
QED 1000

Digital Signal Processing, 1/e
Student Tutorial CD-ROM

Authors: Charles Schuler, Mahesh Chugani


Click here to install DSPworks on your computer.

Using the Program:

  1. Install DSPworks by clicking on the link above. After installing the program, you will no longer need this CD-ROM to run the DSPworks program.
  2. Copy the "scripts" folder from this CD-ROM to your hard disk drive.
  3. Once the DSPworks program is installed, DSPworks will be listed on your computer under "Start -> Programs."
  4. Click on DSPworks and the program will open.
  5. When instructed, select "Play Script" from the "File" menu.
  6. In the box to the left of the OPEN and CANCEL buttons, navigate to the drive that you copied the "scripts" folder to. Double-click on that drive.
  7. Find the "scripts" folder and double-click on it. Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9 are now listed in the box.
  8. Choose the chapter based on the directions in the book.
  9. Double-click on the chapter and choose the file (ex. windows1.scr) requested in the book.
  10. Highlight the file and click on the OPEN button
  11. In order to navigate between chapters click the letter of the drive that the script files are in and then double-click [..]. This will return you to the chapter menu.