// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related // electronic documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. #ifndef __AFXCOLL_H__ #define __AFXCOLL_H__ #ifndef __AFX_H__ #include #endif #ifdef _AFX_MINREBUILD #pragma component(minrebuild, off) #endif #ifndef _AFX_FULLTYPEINFO #pragma component(mintypeinfo, on) #endif #ifdef _AFX_PACKING #pragma pack(push, _AFX_PACKING) #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Classes declared in this file //CObject // Arrays class CByteArray; // array of BYTE class CWordArray; // array of WORD class CDWordArray; // array of DWORD class CUIntArray; // array of UINT class CPtrArray; // array of void* class CObArray; // array of CObject* // Lists class CPtrList; // list of void* class CObList; // list of CObject* // Maps (aka Dictionaries) class CMapWordToOb; // map from WORD to CObject* class CMapWordToPtr; // map from WORD to void* class CMapPtrToWord; // map from void* to WORD class CMapPtrToPtr; // map from void* to void* // Special String variants class CStringArray; // array of CStrings class CStringList; // list of CStrings class CMapStringToPtr; // map from CString to void* class CMapStringToOb; // map from CString to CObject* class CMapStringToString; // map from CString to CString ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef AFX_DATA #define AFX_DATA AFX_CORE_DATA