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Tool Index

The following table identifies all the self-extracting EXE files on this CD, as well as file names for the tools, samples, and documentation that you can install on your computer.

File name Description
Access9.adm Access system policy template file
Alert.asp Sample ASP page for customizable alerts
Alert.htm Sample HTM page for customizable alerts
Alert2.asp Sample ASP page with a response form for customizable alerts
Alert2a.asp Sample ASP page with embedded JavaScript for customizable alerts
Answiz.asp Sample Help Desk ASP file for Help on the Web
Answiz.htm Sample Help Desk HTM file for Help on the Web
ASPscrpt.xls Spreadsheet used to create or update ASP script for customizable alerts
AWBuild.exe Installs the Answer Wizard Builder on your computer
Cfgquiet.ini Default settings for the Microsoft Office Server Extension log file
Changeforms.exe Installs the Outlook 2000 Existing Items Converter on your computer
Changefm.dll Outlook 2000 Existing Items Converter
Changefmreadme.rtf Outlook 2000 Existing Items Converter Readme file
Cleaner.xla Excel File Recovery Macro
Clipgal5.adm Clip Gallery system policy template file
Clock.gif Source image file used with Outlook Today
Cmdlang.exe Office 2000 Command Translator
CmdTrans.exe Installs the Office 2000 Command Translator on your computer
Cnvpck16.exe Installs Microsoft Office Converter Pack installation files on your computer
Convpack.exe Installs the Microsoft Office Converter Pack on your computer
CustAlrt.exe Installs sample files and reference information for customizable alerts on your computer
Custom.htm Source file for Customize Outlook Today page
CustWiz.exe Custom Installation Wizard
Datefix.xla Excel Date Fix Wizard
Datefixw.txt Describes how to use the Excel Date Fix Wizard
Datemigw.txt Describes how to use the Excel Date Migration Wizard
Datescan.xla Excel Date Migration Wizard
Datewtch.txt Describes how to use the Excel Date Watch Wizard
Datewtch.xla Excel Date Watcher
Errormsg.xls Lists ID numbers for all error messages in Office 2000
Excel9.adm Excel system policy template file
FileList.xls List all files provided with Office 2000
Fishng2_0.jpg Sample image in JPG format for Help on the Web
Formats.doc Supported data formats and installed OLE DB providers
Formsadmin.exe Installs the Outlook 2000 Forms Administrator on your computer
Formsadminreadme.rtf Outlook 2000 Forms Administrator Readme file
Formswap.exe Outlook 2000 Forms Administrator
Fr_bkg.gif Sample image in GIF format for Help on the Web
Frontpg4.adm FrontPage system policy template file
Gap.gif Source image file used with Outlook Today
Hlponweb.exe Installs Help on the Web sample files on your computer
IE5Feats.xls Notes Office features that degrade with previous versions of Internet Explorer
Ieak5cd.exe Installs the Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration Kit 5.x on your computer
Instlr1.adm Windows Installer system policy template file
Internat.exe Installs international information for Office 2000 on your computer
IntLimit.xls Lists limitations of plug-in language compatibility by component
Keypath.exe Installs the Keypath workbook on your computer.
Keypath.xls Lists Office 2000 files and registry values that trigger the Windows Installer automatic repair process.
LangVer.exe Language Version utility
Migrate.msi Installs the OSE Migration Utility on your computer
ModifyProfile.exe Installs the Outlook 2000 Modify Profile Utility on your computer
Modprof.exe Outlook 2000 Modify Profile Utility
Modprofreadme.rtf Outlook 2000 Modify Profile Utility Readme file
Msoffice.css Sample CSS file for HTML Help Workshop (Internet Explorer 3.0)
MultiLPK.xls Lists components of the MultiLanguage Pack and Proofing Tools Kit by language
NLHTML.dll Updated Microsoft Office Index Server HTML filter
NLHTML.exe Installs updated Microsoft Office Index Server HTML filter on your computer
Nyi.htm Sample HTM page for customizing “Not yet implemented” error
O9WIS_1.mst MST file for Windows Installer Shortcuts; use with Office 2000 Disc 1
O9WIS_2.mst MST file for Windows Installer Shortcuts; use with Office 2000 Premium Disc 2
Offcln9.exe Removal Wizard
Office.css Sample CSS file for HTML Help Workshop (Internet Explorer 4.0 or later)
Office9.adm Office system policy template file
Offinfo.exe Installs reference information for Office 2000 on your computer
OnLBroad.exe Installs the Online Broadcasting Service on your computer
Opc.doc Explains the syntax in files used by the Removal Wizard; use to customize the removal process
ORKTools.exe Installs the Office Resource Kit core tool set on your computer
Oseamain.xls Lists command-line arguments and commands used with Fpsrvadm.exe
OSEMgrtn.exe Office Server Extensions Migration Utility
OutExmpl.exe Installs Outlook Today source files and samples on your computer
OutExmpl.htm Sample customized Outlook Today page
OutlBar.doc Contains sample Outlook.inf and other reference information for customizing the Outlook Bar
Outlfeat.xls Contains information about deploying Outlook on Windows Terminal Server
Outlk9.adm Outlook system policy template file
Outlook.htm Source file for Outlook Today page
OutToday.doc Customizing Outlook Today white paper
OutToday.exe Installs Customizing Outlook Today white paper on your computer
Poledit.exe System Policy Editor Sample INC file to use with Answiz.asp
Ppoint9.adm PowerPoint system policy template file
Presbrod.xls Lists registry entries and default settings for Presentation Broadcasting
Proflwiz.exe Profile Wizard
Proflwiz.ini Profile Wizard INI file
Pub9.adm Publisher system policy template file
PubFile.xls Lists all files included with Publisher
PubInfo.exe Installs reference information for Publisher 2000 on your computer
Pubregkey.xls Lists registry key values for Publisher
PubRegKy.xls Lists registry keys for Publisher
Readme.doc Office Resource Kit Readme file
RegKey.xls Lists default registry key values
Settings.exe Installs the Migrated Settings workbook on your computer
Settings.xls Migrated Settings workbook
SetupChn.exe Installs an enhanced version of the Office 2000 Setup.exe file on your computer
SetupRef.xls Lists Office Setup command-line options, properties, and settings file formats
SMS12o2k.exe Hot fix included in the Office Resource Kit for deploying Office 2000 with SMS 1.2, Service Pack 4 or earlier.
SMS20o2k.exe Hot fix included originally included in the Office Resource Kit for SMS 2.0. Do not use. Install SMS 2.0, Service Pack 1 instead.
SMSInfo.exe Installs Systems Management Server sample PDF files on your computer
StopWord.doc Contains the list of words not indexed by the Find Fast utility
Tcoprof.exe Outlook TCO Migration Utility
TCOProf Install.exe Installs the Outlook TCO Migration Utility on your computer
TCO Prof Util Readme.doc Outlook TCO Migration Utility Readme file
Termsrvr.mst Transform (MST file) used to install Office on a Windows Terminal Server
Thumb0.gif Thumbnail image used in Outlook Today
Thumb1.gif Thumbnail image used in Outlook Today
Thumb2.gif Thumbnail image used in Outlook Today
Thumb3.gif Thumbnail image used in Outlook Today
Thumb4.gif Thumbnail image used in Outlook Today
Unbind.exe Unbind Binders Utility
WebEnt.xls Lists all entry points to the Web from within Office and describes how to disable them
Word9.adm Word system policy template file
WWFeatre.xls Lists the effects of various language settings on Office applications
WWSupport.mdb Lists support for language features of Office applications by language of operating system

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