitmap* pOldBitmap = pdcMem->SelectObject(&picture); ASSERT(nWidth == bitmap.bmWidth); ASSERT(nHeight == bitmap.bmHeight); // Draw the bitmap pdc->BitBlt(x, y, nWidth, nHeight, pdcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // Reselect the previous bitmap object pdcMem->SelectObject(pOldBitmap); }