This is a modification of the Atl sample connect, to demonstrate VCCOM
support for connection point sinks.  drive is a naive implementaion, whereas
mdrive slightly belabors COM-correctness in using a ClassFactory to create
sink objects.  Neither drive nor mdrive are dependent upon ATL or MFC for
any COM support.


This sample illustrates the use and implementation of connection points (the ICOnnectionPointContainer
and IConnectionPoint interfaces)in a multithreaded environment.

The server is implemented in the CONNECT.DLL. This DLL allows the creation of a CoRandom COM object,
implemented by the CRandom C++ class. The COM object supports IRandom (a dual interface)and 
IConnectionPointContainer, and it accepts connections for the IRandomEvent interface.

The IRandom interface supports the following methods:
    Start(): starts a thread inside the object
    Stop(): stops a thread inside the object
    StopAll(): stops all the running threads

When running, the secondary threads inside the object keep firing events through the connection point.

Two clients are provided: DRIVE and MDRIVE. They can be found in the DRIVE and MDRIVE subdirectories.

DRIVE.EXE is a simple console application that provides a single object implementing the IRandomEvent
interface. It creates a CoRandom object, calls Advise()/Unadvise() on the connection point, and has the 
CoRandom object fire events into the drive's object.

MDRIVE.EXE is an MFC dialog based application, able to create multiple advise sinks and to control the
number of threads the server creates.


Build CONNECT.DLL and register it. You can build and run DRIVE.EXE from a console, or build and run MDRIVE.EXE
directly from Developer Studio.