
Chapter 6: Grey Level and Colour Enhancement


screendump of HistogramTool

The HistogramTool application computes and displays the histogram of an image. In the case of colour images, a tabbed display of three separate histograms - for red, green and blue - is created. A histogram can be inspected by moving the cursor over it. An information panel beneath the histogram is continually updated with the grey level, frequency and cumulative frequency for the point under cursor. A menu is provided, from which the user may load a new image, save the current histogram or quit the application.

The application consists of source files HistogramTool.java, HistogramView.java and HistogramInfoPane.java. Compilation of these files generates the .class files


These have been packaged as a single JAR file, HistogramTool.jar. You can install the application by copying this JAR file, along with either the MS-DOS batch file HistogramTool.bat or the bash shell script HistogramTool.sh, as appropriate. The batch file or script should be edited to reflect the new location of the JAR file.
