
QED 1000

Student Tutorial CD-ROM Help

Digital Signal Processing: A Hands-On Approach, 1/e

- DSPworks
- QED 1000
- Scripts

System Requirements
Windows PC
Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP
Pentium 233 MHz or better
128 MB RAM
800 x 600 x 16 bit color, 32 bit preferred
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or higher or comparable Web browser

The navigation options for this McGraw-Hill Higher Education Student Tutorial CD-ROM are listed in the menu column to the left. Clicking on any of the options listed in the menu column will either display the contents page for that supplement or will display additional information about that asset. For instance, clicking on the DSPHSOn link will display the DSPHSOn contents page. The three associated programs will be listed. Instructions for using the programs will be included as well.

To open an asset displayed in the contents page, select a link and click it. The DSPworks and QED 1000 programs require installation. The DSPHSOn programs are run from the CD-ROM and do not require installation.

Software Support
If you are experiencing problems with this CD-ROM, please contact the McGraw-Hill Higher Education Helpdesk by calling 1-800-331-5094, option 3 between the hours of 8:00am to 4:30pm CST, Monday-Friday. For additional support you may contact our technical support staff at techsup@mcgraw-hill.com.