/* * Filter Design and Analysis Tool - Generated Filter Coefficients - C Source * Generated by MATLAB - Signal Processing Toolbox */ /* General type conversion for MATLAB generated C-code */ #include "tmwtypes.h" /* * Expected path to tmwtypes.h * C:\MATLAB6p5\extern\include\tmwtypes.h */ /* * Warning - Filter coefficients were truncated to fit specified data type. * The resulting response may not match generated theoretical response. * Use the Filter Design & Analysis Tool to design accurate fixed-point * filter coefficients. */ const int NL = 96; const int16_T NUM[96] = { 317, 26, -125, -132, 35, 149, 38, -144, -141, 36, 131, 28, -97, -76, 6, 7, -17, 48, 90, -65, -252, -105, 302, 364, -176, -636, -229, 646, 722, -316, -1102, -375, 1034, 1111, -463, -1572, -517, 1396, 1458, -589, -1955, -627, 1658, 1693, -667, -2170, -681, 1765, 1765, -681, -2170, -667, 1693, 1658, -627, -1955, -589, 1458, 1396, -517, -1572, -463, 1111, 1034, -375, -1102, -316, 722, 646, -229, -636, -176, 364, 302, -105, -252, -65, 90, 48, -17, 7, 6, -76, -97, 28, 131, 36, -141, -144, 38, 149, 35, -132, -125, 26, 317 }; const int DL = 1; const int16_T DEN[1] = { 32767 };