/* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the proxy stub code */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 3.03.0110 */ /* at Thu Feb 26 16:14:11 1998 */ /* Compiler settings for COMMap.idl: Os (OptLev=s), W1, Zp8, env=Win32, ms_ext, c_ext error checks: none */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REDQ_RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ 440 #endif #include "rpcproxy.h" #ifndef __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ #error this stub requires an updated version of #endif // __RPCPROXY_H_VERSION__ #include "COMMap.h" #define TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE 81 #define PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE 27 typedef struct _MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; unsigned char Format[ TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ]; } MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING; typedef struct _MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; unsigned char Format[ PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE ]; } MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING; extern const MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_TypeFormatString; extern const MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_ProcFormatString; /* Object interface: IUnknown, ver. 0.0, GUID={0x00000000,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */ /* Object interface: IDispatch, ver. 0.0, GUID={0x00020400,0x0000,0x0000,{0xC0,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x46}} */ /* Object interface: IOuter, ver. 0.0, GUID={0x4F9A68EF,0xDD9D,0x11CF,{0x94,0x62,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xBB,0xAD,0x7F}} */ extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc; #pragma code_seg(".orpc") /* [id] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IOuter_GetName_Proxy( IOuter __RPC_FAR * This, /* [in] */ short n, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName) { HRESULT _RetVal; RPC_MESSAGE _RpcMessage; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); RpcTryExcept { NdrProxyInitialize( ( void __RPC_FAR * )This, ( PRPC_MESSAGE )&_RpcMessage, ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PMIDL_STUB_DESC )&Object_StubDesc, 7); RpcTryFinally { _StubMsg.BufferLength = 2U; NdrProxyGetBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); *(( short __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++ = n; NdrProxySendReceive(This, &_StubMsg); if ( (_RpcMessage.DataRepresentation & 0X0000FFFFUL) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION ) NdrConvert( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[0] ); NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *)&pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[28], (unsigned char)0 ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); _RetVal = *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++; } RpcFinally { NdrProxyFreeBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); } RpcEndFinally } RpcExcept(_StubMsg.dwStubPhase != PROXY_SENDRECEIVE) { NdrClearOutParameters( ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PFORMAT_STRING )&__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[0], ( void __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName); _RetVal = NdrProxyErrorHandler(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept return _RetVal; } void __RPC_STUB IOuter_GetName_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase) { BSTR _M0; HRESULT _RetVal; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; short n; BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName; NdrStubInitialize( _pRpcMessage, &_StubMsg, &Object_StubDesc, _pRpcChannelBuffer); ( BSTR __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName = 0; RpcTryFinally { if ( (_pRpcMessage->DataRepresentation & 0X0000FFFFUL) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION ) NdrConvert( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[0] ); n = *(( short __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++; pbstrName = &_M0; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_CALL_SERVER; _RetVal = (((IOuter *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject)->lpVtbl) -> GetName( (IOuter *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject, n, pbstrName); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_MARSHAL; _StubMsg.BufferLength = 4U + 11U; NdrUserMarshalBufferSize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[28] ); _StubMsg.BufferLength += 16; NdrStubGetBuffer(This, _pRpcChannelBuffer, &_StubMsg); NdrUserMarshalMarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE)& _StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[28] ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++ = _RetVal; } RpcFinally { NdrPointerFree( &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[0] ); } RpcEndFinally _pRpcMessage->BufferLength = (unsigned int)((long)_StubMsg.Buffer - (long)_pRpcMessage->Buffer); } CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(8) _IOuterProxyVtbl = { &IID_IOuter, IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy, IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy, IUnknown_Release_Proxy , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfoCount_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfo_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_Invoke_Proxy */ , IOuter_GetName_Proxy }; static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IOuter_table[] = { STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, IOuter_GetName_Stub }; CInterfaceStubVtbl _IOuterStubVtbl = { &IID_IOuter, 0, 8, &IOuter_table[-3], CStdStubBuffer_DELEGATING_METHODS }; /* Object interface: ITearOff1, ver. 0.0, GUID={0x9B8A71F7,0xDB54,0x11CF,{0x94,0x62,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xBB,0xAD,0x7F}} */ extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc; #pragma code_seg(".orpc") /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ITearOff1_get_Name_Proxy( ITearOff1 __RPC_FAR * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName) { HRESULT _RetVal; RPC_MESSAGE _RpcMessage; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); RpcTryExcept { NdrProxyInitialize( ( void __RPC_FAR * )This, ( PRPC_MESSAGE )&_RpcMessage, ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PMIDL_STUB_DESC )&Object_StubDesc, 7); RpcTryFinally { _StubMsg.BufferLength = 0U; NdrProxyGetBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); NdrProxySendReceive(This, &_StubMsg); if ( (_RpcMessage.DataRepresentation & 0X0000FFFFUL) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION ) NdrConvert( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[8] ); NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *)&pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[42], (unsigned char)0 ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); _RetVal = *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++; } RpcFinally { NdrProxyFreeBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); } RpcEndFinally } RpcExcept(_StubMsg.dwStubPhase != PROXY_SENDRECEIVE) { NdrClearOutParameters( ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PFORMAT_STRING )&__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[38], ( void __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName); _RetVal = NdrProxyErrorHandler(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept return _RetVal; } void __RPC_STUB ITearOff1_get_Name_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase) { BSTR _M1; HRESULT _RetVal; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName; NdrStubInitialize( _pRpcMessage, &_StubMsg, &Object_StubDesc, _pRpcChannelBuffer); ( BSTR __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName = 0; RpcTryFinally { pbstrName = &_M1; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_CALL_SERVER; _RetVal = (((ITearOff1 *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject)->lpVtbl) -> get_Name((ITearOff1 *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject,pbstrName); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_MARSHAL; _StubMsg.BufferLength = 4U + 11U; NdrUserMarshalBufferSize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[42] ); _StubMsg.BufferLength += 16; NdrStubGetBuffer(This, _pRpcChannelBuffer, &_StubMsg); NdrUserMarshalMarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE)& _StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[42] ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++ = _RetVal; } RpcFinally { NdrPointerFree( &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[38] ); } RpcEndFinally _pRpcMessage->BufferLength = (unsigned int)((long)_StubMsg.Buffer - (long)_pRpcMessage->Buffer); } CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(8) _ITearOff1ProxyVtbl = { &IID_ITearOff1, IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy, IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy, IUnknown_Release_Proxy , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfoCount_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfo_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_Invoke_Proxy */ , ITearOff1_get_Name_Proxy }; static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION ITearOff1_table[] = { STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, ITearOff1_get_Name_Stub }; CInterfaceStubVtbl _ITearOff1StubVtbl = { &IID_ITearOff1, 0, 8, &ITearOff1_table[-3], CStdStubBuffer_DELEGATING_METHODS }; /* Object interface: ITearOff2, ver. 0.0, GUID={0x9B8A71F8,0xDB54,0x11CF,{0x94,0x62,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xBB,0xAD,0x7F}} */ extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc; #pragma code_seg(".orpc") /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ITearOff2_get_Name_Proxy( ITearOff2 __RPC_FAR * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName) { HRESULT _RetVal; RPC_MESSAGE _RpcMessage; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); RpcTryExcept { NdrProxyInitialize( ( void __RPC_FAR * )This, ( PRPC_MESSAGE )&_RpcMessage, ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PMIDL_STUB_DESC )&Object_StubDesc, 7); RpcTryFinally { _StubMsg.BufferLength = 0U; NdrProxyGetBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); NdrProxySendReceive(This, &_StubMsg); if ( (_RpcMessage.DataRepresentation & 0X0000FFFFUL) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION ) NdrConvert( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[14] ); NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *)&pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[56], (unsigned char)0 ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); _RetVal = *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++; } RpcFinally { NdrProxyFreeBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); } RpcEndFinally } RpcExcept(_StubMsg.dwStubPhase != PROXY_SENDRECEIVE) { NdrClearOutParameters( ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PFORMAT_STRING )&__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[52], ( void __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName); _RetVal = NdrProxyErrorHandler(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept return _RetVal; } void __RPC_STUB ITearOff2_get_Name_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase) { BSTR _M2; HRESULT _RetVal; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName; NdrStubInitialize( _pRpcMessage, &_StubMsg, &Object_StubDesc, _pRpcChannelBuffer); ( BSTR __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName = 0; RpcTryFinally { pbstrName = &_M2; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_CALL_SERVER; _RetVal = (((ITearOff2 *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject)->lpVtbl) -> get_Name((ITearOff2 *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject,pbstrName); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_MARSHAL; _StubMsg.BufferLength = 4U + 11U; NdrUserMarshalBufferSize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[56] ); _StubMsg.BufferLength += 16; NdrStubGetBuffer(This, _pRpcChannelBuffer, &_StubMsg); NdrUserMarshalMarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE)& _StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[56] ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++ = _RetVal; } RpcFinally { NdrPointerFree( &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[52] ); } RpcEndFinally _pRpcMessage->BufferLength = (unsigned int)((long)_StubMsg.Buffer - (long)_pRpcMessage->Buffer); } CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(8) _ITearOff2ProxyVtbl = { &IID_ITearOff2, IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy, IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy, IUnknown_Release_Proxy , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfoCount_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfo_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_Invoke_Proxy */ , ITearOff2_get_Name_Proxy }; static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION ITearOff2_table[] = { STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, ITearOff2_get_Name_Stub }; CInterfaceStubVtbl _ITearOff2StubVtbl = { &IID_ITearOff2, 0, 8, &ITearOff2_table[-3], CStdStubBuffer_DELEGATING_METHODS }; /* Object interface: IChain, ver. 0.0, GUID={0x4F9A68F4,0xDD9D,0x11CF,{0x94,0x62,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xBB,0xAD,0x7F}} */ extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc; #pragma code_seg(".orpc") /* [id][propget] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IChain_get_Name2_Proxy( IChain __RPC_FAR * This, /* [retval][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName) { HRESULT _RetVal; RPC_MESSAGE _RpcMessage; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); RpcTryExcept { NdrProxyInitialize( ( void __RPC_FAR * )This, ( PRPC_MESSAGE )&_RpcMessage, ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PMIDL_STUB_DESC )&Object_StubDesc, 7); RpcTryFinally { _StubMsg.BufferLength = 0U; NdrProxyGetBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); NdrProxySendReceive(This, &_StubMsg); if ( (_RpcMessage.DataRepresentation & 0X0000FFFFUL) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION ) NdrConvert( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[20] ); NdrUserMarshalUnmarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR * __RPC_FAR *)&pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[70], (unsigned char)0 ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); _RetVal = *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++; } RpcFinally { NdrProxyFreeBuffer(This, &_StubMsg); } RpcEndFinally } RpcExcept(_StubMsg.dwStubPhase != PROXY_SENDRECEIVE) { NdrClearOutParameters( ( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE )&_StubMsg, ( PFORMAT_STRING )&__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[66], ( void __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName); _RetVal = NdrProxyErrorHandler(RpcExceptionCode()); } RpcEndExcept return _RetVal; } void __RPC_STUB IChain_get_Name2_Stub( IRpcStubBuffer *This, IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer, PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage, DWORD *_pdwStubPhase) { BSTR _M3; HRESULT _RetVal; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg; BSTR __RPC_FAR *pbstrName; NdrStubInitialize( _pRpcMessage, &_StubMsg, &Object_StubDesc, _pRpcChannelBuffer); ( BSTR __RPC_FAR * )pbstrName = 0; RpcTryFinally { pbstrName = &_M3; MIDL_memset( pbstrName, 0, sizeof( BSTR )); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_CALL_SERVER; _RetVal = (((IChain *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject)->lpVtbl) -> get_Name2((IChain *) ((CStdStubBuffer *)This)->pvServerObject,pbstrName); *_pdwStubPhase = STUB_MARSHAL; _StubMsg.BufferLength = 4U + 11U; NdrUserMarshalBufferSize( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE) &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[70] ); _StubMsg.BufferLength += 16; NdrStubGetBuffer(This, _pRpcChannelBuffer, &_StubMsg); NdrUserMarshalMarshall( (PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE)& _StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, (PFORMAT_STRING) &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[70] ); _StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)(((long)_StubMsg.Buffer + 3) & ~ 0x3); *(( HRESULT __RPC_FAR * )_StubMsg.Buffer)++ = _RetVal; } RpcFinally { NdrPointerFree( &_StubMsg, (unsigned char __RPC_FAR *)pbstrName, &__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format[66] ); } RpcEndFinally _pRpcMessage->BufferLength = (unsigned int)((long)_StubMsg.Buffer - (long)_pRpcMessage->Buffer); } extern const USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE UserMarshalRoutines[1]; static const MIDL_STUB_DESC Object_StubDesc = { 0, NdrOleAllocate, NdrOleFree, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, __MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format, 0, /* -error bounds_check flag */ 0x20000, /* Ndr library version */ 0, 0x303006e, /* MIDL Version 3.3.110 */ 0, UserMarshalRoutines, 0, /* Reserved1 */ 0, /* Reserved2 */ 0, /* Reserved3 */ 0, /* Reserved4 */ 0 /* Reserved5 */ }; CINTERFACE_PROXY_VTABLE(8) _IChainProxyVtbl = { &IID_IChain, IUnknown_QueryInterface_Proxy, IUnknown_AddRef_Proxy, IUnknown_Release_Proxy , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfoCount_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetTypeInfo_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames_Proxy */ , 0 /* IDispatch_Invoke_Proxy */ , IChain_get_Name2_Proxy }; static const PRPC_STUB_FUNCTION IChain_table[] = { STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, STUB_FORWARDING_FUNCTION, IChain_get_Name2_Stub }; CInterfaceStubVtbl _IChainStubVtbl = { &IID_IChain, 0, 8, &IChain_table[-3], CStdStubBuffer_DELEGATING_METHODS }; #pragma data_seg(".rdata") static const USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE UserMarshalRoutines[1] = { { BSTR_UserSize ,BSTR_UserMarshal ,BSTR_UserUnmarshal ,BSTR_UserFree } }; #if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__) #error Invalid build platform for this stub. #endif #if !(TARGET_IS_NT40_OR_LATER) #error You need a Windows NT 4.0 or later to run this stub because it uses these features: #error [wire_marshal] or [user_marshal] attribute, more than 32 methods in the interface. #error However, your C/C++ compilation flags indicate you intend to run this app on earlier systems. #error This app will die there with the RPC_X_WRONG_STUB_VERSION error. #endif static const MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_ProcFormatString = { 0, { 0x4e, /* FC_IN_PARAM_BASETYPE */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */ /* 2 */ 0x51, /* FC_OUT_PARAM */ #ifndef _ALPHA_ 0x1, /* x86, MIPS & PPC Stack size = 1 */ #else 0x2, /* Alpha Stack size = 2 */ #endif /* 4 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* Type Offset=0 */ /* 6 */ 0x53, /* FC_RETURN_PARAM_BASETYPE */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */ /* 8 */ 0x51, /* FC_OUT_PARAM */ #ifndef _ALPHA_ 0x1, /* x86, MIPS & PPC Stack size = 1 */ #else 0x2, /* Alpha Stack size = 2 */ #endif /* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x26 ), /* Type Offset=38 */ /* 12 */ 0x53, /* FC_RETURN_PARAM_BASETYPE */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */ /* 14 */ 0x51, /* FC_OUT_PARAM */ #ifndef _ALPHA_ 0x1, /* x86, MIPS & PPC Stack size = 1 */ #else 0x2, /* Alpha Stack size = 2 */ #endif /* 16 */ NdrFcShort( 0x34 ), /* Type Offset=52 */ /* 18 */ 0x53, /* FC_RETURN_PARAM_BASETYPE */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */ /* 20 */ 0x51, /* FC_OUT_PARAM */ #ifndef _ALPHA_ 0x1, /* x86, MIPS & PPC Stack size = 1 */ #else 0x2, /* Alpha Stack size = 2 */ #endif /* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0x42 ), /* Type Offset=66 */ /* 24 */ 0x53, /* FC_RETURN_PARAM_BASETYPE */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */ 0x0 } }; static const MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_TypeFormatString = { 0, { 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */ /* 2 */ NdrFcShort( 0x1a ), /* Offset= 26 (28) */ /* 4 */ 0x13, 0x0, /* FC_OP */ /* 6 */ NdrFcShort( 0xc ), /* Offset= 12 (18) */ /* 8 */ 0x1b, /* FC_CARRAY */ 0x1, /* 1 */ /* 10 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* 2 */ /* 12 */ 0x9, /* 9 */ 0x0, /* */ /* 14 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffffffc ), /* -4 */ /* 16 */ 0x6, /* FC_SHORT */ 0x5b, /* FC_END */ /* 18 */ 0x17, /* FC_CSTRUCT */ 0x3, /* 3 */ /* 20 */ NdrFcShort( 0x8 ), /* 8 */ /* 22 */ NdrFcShort( 0xfffffff2 ), /* Offset= -14 (8) */ /* 24 */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */ 0x8, /* FC_LONG */ /* 26 */ 0x5c, /* FC_PAD */ 0x5b, /* FC_END */ /* 28 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */ 0x83, /* 131 */ /* 30 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 32 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */ /* 34 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 36 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffffffe0 ), /* Offset= -32 (4) */ /* 38 */ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */ /* 40 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (42) */ /* 42 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */ 0x83, /* 131 */ /* 44 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 46 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */ /* 48 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 50 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffffffd2 ), /* Offset= -46 (4) */ /* 52 */ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */ /* 54 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (56) */ /* 56 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */ 0x83, /* 131 */ /* 58 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 60 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */ /* 62 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 64 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffffffc4 ), /* Offset= -60 (4) */ /* 66 */ 0x11, 0x4, /* FC_RP [alloced_on_stack] */ /* 68 */ NdrFcShort( 0x2 ), /* Offset= 2 (70) */ /* 70 */ 0xb4, /* FC_USER_MARSHAL */ 0x83, /* 131 */ /* 72 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 74 */ NdrFcShort( 0x4 ), /* 4 */ /* 76 */ NdrFcShort( 0x0 ), /* 0 */ /* 78 */ NdrFcShort( 0xffffffb6 ), /* Offset= -74 (4) */ 0x0 } }; const CInterfaceProxyVtbl * _COMMap_ProxyVtblList[] = { ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IOuterProxyVtbl, ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_IChainProxyVtbl, ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_ITearOff1ProxyVtbl, ( CInterfaceProxyVtbl *) &_ITearOff2ProxyVtbl, 0 }; const CInterfaceStubVtbl * _COMMap_StubVtblList[] = { ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IOuterStubVtbl, ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_IChainStubVtbl, ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_ITearOff1StubVtbl, ( CInterfaceStubVtbl *) &_ITearOff2StubVtbl, 0 }; PCInterfaceName const _COMMap_InterfaceNamesList[] = { "IOuter", "IChain", "ITearOff1", "ITearOff2", 0 }; const IID * _COMMap_BaseIIDList[] = { &IID_IDispatch, &IID_IDispatch, &IID_IDispatch, &IID_IDispatch, 0 }; #define _COMMap_CHECK_IID(n) IID_GENERIC_CHECK_IID( _COMMap, pIID, n) int __stdcall _COMMap_IID_Lookup( const IID * pIID, int * pIndex ) { IID_BS_LOOKUP_SETUP IID_BS_LOOKUP_INITIAL_TEST( _COMMap, 4, 2 ) IID_BS_LOOKUP_NEXT_TEST( _COMMap, 1 ) IID_BS_LOOKUP_RETURN_RESULT( _COMMap, 4, *pIndex ) } const ExtendedProxyFileInfo COMMap_ProxyFileInfo = { (PCInterfaceProxyVtblList *) & _COMMap_ProxyVtblList, (PCInterfaceStubVtblList *) & _COMMap_StubVtblList, (const PCInterfaceName * ) & _COMMap_InterfaceNamesList, (const IID ** ) & _COMMap_BaseIIDList, & _COMMap_IID_Lookup, 4, 1 };