
Have you reviewed the Microsoft End-User License Agreement?

To install Microsoft® Visual C++® 6.0 Introductory Edition which supplied on this CD please do the following.

  1. From your desktop double click on you harddrive icon, it is usually called 'My Computer' and is located in the top left corner of you desktop, a window will open.

  2. In that window you will see all of your computer's drives listed. Look for your D drive (The D drive is usually the CD drive), it should be named this 'C-HTP4e (D:)', it should also have a custom icon.

  3. Once you locate it, click on it once and then right click on it and choose Open from the menu that appears.

  4. This will display the contents of the CD. Double click on the 'VCB600ENU1' folder.

  5. In the 'VCB600ENU1' folder, locate a file named 'Setup.exe' and double click on it. This will launch the installer, follow the instructions onscreen.