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Java Applications

Chapter 7: Neighbourhood Operations

ConvolutionTool Displays an image, an editable convolution kernel and the result of convolution with that kernel.
Convolve Convolves an image with a kernel read from a file.
ConvTest Compares behaviour of the standard ConvolveOp with a 'proper' convolution operation.
GaussianBlur Blurs an image by convolving it with a 2D Gaussian kernel of the specified width.
Laplacian Computes the Laplacian of an image by convolution, shifting and scaling the output to lie within a 0-255 range.
MaxFilter Performs maximum filtering on an image, using the specified neighbourhood dimensions.
MeanFilter Blurs an image using a mean filter with the specified dimensions.
MedianFilter Performs median filtering on an image, using the specified neighbourhood dimensions.
MedianTest Compares performance of median filtering by two different algorithms.
MinFilter Performs minimum filtering on an image, using the specified neighbourhood dimensions.
MinTest Compares different algorithms for minimum filtering.
MMSEFilter Performs minimum mean squared error filtering on an image.
RankFilter Performs rank filtering on an image within the specified neighbourhood.
RankFilterTool Performs 3x3 rank filtering on an image interactively.
SobelEdgeDetector Computes gradient magnitude by convolution with the Sobel kernels. Results can optionally be thresholded to label edge pixels.

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