ConvolutionTool | Displays an image, an editable convolution kernel and the result of convolution with that kernel. |
Convolve | Convolves an image with a kernel read from a file. |
ConvTest | Compares behaviour of the standard ConvolveOp with
a 'proper' convolution operation. |
GaussianBlur | Blurs an image by convolving it with a 2D Gaussian kernel of the specified width. |
Laplacian | Computes the Laplacian of an image by convolution, shifting and scaling the output to lie within a 0-255 range. |
MaxFilter | Performs maximum filtering on an image, using the specified neighbourhood dimensions. |
MeanFilter | Blurs an image using a mean filter with the specified dimensions. |
MedianFilter | Performs median filtering on an image, using the specified neighbourhood dimensions. |
MedianTest | Compares performance of median filtering by two different algorithms. |
MinFilter | Performs minimum filtering on an image, using the specified neighbourhood dimensions. |
MinTest | Compares different algorithms for minimum filtering. |
MMSEFilter | Performs minimum mean squared error filtering on an image. |
RankFilter | Performs rank filtering on an image within the specified neighbourhood. |
RankFilterTool | Performs 3x3 rank filtering on an image interactively. |
SobelEdgeDetector | Computes gradient magnitude by convolution with the Sobel kernels. Results can optionally be thresholded to label edge pixels. |