*thread.c - Begin and end a thread
*       Copyright (c) 1989-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
*       This source contains the _beginthread() and _endthread()
*       routines which are used to start and terminate a thread.

#ifdef _MT

#include <cruntime.h>
#include <oscalls.h>
#include <internal.h>
#include <mtdll.h>
#include <msdos.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <rterr.h>
#include <dbgint.h>

 * Startup code for new thread.
static unsigned long WINAPI _threadstart(void *);

 * declare pointers to per-thread FP initialization and termination routines
_PVFV _FPmtinit;
_PVFV _FPmtterm;

*_beginthread() - Create a child thread
*       Create a child thread.
*       initialcode = pointer to thread's startup code address
*       stacksize = size of stack
*       argument = argument to be passed to new thread
*       success = handle for new thread if successful
*       failure = (unsigned long) -1L in case of error, errno and _doserrno
*                 are set

unsigned long __cdecl _beginthread (
        void (__cdecl * initialcode) (void *),
        unsigned stacksize,
        void * argument
        _ptiddata ptd;                  /* pointer to per-thread data */
        unsigned long thdl;             /* thread handle */
        unsigned long errcode = 0L;     /* Return from GetLastError() */

         * Allocate and initialize a per-thread data structure for the to-
         * be-created thread.
        if ( (ptd = _calloc_crt(1, sizeof(struct _tiddata))) == NULL )
                goto error_return;

         * Initialize the per-thread data


        ptd->_initaddr = (void *) initialcode;
        ptd->_initarg = argument;

         * Create the new thread. Bring it up in a suspended state so that
         * the _thandle and _tid fields are filled in before execution
         * starts.
        if ( (ptd->_thandle = thdl = (unsigned long)
              CreateThread( NULL,
                            (LPDWORD)&(ptd->_tid) ))
             == 0L )
                errcode = GetLastError();
                goto error_return;

         * Start the new thread executing
        if ( ResumeThread( (HANDLE)thdl ) == (DWORD)(-1L) ) {
                errcode = GetLastError();
                goto error_return;

         * Good return

         * Error return
         * Either ptd is NULL, or it points to the no-longer-necessary block
         * calloc-ed for the _tiddata struct which should now be freed up.

         * Map the error, if necessary.
        if ( errcode != 0L )

        return((unsigned long)-1L);

*_threadstart() - New thread begins here
*       The new thread begins execution here.  This routine, in turn,
*       passes control to the user's code.
*       void *ptd       = pointer to _tiddata structure for this thread
*       Never returns - terminates thread!

static unsigned long WINAPI _threadstart (
        void * ptd
         * Stash the pointer to the per-thread data stucture in TLS
        if ( !TlsSetValue(__tlsindex, ptd) )

         * Call fp initialization, if necessary
        if ( _FPmtinit != NULL )

         * Guard call to user code with a _try - _except statement to
         * implement runtime errors and signal support
        __try {
                ( (void(__cdecl *)(void *))(((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initaddr) )
                    ( ((_ptiddata)ptd)->_initarg );

        __except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) )
                 * Should never reach here
                _exit( GetExceptionCode() );

        } /* end of _try - _except */

         * Never executed!

*_endthread() - Terminate the calling thread
*       void
*       Never returns!

void __cdecl _endthread (
        _ptiddata ptd;           /* pointer to thread's _tiddata struct */

         * Call fp termination, if necessary
        if ( _FPmtterm != NULL )

        if ( (ptd = _getptd()) == NULL )

         * Close the thread handle (if there was one)
        if ( ptd->_thandle != (unsigned long)(-1L) )
                (void) CloseHandle( (HANDLE)(ptd->_thandle) );

         * Free up the _tiddata structure & its subordinate buffers
         *      _freeptd() will also clear the value for this thread
         *      of the TLS variable __tlsindex.

         * Terminate the thread


#endif  /* _MT */