
Chapter 10: Segmentation


screendump of RegionGrowingTool

The RegionGrowingTool application displays an image read from a file and allows the user to mark seed pixels. Regions can then be grown from these seeds. The growing regions are overlaid on the image, allowing progress to be monitored easily.

Once regions have been grown, they can be saved to a file as an image. The user also has the option of starting again from the same seeds (possibly adding more to the image) or of starting again with a new set of seeds. This is useful when experimenting with different connectivities or thresholds. Menu options permit switching between 4- and 8-connectivity, and a threshold can be specified in the text field beneath the image.

The file RegionGrowingTool.java compiles to produce


These .class files have been packaged as a single JAR file, RegionGrowingTool.jar. You can install the application by copying this JAR file, along with either the MS-DOS batch file RegionGrowingTool.bat or the bash shell script RegionGrowingTool.sh, as appropriate. The batch file or script should be edited to reflect the new location of the JAR file.
