
QED 1000

Digital Signal Processing, 1/e
Student Tutorial CD-ROM

Authors: Charles Schuler, Mahesh Chugani

QED 1000

Click here to install QED 1000 on your computer

Using the Program:

  1. Install QED 1000 by clicking on the link above. After installing the program, you will no longer need this CD-ROM to run the QED 1000 program.
  2. Once the program is installed, QED 1000 will be listed as MDS on your computer under "Start -> Programs."
  3. When you highlight MDS, QED 1000 Demo 6.3 will appear.
  4. When you hightlight QED 1000 Demo 6.3, QED 1000 Demo will appear.
  5. Click on QED 1000 Demo and the program will open.
  6. Follow the instructions in the book to run the application.