// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related // electronic documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. #define IDH_WORDPAD_TIMEDATE 1001 #define IDH_WORDPAD_ALIGN 1003 #define IDH_WORDPAD_TABSET 1004 #define IDH_WORDPAD_TABCLEAR 1005 #define IDH_WORDPAD_TAB_CLEARALL 1006 #define IDH_WORDPAD_TABSTOPS 1007 #define IDH_WORDPAD_TEXTFILE 1008 #define IDH_WORDPAD_FORMATTED 1009 #define IDH_WORDPAD_WORD6FILE 1017 #define IDH_WORDPAD_FILENEW_DOC 1018 #define IDH_WORDPAD_OPTIONS_AUTOWORDSEL 1019 #define IDH_WORDPAD_INDENT_LEFT 1020 #define IDH_WORDPAD_INDENT_RIGHT 1021 #define IDH_WORDPAD_INDENT_FIRST 1022 #define IDH_WORDPAD_WRAP_NO 1023 #define IDH_WORDPAD_WRAP_WINDOW 1024 #define IDH_WORDPAD_WRAP_RULER 1025 #define IDH_COMM_GROUPBOX 1026 #define IDH_WORDPAD_INCHES 1027 #define IDH_WORDPAD_CENTIMETERS 1028 #define IDH_WORDPAD_POINTS 1029 #define IDH_WORDPAD_PICAS 1030 #define IDH_WORDPAD_CHECK_TOOLBAR 1031 #define IDH_WORDPAD_CHECK_FORMATBAR 1032 #define IDH_WORDPAD_CHECK_STATUSBAR 1033 #define IDH_WORDPAD_CHECK_RULERBAR 1034 #define IDH_WORDPAD_TOPMARGIN 1035 #define IDH_WORDPAD_BOTTOMMARGIN 1036 #define IDH_WORDPAD_LEFTMARGIN 1037 #define IDH_WORDPAD_RIGHTMARGIN 1038