Have you reviewed the Microsoft End-User License Agreement?
- To install Microsoft® Visual C++® 6.0 Introductory Edition which supplied on this CD please do the following.
- From your desktop double click on you harddrive icon, it is usually called 'My Computer' and is located in the top left corner of you desktop, a window will open.
- In that window you will see all of your computer's drives listed. Look for your D drive (The D drive is usually the CD drive), it should be named this 'C-HTP4e (D:)', it should also have a custom icon.
- Once you locate it, click on it once and then right click on it and choose Open from the menu that appears.
- This will display the contents of the CD. Double click on the 'VCB600ENU1' folder.
- In the 'VCB600ENU1' folder, locate a file named 'Setup.exe' and double click on it. This will launch the installer, follow the instructions onscreen.