    /*                                                                          */
    /*                 Copyright (C) 1987-1996 Microsoft Corp.                */
    /*                           All Rights Reserved                            */
    /*                                                                          */
    /****************************** Module Header *******************************
    * Module Name: rwicocur.c
    * Routines to read and write icon and cursor files.
    * History:
    #include "imagedit.h"
    #include <io.h>
    #include <fcntl.h>                          // For NT fstat().
    #include <sys\types.h>                      // For fstat() types.
    #include <sys\stat.h>                       // For fstat() function.
    * LoadIconCursorFile
    * Loads the specified icon or cursor file.  It reads the images into
    * a list, then prompts for which one to open initially.
    * Arguments:
    * History:
    BOOL LoadIconCursorFile(
        PSTR pszFullFileName,
        BOOL fIcon)
        HFILE hf;
        INT i;
        PIMAGEINFO pImage;
        LPBITMAPINFO lpBitmapInfo;
        HANDLE hDIB;                    // Handle to DIB bits.
        OFSTRUCT OfStruct;
        struct stat FileStatus;
        ICOCURSORHDR hdr;               // Header structure of icon/cursor file.
        INT nImages;
        PICOCURSORDESC aIcoCurDesc;     // Array of ico/cur descriptors.
        DWORD dwFilePos;
        DWORD dwFileSize;
        INT iType;
        if ((hf = (HFILE)OpenFile(pszFullFileName, (LPOFSTRUCT)&OfStruct, OF_READ))
                == (HFILE)-1) {
            Message(MSG_CANTOPEN, pszFullFileName);
            return FALSE;
        fstat((INT)_open_osfhandle((long)(hf), (int)(O_RDONLY)), &FileStatus);
        dwFileSize = (DWORD)FileStatus.st_size;
        if (fIcon)
            iType = FT_ICON;
            iType = FT_CURSOR;
         * Read the Icon/Cursor File header.
        if (!MyFileRead(hf, (LPSTR)&hdr, sizeof(ICOCURSORHDR),
                pszFullFileName, iType))
            goto Error1;
        if (hdr.iReserved != 0) {
            Message(MSG_BADICOCURFILE, pszFullFileName);
            goto Error1;
         * Get number of images in the file.
        nImages = hdr.iResourceCount;
        if (!nImages || nImages > MAXIMAGES) {
            Message(MSG_BADICOCURFILE, pszFullFileName);
            goto Error1;
        if (hdr.iResourceType != 1 && hdr.iResourceType != 2) {
            Message(MSG_BADICOCURFILE, pszFullFileName);
            goto Error1;
         * Allocate room for the descriptor records.
        if (!(aIcoCurDesc = (PICOCURSORDESC)MyAlloc(
                sizeof(ICOCURSORDESC) * nImages)))
            goto Error1;
         * Read in the descriptor records.
        if (!MyFileRead(hf, (LPSTR)aIcoCurDesc, sizeof(ICOCURSORDESC) * nImages,
                pszFullFileName, iType))
            goto Error2;
         * Get the current file position (after the descriptors).  This
         * should be the start of the DIB's.
        dwFilePos = (DWORD)SetFilePointer((HANDLE)hf, 0, NULL, (DWORD)1);
         * Validate the descriptor records.
        for (i = 0; i < nImages; i++) {
             * Make sure the DIB's are sequential (not overlapping)
             * and they all fit within the file.
            if (aIcoCurDesc[i].DIBOffset != dwFilePos ||
                    dwFilePos + aIcoCurDesc[i].DIBSize > dwFileSize) {
                Message(MSG_BADICOCURFILE, pszFullFileName);
                goto Error2;
             * Jump to the next DIB.
            dwFilePos += aIcoCurDesc[i].DIBSize;
        for (i = 0; i < nImages; i++) {
            pImage = ImageLinkAlloc(NULL, 0, 0,
                    aIcoCurDesc[i].iHotspotX, aIcoCurDesc[i].iHotspotY,
                    (aIcoCurDesc[i].iColorCount == (BYTE)8) ?
                    aIcoCurDesc[i].iColorCount : 0);
            if (!pImage)
                goto Error3;
             * Allocate space for the DIB for this image.
            if (!(hDIB = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_ZEROINIT,
                    (DWORD)aIcoCurDesc[i].DIBSize))) {
                goto Error3;
            pImage->DIBSize = aIcoCurDesc[i].DIBSize;
            pImage->DIBhandle = hDIB;
            pImage->DIBPtr = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(hDIB);
        for (pImage = gpImageHead; pImage != NULL; pImage = pImage->pImageNext) {
            if (!MyFileRead(hf, pImage->DIBPtr, (DWORD)pImage->DIBSize,
                    pszFullFileName, iType))
                goto Error3;
            lpBitmapInfo = (LPBITMAPINFO)pImage->DIBPtr;
            if (!IsValidDIB(lpBitmapInfo, pImage->DIBSize, TRUE)) {
                Message(MSG_BADICOCURFILE, pszFullFileName);
                goto Error3;
             * Fill the x and y size fields in image node from
             * information in the DIB header.
            pImage->cx = (INT)lpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth;
            pImage->cy = (INT)lpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight / 2;
            if (pImage->nColors == 0)
                pImage->nColors = (1 << lpBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount);
            pImage->pDevice = DeviceLinkFind(
                    fIcon ? gpIconDeviceHead : gpCursorDeviceHead,
                    pImage->nColors, pImage->cx, pImage->cy);
        fFileDirty = FALSE;
        giType = iType;
        gnImages = nImages;
         * Update the PropBar and the Toolbox so that they show
         * information about the opened file.  We do this now just
         * in case the user cancels out of the Image Select Dialog.
         * Open up an image.  If there are multiple images in the file,
         * show the Image Select dialog.  We also show the Image Select
         * dialog if the file only has one image but it is not for a known
         * device.
        if (gnImages > 1 || !gpImageHead->pDevice)
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
    * IsValidDIB
    * This function determines if the given DIB is valid or not.  It does
    * this without touching memory outside the bounds of the cbDIBSize
    * passed in or the size of a BITMAPINFOHEADER, whichever is smaller.
    * Note that even if the DIB is valid, however, the current image
    * editor might not be able to edit it (the size might be too big, for
    * instance).
    * Arguments:
    *   LPBITMAPINFO pDIB - Points to the DIB.
    *   DWORD cbDIBSize   - The size of the DIB.
    *   BOOL fIcoCur      - TRUE if this is an icon or cursor.  This effects
    *                       whether an AND mask is expected to be in the DIB.
    * History:
    BOOL IsValidDIB(
        DWORD cbDIBSize,
        BOOL fIcoCur)
        DWORD cbANDMask;
        DWORD cbXORMask;
        DWORD cbColorTable;
        DWORD nHeight;
        if (cbDIBSize < sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))
            return FALSE;
        if (pDIB->bmiHeader.biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER))
            return FALSE;
        if (pDIB->bmiHeader.biPlanes != 1)
            return FALSE;
        if (pDIB->bmiHeader.biBitCount != 1 &&
                pDIB->bmiHeader.biBitCount != 4 &&
                pDIB->bmiHeader.biBitCount != 8 &&
                pDIB->bmiHeader.biBitCount != 24)
            return FALSE;
        if (fIcoCur) {
            nHeight = pDIB->bmiHeader.biHeight / 2;
            cbANDMask = (((pDIB->bmiHeader.biWidth + 31) & 0xffffffe0) >> 3) *
        else {
            nHeight = pDIB->bmiHeader.biHeight;
            cbANDMask = 0;
        cbColorTable = (1 << pDIB->bmiHeader.biBitCount) * sizeof(RGBQUAD);
        cbXORMask = ((((pDIB->bmiHeader.biWidth * pDIB->bmiHeader.biBitCount) +
                31) & 0xffffffe0) >> 3) * nHeight;
         * Check the size field in the header.  This must be either zero
         * or a valid size.
        if (pDIB->bmiHeader.biSizeImage &&
                pDIB->bmiHeader.biSizeImage != cbXORMask + cbANDMask)
            return FALSE;
        if (cbDIBSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + cbColorTable +
                cbXORMask + cbANDMask)
            return FALSE;
        return TRUE;
    * SaveIconCursorFile
    * Arguments:
    * Returns:
    *   TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
    * History:
    BOOL SaveIconCursorFile(
        PSTR pszFullFileName,
        INT iType)
        ICOCURSORHDR IcoCurHdr;     // Header structure of icon/cursor file.
        ICOCURSORDESC IcoCurDesc;   // Icon/cursor descriptor struct.
        HCURSOR hcurOld;            // Handle to old cursor.
        PIMAGEINFO pImage;          // Pointer to node in image list.
        DWORD iBitsOffset;          // Offset of the actual DIB bits for image.
        HFILE hf;
        OFSTRUCT OfStruct;
        hcurOld = SetCursor(hcurWait);
         * Save the bits of the current image.
         * Open the file for writing.
        if ((hf = (HFILE)OpenFile(pszFullFileName, &OfStruct, OF_CREATE | OF_READWRITE))
                == (HFILE)-1) {
            Message(MSG_CANTCREATE, pszFullFileName);
            goto Error1;
         * This is crucial since this helps distinguish a 3.0 icon/cursor
         * from an old, old (2.1 format) icon/cursor, which has meaningful
         * information in this WORD.
        IcoCurHdr.iReserved = (WORD)0;
        if (iType == FT_ICON)
            IcoCurHdr.iResourceType = 1;        // Icon type.
            IcoCurHdr.iResourceType = 2;        // Cursor type.
        IcoCurHdr.iResourceCount = (WORD)gnImages;
         * Write the header to disk.
        if (!MyFileWrite(hf, (LPSTR)&IcoCurHdr, sizeof(ICOCURSORHDR),
            goto Error2;
         * Write all the descriptors.
        iBitsOffset = sizeof(ICOCURSORHDR) + (gnImages * sizeof(ICOCURSORDESC));
        for (pImage = gpImageHead; pImage; pImage = pImage->pImageNext) {
            IcoCurDesc.iWidth = (BYTE)pImage->cx;
            IcoCurDesc.iHeight = (BYTE)pImage->cy;
            IcoCurDesc.iColorCount = (giType == FT_ICON) ?
                    (BYTE)pImage->nColors : (BYTE)0;
            IcoCurDesc.iUnused = 0;
            IcoCurDesc.iHotspotX = (WORD)pImage->iHotspotX;
            IcoCurDesc.iHotspotY = (WORD)pImage->iHotspotY;
            IcoCurDesc.DIBSize = pImage->DIBSize;
            IcoCurDesc.DIBOffset = iBitsOffset;
            if (!MyFileWrite(hf, (LPSTR)&IcoCurDesc, sizeof(ICOCURSORDESC),
                goto Error2;
            iBitsOffset += IcoCurDesc.DIBSize;
         * Now write the DIB's.
        for (pImage = gpImageHead; pImage; pImage = pImage->pImageNext) {
            if (!MyFileWrite(hf, (LPSTR)pImage->DIBPtr,
                    (DWORD)pImage->DIBSize, pszFullFileName))
                goto Error2;
        fFileDirty = FALSE;
        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;