// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library. // Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // This source code is only intended as a supplement to the // Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related // electronic documentation provided with the library. // See these sources for detailed information regarding the // Microsoft Foundation Classes product. #include "stdafx.h" #ifdef AFX_DB_SEG #pragma code_seg(AFX_DB_SEG) #endif #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #pragma comment(lib, "ole32.lib") #define new DEBUG_NEW ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Maintain DAODBEngine object _AFX_DAO_STATE::_AFX_DAO_STATE() { m_pDAODBEngine = NULL; m_bOleInitialized = FALSE; } _AFX_DAO_STATE::~_AFX_DAO_STATE() { // these ASSERTs can trip when: // ... there any outstanding workspsace objects ASSERT(m_mapWorkspaces.IsEmpty()); // ... you've not shut down with a call AfxDaoTerm() ASSERT(m_pDAODBEngine == NULL); // ... OLE wasn't correctly shut down ASSERT(!m_bOleInitialized); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers // Index function return value #define AFX_DAO_DATA_NOT_FOUND (-1L) #define AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES \ (AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO | AFX_DAO_SECONDARY_INFO | AFX_DAO_ALL_INFO) #define AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES \ (AFX_DAO_SECONDARY_INFO | AFX_DAO_ALL_INFO) #define AFX_DAO_FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES \ AFX_DAO_ALL_INFO // Info helpers void AFX_CDECL AfxGetFieldInfo(DAOField* pDAOField, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void AFX_CDECL AfxSetFieldInfo(DAOField* pDAOField, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo); void AFX_CDECL AfxGetIndexInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions = AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); void AFX_CDECL AfxSetIndexInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo); void AFX_CDECL AfxGetIndexFields(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, DAOIndexFields** ppDAOIndexFields); void AFX_CDECL AfxGetIndexFieldInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo); void AFX_CDECL AfxSetIndexFieldInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo); void AFX_CDECL AfxGetDefaultValue(DAOField* pDAOField, CString& strDefaultValue); void AFX_CDECL AfxSetDefaultValue(DAOField* pDAOField, CString& strDefaultValue); // GetRows helper void AFX_CDECL ThrowGetRowsDaoException(SCODE scode); // _AFX_DAO_STATE helper _AFX_DAO_STATE* AFX_CDECL AfxGetDaoState(); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global data AFX_STATIC_DATA const TCHAR _afxParameters2[] = _T("PARAMETERS "); AFX_STATIC_DATA const TCHAR _afxSelect2[] = _T("SELECT "); AFX_STATIC_DATA const TCHAR _afxFrom2[] = _T(" FROM "); AFX_STATIC_DATA const TCHAR _afxWhere2[] = _T(" WHERE "); AFX_STATIC_DATA const TCHAR _afxOrderBy2[] = _T(" ORDER BY "); AFX_STATIC_DATA const TCHAR _afxTransform2[] = _T("TRANSFORM "); AFX_STATIC_DATA const TCHAR _afxTable2[] = _T("TABLE "); // Need a static VARIANT for optional DAO parameters AFX_STATIC_DATA VARIANT _afxOptionalVariant = { VT_ERROR, 0, 0, 0, DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND }; // Need a static VARIANT for NULL DAO parameters AFX_STATIC_DATA VARIANT _afxNullVariant = { VT_NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Logging helpers void AFXAPI AfxDaoCheck(SCODE scode, LPCSTR lpszDaoCall, LPCSTR lpszFile, int nLine, int nError, BOOL bMemOnly) { UNUSED(lpszDaoCall); UNUSED(lpszFile); UNUSED(nLine); if (FAILED(scode)) { #ifdef _DEBUG if (afxTraceFlags & traceDatabase) { TRACE0("\nDAO Call Failed."); TRACE1("\n\t%hs", lpszDaoCall); TRACE2("\n\tIn file %hs on line %d", lpszFile, nLine); TRACE1("\n\tscode = %X\n", scode); } #endif if (scode == E_OUTOFMEMORY) AfxThrowMemoryException(); else if (!bMemOnly) AfxThrowDaoException(nError, scode); } } #ifdef _DEBUG void AFXAPI AfxDaoTrace(SCODE scode, LPCSTR lpszDaoCall, LPCSTR lpszFile, int nLine) { if (FAILED(scode)) { if (afxTraceFlags & traceDatabase) { TRACE0("\nDAO Call Failed.\n\t"); TRACE1("\n%hs", lpszDaoCall); TRACE2("\nIn file %hs on line %d\n", lpszFile, nLine); TRACE1("scode = %X\n", scode); } } } #endif // _DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Info structure diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoErrorInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoErrorInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_lErrorCode = " << m_lErrorCode; dc << "\nm_strSource = " << m_strSource; dc << "\nm_strDescription = " << m_strDescription; dc << "\nm_strHelpFile = " << m_strHelpFile; dc << "\nm_lHelpContext = " << m_lHelpContext; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoWorkspaceInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoWorkspaceInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_strUserName = " << m_strUserName; dc << "\nb = m_bIsolateODBCTrans" << m_bIsolateODBCTrans; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoDatabaseInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoDatabaseInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_bUpdatable = " << m_bUpdatable; dc << "\nm_bTransactions = " << m_bTransactions; dc << "\nm_strVersion = " << m_strVersion; dc << "\nm_lCollatingOrder = " << m_lCollatingOrder; dc << "\nm_nQueryTimeout = " << m_nQueryTimeout; dc << "\nm_strConnect = " << m_strConnect; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoTableDefInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoTableDefInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_bUpdatable = " << m_bUpdatable; dc << "\nm_lAttributes = " << m_lAttributes; dc << "\nm_dateDateCreated = " << m_dateCreated; dc << "\nm_dateLastUpdated = " << m_dateLastUpdated; dc << "\nm_strSrcTableName = " << m_strSrcTableName; dc << "\nm_strConnect = " << m_strConnect; dc << "\nm_strValidationRule = " << m_strValidationRule; dc << "\nm_strValidationText = " << m_strValidationText; dc << "\nm_lRecordCount = " << m_lRecordCount; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoFieldInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoFieldInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_nType = " << m_nType; dc << "\nm_lSize = " << m_lSize; dc << "\nm_lAttributes = " << m_lAttributes; dc << "\nm_nOrdinalPosition = " << m_nOrdinalPosition; dc << "\nm_bRequired = " << m_bRequired; dc << "\nm_bAllowZeroLength = " << m_bAllowZeroLength; dc << "\nm_lCollatingOrder = " << m_lCollatingOrder; dc << "\nm_strForeignName = " << m_strForeignName; dc << "\nm_strSourceField = " << m_strSourceField; dc << "\nm_strSourceTable = " << m_strSourceTable; dc << "\nm_strValidationRule = " << m_strValidationRule; dc << "\nm_strValidationText = " << m_strValidationText; dc << "\nm_strDefaultValue = " << m_strDefaultValue; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoIndexFieldInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << " a CDaoIndexFieldInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_bDescending = " << m_bDescending; } #endif CDaoIndexInfo::CDaoIndexInfo() { m_pFieldInfos = NULL; m_nFields = 0; m_bCleanupFieldInfo = FALSE; } CDaoIndexInfo::~CDaoIndexInfo() { if (m_bCleanupFieldInfo && m_pFieldInfos != NULL) { delete[] m_pFieldInfos; m_pFieldInfos = NULL; } } #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoIndexInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoIndexInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_nFields = " << m_nFields; for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_nFields; nIndex++) m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].Dump(dc); dc << "\nm_bPrimary = " << m_bPrimary; dc << "\nm_bUnique = " << m_bUnique; dc << "\nm_bClustered = " << m_bClustered; dc << "\nm_bIgnoreNulls = " << m_bIgnoreNulls; dc << "\nm_bRequired = " << m_bRequired; dc << "\nm_bForeign = " << m_bForeign; dc << "\nm_lDistinctCount = " << m_lDistinctCount; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoRelationFieldInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << " a CDaoRelationFieldInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_strForeignName = " << m_strForeignName; } #endif CDaoRelationInfo::CDaoRelationInfo() { m_pFieldInfos = NULL; m_nFields = 0; m_bCleanupFieldInfo = FALSE; } CDaoRelationInfo::~CDaoRelationInfo() { if (m_bCleanupFieldInfo && m_pFieldInfos != NULL) { delete[] m_pFieldInfos; m_pFieldInfos = NULL; } } #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoRelationInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoRelationInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_strTable = " << m_strTable; dc << "\nm_strForeignTable = " << m_strForeignTable; dc << "\nm_lAttributes = " << m_lAttributes; dc << "\nm_nFields = " << m_nFields; for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_nFields; nIndex++) m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].Dump(dc); dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoQueryDefInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoQueryDefInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_nType = " << m_nType; dc << "\nm_dateCreated = " << m_dateCreated; dc << "\nm_dateLastUpdated = " << m_dateLastUpdated; dc << "\nm_bUpdatable = " << m_bUpdatable; dc << "\nm_bReturnsRecords = " << m_bReturnsRecords; dc << "\nm_strSQL = " << m_strSQL; dc << "\nm_strConnect = " << m_strConnect; dc << "\nm_nODBCTimeout = " << m_nODBCTimeout; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoParameterInfo::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { dc << "a CDaoParameterInfo at " << (void*)this; dc << "\nm_strName = " << m_strName; dc << "\nm_nType = " << m_nType; dc << "\nm_varValue = " << m_varValue; dc << "\n"; } #endif // _DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDaoException IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDaoException, CException) CDaoException::CDaoException() { m_pDAOError = NULL; m_pDAOErrors = NULL; m_pErrorInfo = NULL; } CDaoException::~CDaoException() { delete m_pErrorInfo; m_pErrorInfo = NULL; if (m_pDAOErrors != NULL) { m_pDAOErrors->Release(); m_pDAOErrors = NULL; } if (m_pDAOError != NULL) { m_pDAOError->Release(); m_pDAOError = NULL; } } // Operations short CDaoException::GetErrorCount() { short nErrors = 1; if (m_pDAOErrors == NULL) InitErrorsCollection(); if (m_nAfxDaoError != AFX_DAO_ERROR_ENGINE_INITIALIZATION) DAO_CHECK_MEM(m_pDAOErrors->get_Count(&nErrors)); return nErrors; } void CDaoException::GetErrorInfo(int nIndex) { ASSERT(m_pDAOError == NULL); if (m_pDAOErrors == NULL) InitErrorsCollection(); if (m_nAfxDaoError != AFX_DAO_ERROR_ENGINE_INITIALIZATION) { // Get DAOError object and fill in error info struct DAO_CHECK_MEM(m_pDAOErrors->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &m_pDAOError)); FillErrorInfo(); // Clean up m_pDAOError->Release(); m_pDAOError = NULL; } } BOOL CDaoException::GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpszError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext) { ASSERT(lpszError != NULL && AfxIsValidString(lpszError, nMaxError)); BOOL bRetCode = FALSE; if (m_pErrorInfo != NULL) { // DAO help context is not a UINT! // According to DAO it is positive and should be less 10,000,000 if (pnHelpContext != NULL) *pnHelpContext = (UINT) m_pErrorInfo->m_lHelpContext; lstrcpyn(lpszError, m_pErrorInfo->m_strDescription, nMaxError-1); lpszError[nMaxError-1] = '\0'; bRetCode = TRUE; } else { // Must be MFC DAO class internal error, get error string CString strError; if (strError.LoadString( AFX_IDP_DAO_FIRST + (m_nAfxDaoError - AFX_DAO_ERROR_MIN))) { lstrcpyn(lpszError, strError, nMaxError-1); bRetCode = TRUE; } else ASSERT(FALSE); // Couldn't get resource. } return bRetCode; } // Implementation void CDaoException::InitErrorsCollection() { _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); // Engine not initialized! if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) m_nAfxDaoError = AFX_DAO_ERROR_ENGINE_INITIALIZATION; else DAO_CHECK_MEM(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->get_Errors( &m_pDAOErrors)); } void CDaoException::FillErrorInfo() { ASSERT(m_pDAOError != NULL); // Allocate the error info structure if necessary if (m_pErrorInfo == NULL) m_pErrorInfo = new CDaoErrorInfo; COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK_MEM(m_pDAOError->get_Number( &m_pErrorInfo->m_lErrorCode)); DAO_CHECK_MEM(m_pDAOError->get_Source(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; m_pErrorInfo->m_strSource = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK_MEM(m_pDAOError->get_Description(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; m_pErrorInfo->m_strDescription = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK_MEM(m_pDAOError->get_HelpFile(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; m_pErrorInfo->m_strHelpFile = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK_MEM(m_pDAOError->get_HelpContext( &m_pErrorInfo->m_lHelpContext)); } void AFXAPI AfxThrowDaoException(int nAfxDaoError, SCODE scode) { CDaoException* pException; pException = new CDaoException; pException->m_scode = scode; if (nAfxDaoError == NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR) { TRY { int nErrors = pException->GetErrorCount(); for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nErrors; nIndex++) { pException->GetErrorInfo(nIndex); #ifdef _DEBUG if (afxTraceFlags & traceDatabase) { TRACE1("\nError Code = %d\n", pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_lErrorCode); TRACE1("Source = %s\n", (LPCTSTR)pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_strSource); TRACE1("Description = %s\n", (LPCTSTR)pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_strDescription); } #endif // _DEBUG } } CATCH_ALL(e) { // No DAO error info e->Delete(); } END_CATCH_ALL } else pException->m_nAfxDaoError = nAfxDaoError; THROW(pException); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDaoWorkspace IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDaoWorkspace, CObject) CDaoWorkspace::CDaoWorkspace() { m_pDAOWorkspaces = NULL; m_pDAOWorkspace = NULL; m_pDAODatabases = NULL; m_bOpen = FALSE; m_bNew = FALSE; m_nStatus = 0; } CDaoWorkspace::~CDaoWorkspace() { if (IsOpen()) { m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_CLOSE; Close(); } else if (m_bNew) { // Remove the workspace from the AFX_DAO_STATE's map _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); pDaoState->m_mapWorkspaces.RemoveKey(this); } } void CDaoWorkspace::Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszUserName, LPCTSTR lpszPassword) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(!IsOpen()); ASSERT(lpszUserName != NULL); ASSERT(lpszPassword != NULL); // Get the DAODBEngine interface and initialize if necessary _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); COleVariant varName(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); COleVariant varUserName(lpszUserName, VT_BSTRT); COleVariant varPassword(lpszPassword, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->_30_CreateWorkspace( V_BSTR(&varName), V_BSTR(&varUserName), V_BSTR(&varPassword), &m_pDAOWorkspace)); m_bNew = TRUE; // Add the workspace to map of Open/New CDaoWorkspaces pDaoState->m_mapWorkspaces.SetAt(this, this); } void CDaoWorkspace::Append() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); DAOWorkspaces* pDAOWorkspaces; // Get the DAODBEngine interface and initialize if necessary _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->get_Workspaces(&pDAOWorkspaces)); TRY { DAO_CHECK(pDAOWorkspaces->Append(m_pDAOWorkspace)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { pDAOWorkspaces->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOWorkspaces->Release(); m_bNew = FALSE; m_bOpen = TRUE; } void CDaoWorkspace::Open(LPCTSTR lpszWorkspaceName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspaces == NULL); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace == NULL); // Re-Opening is invalid. if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } // Set the workspace name (or use 0 if opening default) COleVariant var(lpszWorkspaceName, VT_BSTRT); if (lpszWorkspaceName == NULL) { var = 0L; // Set status to prevent DAO Workspace Close call m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_DEFAULT_WS; } // Get the DAODBEngine interface and initialize if necessary _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); // Get the workspace from the workspaces collection DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->get_Workspaces( &m_pDAOWorkspaces)); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspaces->get_Item(var, &m_pDAOWorkspace)); m_bOpen = TRUE; m_pDAOWorkspaces->Release(); m_pDAOWorkspaces = NULL; // Add the workspace to map of Open/New CDaoWorkspaces pDaoState->m_mapWorkspaces.SetAt(this, this); } void CDaoWorkspace::Close() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAODatabases != NULL) { m_pDAODatabases->Release(); m_pDAODatabases = NULL; } // Close any Open CDaoDatabases void* pvKey; void* pvObject; POSITION pos = m_mapDatabases.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_mapDatabases.GetNextAssoc(pos, pvKey, pvObject); ((CDaoDatabase*)pvObject)->Close(); } m_mapDatabases.RemoveAll(); if (m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL) { // If implicit workspace or close, don't call DAO close. // It will be automatically closed when ref count 0. if (!(m_nStatus & (AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_WS | AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_CLOSE | AFX_DAO_DEFAULT_WS))) { DAO_TRACE(m_pDAOWorkspace->Close()); } m_pDAOWorkspace->Release(); m_pDAOWorkspace = NULL; } if (m_pDAOWorkspaces != NULL) { m_pDAOWorkspaces->Release(); m_pDAOWorkspaces = NULL; } m_bOpen = FALSE; m_bNew = FALSE; m_nStatus &= ~AFX_DAO_DEFAULT_WS; // Remove the workspace from the AFX_DAO_STATE's map _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); pDaoState->m_mapWorkspaces.RemoveKey(this); } CString PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::GetVersion() { COleVariant var; _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->get_Version(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } CString PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::GetIniPath() { COleVariant var; _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->get_IniPath(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::SetIniPath(LPCTSTR lpszRegistrySubKey) { COleVariant var(lpszRegistrySubKey, VT_BSTRT); _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->put_IniPath(V_BSTR(&var))); } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::SetDefaultUser(LPCTSTR lpszDefaultUser) { COleVariant var(lpszDefaultUser, VT_BSTRT); _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->put_DefaultUser(V_BSTR(&var))); } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::SetDefaultPassword(LPCTSTR lpszPassword) { COleVariant var(lpszPassword, VT_BSTRT); _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->put_DefaultPassword( V_BSTR(&var))); } short PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::GetLoginTimeout() { short nSeconds; _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->get_LoginTimeout(&nSeconds)); return nSeconds; } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::SetLoginTimeout(short nSeconds) { _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->put_LoginTimeout(nSeconds)); } CString CDaoWorkspace::GetName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } CString CDaoWorkspace::GetUserName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->get_UserName(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoWorkspace::SetIsolateODBCTrans(BOOL bIsolateODBCTrans) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->put_IsolateODBCTrans( (short)(bIsolateODBCTrans ? AFX_DAO_TRUE : AFX_DAO_FALSE))); } BOOL CDaoWorkspace::GetIsolateODBCTrans() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); short nIsolateODBCTrans; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->get_IsolateODBCTrans(&nIsolateODBCTrans)); return nIsolateODBCTrans == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::CompactDatabase(LPCTSTR lpszSrcName, LPCTSTR lpszDestName, LPCTSTR lpszLocale, int nOptions, LPCTSTR lpszPassword) { COleVariant varSrcName(lpszSrcName, VT_BSTRT); COleVariant varDestName(lpszDestName, VT_BSTRT); _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->CompactDatabase( V_BSTR(&varSrcName), V_BSTR(&varDestName), COleVariant(lpszLocale, VT_BSTRT), COleVariant((long)nOptions), lpszPassword != NULL ? (VARIANT)COleVariant(lpszPassword, VT_BSTRT) : _afxOptionalVariant)); } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::CompactDatabase(LPCTSTR lpszSrcName, LPCTSTR lpszDestName, LPCTSTR lpszLocale, int nOptions) { CompactDatabase(lpszSrcName, lpszDestName, lpszLocale, nOptions, NULL); } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::RepairDatabase(LPCTSTR lpszName) { COleVariant varName(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->RepairDatabase( V_BSTR(&varName))); } void PASCAL CDaoWorkspace::Idle(int nAction) { _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->Idle( COleVariant((long)nAction))); } short CDaoWorkspace::GetWorkspaceCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nFields; if (m_pDAOWorkspaces == NULL) InitWorkspacesCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspaces->get_Count(&nFields)); return nFields; } void CDaoWorkspace::GetWorkspaceInfo(int nIndex, CDaoWorkspaceInfo& wsinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOWorkspaces == NULL) InitWorkspacesCollection(); // Get DAOWorkspace object and fill in workspace info struct DAOWorkspace* pDAOWorkspace; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspaces->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOWorkspace)); FillWorkspaceInfo(pDAOWorkspace, wsinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOWorkspace->Release(); } void CDaoWorkspace::GetWorkspaceInfo( LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoWorkspaceInfo& wsinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOWorkspaces == NULL) InitWorkspacesCollection(); // Get DAOWorkspace object and fill in workspace info struct DAOWorkspace* pDAOWorkspace; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspaces->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOWorkspace)); FillWorkspaceInfo(pDAOWorkspace, wsinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOWorkspace->Release(); } short CDaoWorkspace::GetDatabaseCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAODatabases == NULL) InitDatabasesCollection(); short nFields; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabases->get_Count(&nFields)); return nFields; } void CDaoWorkspace::GetDatabaseInfo(int nIndex, CDaoDatabaseInfo& dbinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAODatabases == NULL) InitDatabasesCollection(); // Get DAODatabase object and fill in database info struct DAODatabase* pDAODatabase; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabases->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAODatabase)); FillDatabaseInfo(pDAODatabase, dbinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAODatabase->Release(); } void CDaoWorkspace::GetDatabaseInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoDatabaseInfo& dbinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAODatabases == NULL) InitDatabasesCollection(); // Get DAODatabase object and fill in database info struct DAODatabase* pDAODatabase; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabases->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAODatabase)); FillDatabaseInfo(pDAODatabase, dbinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAODatabase->Release(); } void CDaoWorkspace::BeginTrans() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->BeginTrans()); } // Determine whether to use DAO 3.6, 3.5, or 3.0 // Use DAO 3.0 if DLL build and not built with MFC 4.21 or later // Use DAO 3.6 if MFC 6.01 or later // otherwise, DAO 3.5 #ifndef _AFXDLL #if _MFC_VER >= 0x0601 #define _AfxDetermineDaoVersion() (36) #else #define _AfxDetermineDaoVersion() (35) #endif #else // dynamically because of DLL static inline BYTE _AfxDetermineDaoVersion() { BYTE bReturn = 35; #ifdef _AFXDLL AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState(); if (pModuleState->m_dwVersion < 0x421) bReturn = 30; else if (pModuleState->m_dwVersion >= 0x0601) bReturn = 36; #endif // _AFXDLL return bReturn; } #endif void CDaoWorkspace::CommitTrans() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); BYTE bUseDao = _AfxDetermineDaoVersion(); if (bUseDao == 35 || bUseDao == 36) { // Call DAO 3.5 or 3.6 method with no option set. // CommitTrans option parameter not yet supported. DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->CommitTrans(0)); } else { // Call DAO 3.0 method // The DAO 3.0 version of CommitTrans takes no params // so cast CommitTrans to method that takes no params. HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE DAOWorkspace::*pMethod)() = (HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE DAOWorkspace::*)())m_pDAOWorkspace->CommitTrans; DAO_CHECK((m_pDAOWorkspace->*pMethod)()); } } void CDaoWorkspace::Rollback() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOWorkspace != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->Rollback()); } //Implementation void AFX_CDECL CDaoWorkspace::InitializeEngine() { AfxDaoInit(); } void CDaoWorkspace::InitWorkspacesCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine == NULL) InitializeEngine(); DAO_CHECK(pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->get_Workspaces( &m_pDAOWorkspaces)); } void CDaoWorkspace::FillWorkspaceInfo(DAOWorkspace* pDAOWorkspace, CDaoWorkspaceInfo& wsinfo, DWORD dwOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pDAOWorkspace != NULL); ASSERT(dwOptions != 0); COleVariant var; short nBool; if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOWorkspace->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; wsinfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOWorkspace->get_UserName(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; wsinfo.m_strUserName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOWorkspace->get_IsolateODBCTrans(&nBool)); wsinfo.m_bIsolateODBCTrans = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } } void CDaoWorkspace::InitDatabasesCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOWorkspace->get_Databases(&m_pDAODatabases)); } void CDaoWorkspace::FillDatabaseInfo(DAODatabase* pDAODatabase, CDaoDatabaseInfo& dbinfo, DWORD dwOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pDAODatabase != NULL); ASSERT(dwOptions != 0); COleVariant var; short nBool; if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAODatabase->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; dbinfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAODatabase->get_Updatable(&nBool)); dbinfo.m_bUpdatable = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAODatabase->get_Transactions(&nBool)); dbinfo.m_bTransactions = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAODatabase->get_Version( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; dbinfo.m_strVersion = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAODatabase->get_CollatingOrder( &dbinfo.m_lCollatingOrder)); DAO_CHECK(pDAODatabase->get_QueryTimeout( &dbinfo.m_nQueryTimeout)); } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAODatabase->get_Connect( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; dbinfo.m_strConnect = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } } void CDaoWorkspace::ThrowDaoException(int nAfxDaoError) { ASSERT_VALID(this); AfxThrowDaoException(nAfxDaoError); } #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoWorkspace::AssertValid() const { CObject::AssertValid(); } void CDaoWorkspace::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "m_bOpen = " << m_bOpen; dc << "\nm_bNew = " << m_bNew; dc << "\nm_nStatus = " << m_nStatus; dc << "\n"; } #endif //_DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDaoDatabase IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDaoDatabase, CObject) CDaoDatabase::CDaoDatabase(CDaoWorkspace* pWorkspace) { m_bOpen = FALSE; m_pDAODatabase = NULL; m_pDAOTableDefs = NULL; m_pDAORelations = NULL; m_pDAOQueryDefs = NULL; m_pDAORecordsets = NULL; m_pWorkspace = pWorkspace; m_nStatus = 0; } CDaoDatabase::~CDaoDatabase() { if (IsOpen()) Close(); // Clean up workspace if necessary if (m_pWorkspace != NULL && (m_nStatus & AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_WS)) { m_pWorkspace->Close(); delete m_pWorkspace; m_pWorkspace = NULL; } } void CDaoDatabase::Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszLocale, int nOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(!IsOpen()); // Allocate and maintain workspace if necessary InitWorkspace(); COleVariant varName(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); COleVariant varLocale(lpszLocale, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pWorkspace->m_pDAOWorkspace->CreateDatabase(V_BSTR(&varName), V_BSTR(&varLocale), COleVariant((long)nOptions), &m_pDAODatabase)); m_bOpen = TRUE; // Add the database to map of Open CDaoDatabases m_pWorkspace->m_mapDatabases.SetAt(this, this); } void CDaoDatabase::Open(LPCTSTR lpszName, BOOL bExclusive, BOOL bReadOnly, LPCTSTR lpszConnect) { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Re-Opening is invalid. if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } // Allocate, maintain and/or open workspace if necessary InitWorkspace(); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pWorkspace->m_pDAOWorkspace->OpenDatabase( V_BSTR(&var), COleVariant((long)bExclusive, VT_BOOL), COleVariant((long)bReadOnly, VT_BOOL), COleVariant(lpszConnect, VT_BSTRT), &m_pDAODatabase)); m_bOpen = TRUE; // Add the database to map of Open CDaoDatabases m_pWorkspace->m_mapDatabases.SetAt(this, this); } // Disconnect connection void CDaoDatabase::Close() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAORecordsets != NULL) { m_pDAORecordsets->Release(); m_pDAORecordsets = NULL; } if (m_pDAOQueryDefs != NULL) { m_pDAOQueryDefs->Release(); m_pDAOQueryDefs = NULL; } if (m_pDAORelations != NULL) { m_pDAORelations->Release(); m_pDAORelations = NULL; } if (m_pDAOTableDefs != NULL) { m_pDAOTableDefs->Release(); m_pDAOTableDefs = NULL; } // Close any Open CDaoRecordsets void* pvKey; void* pvObject; POSITION pos = m_mapRecordsets.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_mapRecordsets.GetNextAssoc(pos, pvKey, pvObject); ((CDaoRecordset*)pvObject)->Close(); } m_mapRecordsets.RemoveAll(); // Close any Open CDaoQueryDefs pos = m_mapQueryDefs.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_mapQueryDefs.GetNextAssoc(pos, pvKey, pvObject); ((CDaoQueryDef*)pvObject)->Close(); } m_mapQueryDefs.RemoveAll(); // Close any Open CDaoTableDefs pos = m_mapTableDefs.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_mapTableDefs.GetNextAssoc(pos, pvKey, pvObject); ((CDaoTableDef*)pvObject)->Close(); } m_mapTableDefs.RemoveAll(); if (m_pDAODatabase != NULL) { // If implicit database, don't close. // It will be automatically closed when ref count 0. if (!(m_nStatus & AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_DB)) DAO_TRACE(m_pDAODatabase->Close()); m_pDAODatabase->Release(); m_pDAODatabase = NULL; } m_bOpen = FALSE; // Remove the CDaoDatabase from the CDaoWorkspace's map m_pWorkspace->m_mapDatabases.RemoveKey(this); } BOOL CDaoDatabase::CanUpdate() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); short nUpdatable; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_Updatable(&nUpdatable)); return nUpdatable == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } BOOL CDaoDatabase::CanTransact() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); short nTransactable; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_Transactions(&nTransactable)); return nTransactable == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } CString CDaoDatabase::GetName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } CString CDaoDatabase::GetConnect() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_Connect(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } CString CDaoDatabase::GetVersion() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_Version(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } short CDaoDatabase::GetQueryTimeout() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); short nQueryTimeout; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_QueryTimeout(&nQueryTimeout)); return nQueryTimeout; } void CDaoDatabase::SetQueryTimeout(short nSeconds) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->put_QueryTimeout(nSeconds)); } long CDaoDatabase::GetRecordsAffected() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); long lRecordsAffected; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_RecordsAffected(&lRecordsAffected)); return lRecordsAffected; } void CDaoDatabase::DeleteTableDef(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); if (m_pDAOTableDefs == NULL) InitTableDefsCollection(); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDefs->Delete(V_BSTR(&var))); } void CDaoDatabase::DeleteQueryDef(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); if (m_pDAOQueryDefs == NULL) InitQueryDefsCollection(); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDefs->Delete(V_BSTR(&var))); } void CDaoDatabase::CreateRelation(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszTable, LPCTSTR lpszForeignTable, long lAttributes, LPCTSTR lpszField, LPCTSTR lpszForeignField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); CDaoRelationInfo relinfo; CDaoRelationFieldInfo fieldinfo; relinfo.m_strName = lpszName; relinfo.m_strTable = lpszTable; relinfo.m_strForeignTable = lpszForeignTable; relinfo.m_lAttributes = lAttributes; relinfo.m_nFields = 1; relinfo.m_pFieldInfos = &fieldinfo; relinfo.m_pFieldInfos->m_strName = lpszField; relinfo.m_pFieldInfos->m_strForeignName = lpszForeignField; CreateRelation(relinfo); } void CDaoDatabase::CreateRelation(CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(relinfo.m_nFields > 0); // Initialize relations collection so that relation can be appended later if (m_pDAORelations == NULL) InitRelationsCollection(); DAORelation* pDAORelation = NULL; DAOFields* pDAOFields = NULL; DAOField* pDAOField = NULL; // Create the relation DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->CreateRelation( COleVariant(relinfo.m_strName, VT_BSTRT), COleVariant(relinfo.m_strTable, VT_BSTRT), COleVariant(relinfo.m_strForeignTable, VT_BSTRT), COleVariant(relinfo.m_lAttributes), &pDAORelation)); TRY { // Get the fields collection for later append of created field DAO_CHECK(pDAORelation->get_Fields(&pDAOFields)); // Create field(s) and set the name and foreign name for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < relinfo.m_nFields; nIndex++) { DAO_CHECK(pDAORelation->CreateField( COleVariant(relinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_strName, VT_BSTRT), _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, &pDAOField)); COleVariant var(relinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_strForeignName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_ForeignName(V_BSTR(&var))); // Append the field to relation fields collection and release DAO_CHECK(pDAOFields->Append(pDAOField)); pDAOField->Release(); } DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORelations->Append(pDAORelation)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { // Clean up before throw if (pDAOField != NULL) pDAOField->Release(); if (pDAOFields != NULL) pDAOFields->Release(); pDAORelation->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL // Clean up if (pDAOField != NULL) pDAOField->Release(); pDAOFields->Release(); pDAORelation->Release(); } void CDaoDatabase::DeleteRelation(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); if (m_pDAORelations == NULL) InitRelationsCollection(); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORelations->Delete(V_BSTR(&var))); } void CDaoDatabase::Execute(LPCTSTR lpszSQL, int nOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pDAODatabase != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszSQL, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->Execute( V_BSTR(&var), COleVariant((long)nOptions))); } short CDaoDatabase::GetTableDefCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nTables; if (m_pDAOTableDefs == NULL) InitTableDefsCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDefs->get_Count(&nTables)); return nTables; } void CDaoDatabase::GetTableDefInfo(int nIndex, CDaoTableDefInfo& tabledefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOTableDefs == NULL) InitTableDefsCollection(); // Get DAOTableDef object and fill in table info struct DAOTableDef* pDAOTableDef; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDefs->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOTableDef)); FillTableDefInfo(pDAOTableDef, tabledefinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOTableDef->Release(); } void CDaoDatabase::GetTableDefInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoTableDefInfo& tabledefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOTableDefs == NULL) InitTableDefsCollection(); // Get DAOTableDef object and fill in table info struct DAOTableDef* pDAOTableDef; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDefs->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOTableDef)); FillTableDefInfo(pDAOTableDef, tabledefinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOTableDef->Release(); } short CDaoDatabase::GetRelationCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nRelations; if (m_pDAORelations == NULL) InitRelationsCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORelations->get_Count(&nRelations)); return nRelations; } void CDaoDatabase::GetRelationInfo(int nIndex, CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAORelations == NULL) InitRelationsCollection(); // Get DAORelation object and fill in relation info struct DAORelation* pDAORelation; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORelations->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAORelation)); FillRelationInfo(pDAORelation, relinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAORelation->Release(); } void CDaoDatabase::GetRelationInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAORelations == NULL) InitRelationsCollection(); // Get DAORelation object and fill in relation info struct DAORelation* pDAORelation; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORelations->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAORelation)); FillRelationInfo(pDAORelation, relinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAORelation->Release(); } short CDaoDatabase::GetQueryDefCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nQueryDefs; if (m_pDAOQueryDefs == NULL) InitQueryDefsCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDefs->get_Count(&nQueryDefs)); return nQueryDefs; } void CDaoDatabase::GetQueryDefInfo(int nIndex, CDaoQueryDefInfo& querydefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOQueryDefs == NULL) InitQueryDefsCollection(); // Get DAOQueryDef object and fill in query info struct DAOQueryDef* pDAOQueryDef; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDefs->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOQueryDef)); FillQueryDefInfo(pDAOQueryDef, querydefinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOQueryDef->Release(); } void CDaoDatabase::GetQueryDefInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoQueryDefInfo& querydefinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOQueryDefs == NULL) InitQueryDefsCollection(); // Get DAOQueryDef object and fill in query info struct DAOQueryDef* pDAOQueryDef; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDefs->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOQueryDef)); FillQueryDefInfo(pDAOQueryDef, querydefinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOQueryDef->Release(); } // Implementation void CDaoDatabase::InitWorkspace() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pWorkspace == NULL) { // Allocate workspace and mark as implicit m_pWorkspace = new CDaoWorkspace; m_pWorkspace->m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_WS; m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_WS; } // Open workspace if not open and not new (unappended) if (!m_pWorkspace->IsOpen() && !m_pWorkspace->IsNew()) { // Open the default workspace m_pWorkspace->Open(); } } void CDaoDatabase::InitTableDefsCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_TableDefs(&m_pDAOTableDefs)); } void CDaoDatabase::FillTableDefInfo(DAOTableDef* pDAOTableDef, CDaoTableDefInfo& tabledefinfo, DWORD dwOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pDAOTableDef != NULL); ASSERT(dwOptions != 0); COleVariant var; short nBool; if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; tabledefinfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_Updatable(&nBool)); tabledefinfo.m_bUpdatable = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_Attributes( &tabledefinfo.m_lAttributes)); } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_DateCreated(&var)); tabledefinfo.m_dateCreated = var; DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_LastUpdated(&var)); tabledefinfo.m_dateLastUpdated = var; DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_SourceTableName( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; tabledefinfo.m_strSrcTableName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_Connect( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; tabledefinfo.m_strConnect = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_ValidationRule( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; tabledefinfo.m_strValidationRule = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_ValidationText( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; tabledefinfo.m_strValidationText = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } // This may be expensive, so only get it if absolutely necessary if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDef->get_RecordCount( &tabledefinfo.m_lRecordCount)); } } void CDaoDatabase::InitRelationsCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_Relations(&m_pDAORelations)); } void CDaoDatabase::FillRelationInfo(DAORelation* pDAORelation, CDaoRelationInfo& relinfo, DWORD dwOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pDAORelation != NULL); ASSERT(dwOptions != 0); COleVariant var; if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { // All the relation info is primary DAO_CHECK(pDAORelation->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; relinfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAORelation->get_Table(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; relinfo.m_strTable = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAORelation->get_ForeignTable( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; relinfo.m_strForeignTable = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES) { DAOFields* pDAOFields = NULL; DAOField* pDAOField = NULL; DAO_CHECK(pDAORelation->get_Attributes( &relinfo.m_lAttributes)); // Get the fields collection DAO_CHECK(pDAORelation->get_Fields(&pDAOFields)); TRY { // Get the number of fields in the relation short nCount; DAO_CHECK(pDAOFields->get_Count(&nCount)); // Allocate or reallocate memory for array if necessary if (nCount != relinfo.m_nFields) { if (relinfo.m_nFields != 0) { // Check that allocation is correct. ASSERT(relinfo.m_nFields == 0 || relinfo.m_bCleanupFieldInfo); delete[] relinfo.m_pFieldInfos; relinfo.m_pFieldInfos = NULL; } // Now allocate required memory relinfo.m_pFieldInfos = new CDaoRelationFieldInfo[nCount]; relinfo.m_bCleanupFieldInfo = TRUE; relinfo.m_nFields = nCount; } // Now get field info for each field for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < relinfo.m_nFields; nIndex++) { // Get the field item DAO_CHECK(pDAOFields->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOField)); // Get the field name DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; relinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); // Get the foreign field name DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_ForeignName(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; relinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_strForeignName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); // Release and reset the field object pDAOField->Release(); pDAOField = NULL; } } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (pDAOField != NULL) pDAOField->Release(); pDAOFields->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL // Release the objects pDAOFields->Release(); } } void CDaoDatabase::InitQueryDefsCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAODatabase->get_QueryDefs(&m_pDAOQueryDefs)); } void CDaoDatabase::FillQueryDefInfo(DAOQueryDef* pDAOQueryDef, CDaoQueryDefInfo& querydefinfo, DWORD dwOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pDAOQueryDef != NULL); ASSERT(dwOptions != 0); COleVariant var; short nBool; if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; querydefinfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_Type(&querydefinfo.m_nType)); } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_Updatable(&nBool)); querydefinfo.m_bUpdatable = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_DateCreated(&var)); querydefinfo.m_dateCreated = var; DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_LastUpdated(&var)); querydefinfo.m_dateLastUpdated = var; DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_ReturnsRecords(&nBool)); querydefinfo.m_bReturnsRecords = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_SQL(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; querydefinfo.m_strSQL = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_Connect(&V_BSTR( (LPVARIANT)var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; querydefinfo.m_strConnect = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); // DAO will display ODBC connect dialog // if data source no longer exists. This must // be avoided during bulk info retrieval. // Call CDaoQueryDef::GetODBCTimeout directly. // DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDef->get_ODBCTimeout( // &querydefinfo.m_nODBCTimeout)); // Set the m_nODBCTimeout variable to invalid value. querydefinfo.m_nODBCTimeout = -1; } } void CDaoDatabase::ThrowDaoException(int nAfxDaoError) { ASSERT_VALID(this); AfxThrowDaoException(nAfxDaoError); } #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoDatabase::AssertValid() const { CObject::AssertValid(); } void CDaoDatabase::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "m_bOpen = " << m_bOpen; dc << "\nm_nStatus = " << m_nStatus; dc << "\n"; } #endif //_DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDaoTableDef IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDaoTableDef, CObject) CDaoTableDef::CDaoTableDef(CDaoDatabase* pDatabase) { m_bOpen = FALSE; m_bNew = FALSE; m_pDatabase = pDatabase; m_pDAOTableDef = NULL; m_pDAOFields = NULL; m_pDAOIndexes = NULL; } CDaoTableDef::~CDaoTableDef() { if (IsOpen()) Close(); else if (m_bNew) { // Remove the tabledef from the CDaoDatabase's map m_pDatabase->m_mapTableDefs.RemoveKey(this); } } void CDaoTableDef::Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, long lAttributes, LPCTSTR lpszSrcTable, LPCTSTR lpszConnect) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(!IsOpen()); DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->CreateTableDef( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), COleVariant(lAttributes), COleVariant(lpszSrcTable, VT_BSTRT), COleVariant(lpszConnect, VT_BSTRT), &m_pDAOTableDef)); m_bNew = TRUE; // Add the tabledef to map of Open/New CDaoTableDefs m_pDatabase->m_mapTableDefs.SetAt(this, this); } void CDaoTableDef::Append() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); DAOTableDefs* pDAOTableDefs; DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->get_TableDefs( &pDAOTableDefs)); TRY { DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDefs->Append(m_pDAOTableDef)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { pDAOTableDefs->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOTableDefs->Release(); m_bNew = FALSE; m_bOpen = TRUE; } void CDaoTableDef::Open(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(lpszName != NULL); // Re-open is invalid if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } DAOTableDefs* pDAOTableDefs = NULL; TRY { DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->get_TableDefs( &pDAOTableDefs)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOTableDefs->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT),&m_pDAOTableDef)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (pDAOTableDefs != NULL) pDAOTableDefs->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOTableDefs->Release(); m_bOpen = TRUE; // Add the tabledef to map of Open/New CDaoTableDefs m_pDatabase->m_mapTableDefs.SetAt(this, this); } void CDaoTableDef::Close() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOIndexes != NULL) { m_pDAOIndexes->Release(); m_pDAOIndexes = NULL; } if (m_pDAOFields != NULL) { m_pDAOFields->Release(); m_pDAOFields = NULL; } if (m_pDAOTableDef != NULL) { m_pDAOTableDef->Release(); m_pDAOTableDef = NULL; } m_bOpen = FALSE; m_bNew = FALSE; // Remove the tabledef from the CDaoDatabase's map m_pDatabase->m_mapTableDefs.RemoveKey(this); } BOOL CDaoTableDef::CanUpdate() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); short nUpdatable; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_Updatable(&nUpdatable)); return nUpdatable == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } void CDaoTableDef::SetName(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->put_Name(V_BSTR(&var))); } CString CDaoTableDef::GetName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoTableDef::SetSourceTableName(LPCTSTR lpszSrcTableName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszSrcTableName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->put_SourceTableName( V_BSTR(&var))); } CString CDaoTableDef::GetSourceTableName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_SourceTableName( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoTableDef::SetConnect(LPCTSTR lpszConnect) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszConnect, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->put_Connect(V_BSTR(&var))); } CString CDaoTableDef::GetConnect() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_Connect(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoTableDef::SetAttributes(long lAttributes) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->put_Attributes(lAttributes)); } long CDaoTableDef::GetAttributes() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); long lAttributes; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_Attributes(&lAttributes)); return lAttributes; } COleDateTime CDaoTableDef::GetDateCreated() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant varDate; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_DateCreated(&varDate)); return varDate.date; } COleDateTime CDaoTableDef::GetDateLastUpdated() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant varDate; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_LastUpdated(&varDate)); return varDate.date; } void CDaoTableDef::SetValidationRule( LPCTSTR lpszValidationRule) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszValidationRule, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->put_ValidationRule( V_BSTR(&var))); } CString CDaoTableDef::GetValidationRule() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_ValidationRule( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoTableDef::SetValidationText( LPCTSTR lpszValidationText) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszValidationText, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->put_ValidationText( V_BSTR(&var))); } CString CDaoTableDef::GetValidationText() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_ValidationText( &V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } long CDaoTableDef::GetRecordCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); long lRecordCount; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_RecordCount(&lRecordCount)); return lRecordCount; } void CDaoTableDef::CreateField(LPCTSTR lpszName, short nType, long lSize, long lAttributes) { ASSERT_VALID(this); CDaoFieldInfo fieldinfo; // Initialize everything so only correct properties will be set fieldinfo.m_strName = lpszName; fieldinfo.m_nType = nType; fieldinfo.m_lSize = lSize; fieldinfo.m_lAttributes = lAttributes; fieldinfo.m_nOrdinalPosition = 0; fieldinfo.m_bRequired = FALSE; fieldinfo.m_bAllowZeroLength = FALSE; fieldinfo.m_lCollatingOrder = 0; CreateField(fieldinfo); } void CDaoTableDef::CreateField(CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo) { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAOField* pDAOField; // Create the DAO field object (setting basic properties) DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->CreateField( COleVariant(fieldinfo.m_strName, VT_BSTRT), COleVariant(fieldinfo.m_nType), COleVariant(fieldinfo.m_lSize), &pDAOField)); TRY { // Basic properties already set, so set the rest AfxSetFieldInfo(pDAOField, fieldinfo); // Append the field object to the fields collection if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->Append(pDAOField)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { pDAOField->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOField->Release(); } void CDaoTableDef::DeleteField(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(lpszName != NULL); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->Delete(V_BSTR(&var))); } void CDaoTableDef::DeleteField(int nIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); CDaoFieldInfo fieldinfo; GetFieldInfo(nIndex, fieldinfo, AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); DeleteField((LPCTSTR)fieldinfo.m_strName); } void CDaoTableDef::CreateIndex(CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo) { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAOIndex* pDAOIndex; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->CreateIndex( COleVariant(indexinfo.m_strName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOIndex)); TRY { // Set the index info AfxSetIndexInfo(pDAOIndex, indexinfo); // Append the field object to the fields collection if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->Append(pDAOIndex)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { pDAOIndex->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOIndex->Release(); } void CDaoTableDef::DeleteIndex(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(lpszName != NULL); if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->Delete(V_BSTR(&var))); } void CDaoTableDef::DeleteIndex(int nIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); CDaoIndexInfo indexinfo; GetIndexInfo(nIndex, indexinfo, AFX_DAO_PRIMARY_INFO); DeleteIndex((LPCTSTR)indexinfo.m_strName); } short CDaoTableDef::GetFieldCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nFields; if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Count(&nFields)); return nFields; } void CDaoTableDef::GetFieldInfo(int nIndex, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOField* pDAOField; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOField)); AfxGetFieldInfo(pDAOField, fieldinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOField->Release(); } void CDaoTableDef::GetFieldInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOField* pDAOField; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOField)); AfxGetFieldInfo(pDAOField, fieldinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOField->Release(); } short CDaoTableDef::GetIndexCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nIndexes; if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->get_Count(&nIndexes)); return nIndexes; } void CDaoTableDef::GetIndexInfo(int nIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOIndex* pDAOIndex; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOIndex)); AfxGetIndexInfo(pDAOIndex, indexinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOIndex->Release(); } void CDaoTableDef::GetIndexInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOIndex* pDAOIndex; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOIndex)); AfxGetIndexInfo(pDAOIndex, indexinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOIndex->Release(); } void CDaoTableDef::RefreshLink() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOTableDef != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->RefreshLink()); } //Implementation functions void CDaoTableDef::InitFieldsCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_Fields(&m_pDAOFields)); } void CDaoTableDef::InitIndexesCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOTableDef->get_Indexes(&m_pDAOIndexes)); } void CDaoTableDef::ThrowDaoException(int nAfxDaoError) { ASSERT_VALID(this); AfxThrowDaoException(nAfxDaoError); } #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoTableDef::AssertValid() const { CObject::AssertValid(); } void CDaoTableDef::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "m_bOpen = " << m_bOpen; dc << "\nm_bNew = " << m_bNew; dc << "\n"; } #endif //_DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDaoQueryDef IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDaoQueryDef, CObject) CDaoQueryDef::CDaoQueryDef(CDaoDatabase* pDatabase) { m_bOpen = FALSE; m_bNew = FALSE; m_pDatabase = pDatabase; m_pDAOQueryDef = NULL; m_pDAOParameters = NULL; m_pDAOFields = NULL; } CDaoQueryDef::~CDaoQueryDef() { if (IsOpen()) Close(); else if (m_bNew) { // Remove the querydef from the CDaoDatabase's map m_pDatabase->m_mapQueryDefs.RemoveKey(this); } } void CDaoQueryDef::Create(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszSQL) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(!IsOpen()); // Create a temp querydef if lpszName is NULL or empty string if (lpszName == NULL || *lpszName == '\0') { DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->CreateQueryDef( COleVariant(_T(""), VT_BSTRT), COleVariant(lpszSQL, VT_BSTRT), &m_pDAOQueryDef)); m_bOpen = TRUE; } else { // Create a template querydef // (preventing automatic append to QueryDefs collection) DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->CreateQueryDef( _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, &m_pDAOQueryDef)); m_bNew = TRUE; // Now set the name and SQL if necessary SetName(lpszName); if (lpszSQL != NULL) SetSQL(lpszSQL); } // Add the querydef to map of Open/New CDaoQueryDefs m_pDatabase->m_mapQueryDefs.SetAt(this, this); } void CDaoQueryDef::Append() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOQueryDef != NULL); DAOQueryDefs* pDAOQueryDefs; DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->get_QueryDefs( &pDAOQueryDefs)); TRY { DAO_CHECK(pDAOQueryDefs->Append(m_pDAOQueryDef)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { pDAOQueryDefs->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOQueryDefs->Release(); m_bNew = FALSE; m_bOpen = TRUE; } // Open a pre-defined query or create a temp query void CDaoQueryDef::Open(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(!m_bNew); // Re-open is not allowed if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } // Null lpszName implies create a temp query if (lpszName == NULL) { DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->CreateQueryDef( COleVariant(_T(""), VT_BSTRT), _afxOptionalVariant, &m_pDAOQueryDef)); } else { COleVariant varName(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDatabase->m_pDAODatabase->OpenQueryDef( V_BSTR(&varName), &m_pDAOQueryDef)); } m_bOpen = TRUE; // Add the querydef to map of Open/New CDaoQueryDefs m_pDatabase->m_mapQueryDefs.SetAt(this, this); } void CDaoQueryDef::Close() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOParameters != NULL) { m_pDAOParameters->Release(); m_pDAOParameters = NULL; } if (m_pDAOFields != NULL) { m_pDAOFields->Release(); m_pDAOFields = NULL; } if (m_pDAOQueryDef != NULL) { // DAO Close is a no op, but call it anyway DAO_TRACE(m_pDAOQueryDef->Close()); m_pDAOQueryDef->Release(); m_pDAOQueryDef = NULL; } m_bOpen = FALSE; m_bNew = FALSE; // Remove the querydef from the CDaoDatabase's map m_pDatabase->m_mapQueryDefs.RemoveKey(this); } BOOL CDaoQueryDef::CanUpdate() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nUpdatable; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_Updatable(&nUpdatable)); return nUpdatable == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } CString CDaoQueryDef::GetName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoQueryDef::SetName(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->put_Name(V_BSTR(&var))); } CString CDaoQueryDef::GetSQL() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_SQL(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoQueryDef::SetSQL(LPCTSTR lpszSQL) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); COleVariant var(lpszSQL, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->put_SQL(V_BSTR(&var))); } short CDaoQueryDef::GetType() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nType; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_Type(&nType)); return nType; } COleDateTime CDaoQueryDef::GetDateCreated() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); COleVariant varDate; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_DateCreated(&varDate)); return varDate.date; } COleDateTime CDaoQueryDef::GetDateLastUpdated() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); COleVariant varDate; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_LastUpdated(&varDate)); return varDate.date; } CString CDaoQueryDef::GetConnect() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_Connect(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoQueryDef::SetConnect(LPCTSTR lpszConnect) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); COleVariant var(lpszConnect, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->put_Connect(V_BSTR(&var))); } short CDaoQueryDef::GetODBCTimeout() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nTimeout; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_ODBCTimeout(&nTimeout)); return nTimeout; } void CDaoQueryDef::SetODBCTimeout(short nODBCTimeout) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->put_ODBCTimeout(nODBCTimeout)); } BOOL CDaoQueryDef::GetReturnsRecords() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nReturnsRecords; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_ReturnsRecords(&nReturnsRecords)); return nReturnsRecords == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } void CDaoQueryDef::SetReturnsRecords(BOOL bReturnsRecords) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->put_ReturnsRecords( (short)(bReturnsRecords ? AFX_DAO_TRUE : AFX_DAO_FALSE))); } long CDaoQueryDef::GetRecordsAffected() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); long lRecordsAffected; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_RecordsAffected(&lRecordsAffected)); return lRecordsAffected; } void CDaoQueryDef::Execute(int nOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pDAOQueryDef != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->Execute(COleVariant((long)nOptions))); } COleVariant CDaoQueryDef::GetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOQueryDef != NULL); if (m_pDAOParameters == NULL) InitParametersCollection(); DAOParameter* pDAOParameter = NULL; COleVariant var; TRY { DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOParameters->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOParameter)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOParameter->get_Value(&var)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (pDAOParameter != NULL) pDAOParameter->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOParameter->Release(); return var; } COleVariant CDaoQueryDef::GetParamValue(int nIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAOQueryDef != NULL); if (m_pDAOParameters == NULL) InitParametersCollection(); DAOParameter* pDAOParameter = NULL; COleVariant var; TRY { DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOParameters->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOParameter)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOParameter->get_Value(&var)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (pDAOParameter != NULL) pDAOParameter->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOParameter->Release(); return var; } void CDaoQueryDef::SetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, const COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOQueryDef != NULL); if (m_pDAOParameters == NULL) InitParametersCollection(); DAOParameter* pDAOParameter = NULL; TRY { DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOParameters->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOParameter)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOParameter->put_Value(varValue)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (pDAOParameter != NULL) pDAOParameter->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOParameter->Release(); } void CDaoQueryDef::SetParamValue(int nIndex, const COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen() || m_bNew); ASSERT(m_pDAOQueryDef != NULL); if (m_pDAOParameters == NULL) InitParametersCollection(); DAOParameter* pDAOParameter = NULL; TRY { DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOParameters->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOParameter)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOParameter->put_Value(varValue)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (pDAOParameter != NULL) pDAOParameter->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pDAOParameter->Release(); } void CDaoQueryDef::SetParamValueNull(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); SetParamValue(lpszName, _afxNullVariant); } void CDaoQueryDef::SetParamValueNull(int nIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); SetParamValue(nIndex, _afxNullVariant); } short CDaoQueryDef::GetFieldCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nFields; if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Count(&nFields)); return nFields; } void CDaoQueryDef::GetFieldInfo(int nIndex, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOField* pDAOField; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOField)); AfxGetFieldInfo(pDAOField, fieldinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOField->Release(); } void CDaoQueryDef::GetFieldInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOField* pDAOField; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOField)); AfxGetFieldInfo(pDAOField, fieldinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOField->Release(); } short CDaoQueryDef::GetParameterCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nParameters; if (m_pDAOParameters == NULL) InitParametersCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOParameters->get_Count(&nParameters)); return nParameters; } void CDaoQueryDef::GetParameterInfo(int nIndex, CDaoParameterInfo& paraminfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOParameters == NULL) InitParametersCollection(); // Get DAOParameter object and fill in parameter info struct DAOParameter* pDAOParameter; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOParameters->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOParameter)); FillParameterInfo(pDAOParameter, paraminfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOParameter->Release(); } void CDaoQueryDef::GetParameterInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoParameterInfo& paraminfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOParameters == NULL) InitParametersCollection(); // Get DAOParameter object and fill in parameter info struct DAOParameter* pDAOParameter; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOParameters->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOParameter)); FillParameterInfo(pDAOParameter, paraminfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOParameter->Release(); } //Implementation functions void CDaoQueryDef::InitFieldsCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_Fields(&m_pDAOFields)); } void CDaoQueryDef::InitParametersCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOQueryDef->get_Parameters(&m_pDAOParameters)); } void CDaoQueryDef::FillParameterInfo(DAOParameter* pDAOParameter, CDaoParameterInfo& paraminfo, DWORD dwOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(pDAOParameter != NULL); ASSERT(dwOptions != NULL); COleVariant var; if (dwOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { // All parameter info is basic info DAO_CHECK(pDAOParameter->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; paraminfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); TCHAR* pch = paraminfo.m_strName.GetBuffer(0); int nLength = lstrlen(pch); if (nLength > 0 && *pch == '[' && *(pch + nLength -1) == ']') { *(pch + nLength - 1) = 0; // remove last bracket. lstrcpy(pch, pch + 1); } paraminfo.m_strName.ReleaseBuffer(-1); DAO_CHECK(pDAOParameter->get_Type( ¶minfo.m_nType)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOParameter->get_Value( ¶minfo.m_varValue)); } } void CDaoQueryDef::ThrowDaoException(int nAfxDaoError) { ASSERT_VALID(this); AfxThrowDaoException(nAfxDaoError); } #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoQueryDef::AssertValid() const { CObject::AssertValid(); } void CDaoQueryDef::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "m_bOpen = " << m_bOpen; dc << "\nm_bNew = " << m_bNew; dc << "\n"; } #endif //_DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDaoRecordset IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CDaoRecordset, CObject ) CDaoRecordset::CDaoRecordset(CDaoDatabase* pDatabase) { m_bOpen = FALSE; m_pMapFieldCache = NULL; m_pMapFieldIndex = NULL; m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields = TRUE; m_prgDaoColBindInfo = NULL; m_pulColumnLengths = NULL; m_pbFieldFlags = NULL; m_pbParamFlags = NULL; m_pDAORecordset = NULL; m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows = NULL; m_pQueryDef = NULL; m_pTableDef = NULL; m_pDAOFields = NULL; m_pDAOIndexes = NULL; m_pDatabase = pDatabase; m_nDefaultType = dbOpenDynaset; m_nStatus = 0; m_nFields = 0; m_nParams = 0; } CDaoRecordset::~CDaoRecordset() { if (IsOpen()) Close(); // Clean up database if necessary if (m_pDatabase != NULL && (m_nStatus & AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_DB)) { m_pDatabase->Close(); delete m_pDatabase; m_pDatabase = NULL; } } void CDaoRecordset::Open(int nOpenType, LPCTSTR lpszSQL, int nOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(nOpenType == AFX_DAO_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE || nOpenType == dbOpenDynaset || nOpenType == dbOpenSnapshot || nOpenType == dbOpenTable); // Re-Opening is invalid. if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } if (nOpenType == AFX_DAO_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE) m_nOpenType = m_nDefaultType; else m_nOpenType = nOpenType; // Snapshots readOnly in DAO model. if (m_nOpenType == dbOpenSnapshot) nOptions |= dbReadOnly; // Cache parameters and initialize m_nOptions = nOptions; m_cbFixedLengthFields = 0; // Cache information for use in Requery m_strRequerySQL = lpszSQL; m_strRequeryFilter = m_strFilter; m_strRequerySort = m_strSort; AllocDatabase(); m_strSQL = lpszSQL; if (m_strSQL.IsEmpty()) m_strSQL = GetDefaultSQL(); // Open table directly if option specified if (m_nOpenType == dbOpenTable) { m_pTableDef = new CDaoTableDef(m_pDatabase); m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_TD; TRY { // Must remove the bracket from the name StripBrackets(m_strSQL, m_strSQL.GetBuffer(0)); m_strSQL.ReleaseBuffer(); m_pTableDef->Open(m_strSQL); // Open the DAO recordset (implicit MoveFirst) DAO_CHECK(m_pTableDef->m_pDAOTableDef->OpenRecordset( COleVariant((long)m_nOpenType), COleVariant((long)m_nOptions), &m_pDAORecordset)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { // Once recordset marked as open, Close handles this if (m_pTableDef->IsOpen()) m_pTableDef->Close(); delete m_pTableDef; THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } else { m_pQueryDef = new CDaoQueryDef(m_pDatabase); m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_QD; TRY { // If initial clause includes potential start of row returning // query, then SQL passed to Open must be valid // (Note: TABLE is valid for UNION-type queries) if ((_tcsnicmp(m_strSQL, _afxSelect2, _countof(_afxSelect2)-1) != 0) && (_tcsnicmp(m_strSQL, _afxParameters2, _countof(_afxParameters2)-1) != 0) && (_tcsnicmp(m_strSQL, _afxTransform2, _countof(_afxTransform2)-1) != 0) && (_tcsnicmp(m_strSQL, _afxTable2, _countof(_afxTable2)-1) != 0)) { BuildSQL(); } else { // Add the filter and sort if (!m_strFilter.IsEmpty()) m_strSQL += _afxWhere2 + m_strFilter; if (!m_strSort.IsEmpty()) m_strSQL += _afxOrderBy2 + m_strSort; } // Create and define temp query m_pQueryDef->Open(); m_pQueryDef->SetSQL(m_strSQL); BindParameters(); // Open the DAO recordset (implicit MoveFirst) DAO_CHECK(m_pQueryDef->m_pDAOQueryDef->_30_OpenRecordset( COleVariant((long)m_nOpenType), COleVariant((long)m_nOptions), &m_pDAORecordset)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { // Once recordset marked as open, Close handles this if (m_pQueryDef->IsOpen()) m_pQueryDef->Close(); delete m_pQueryDef; THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } m_bOpen = TRUE; // Add the recordset to map of Open CDaoRecordsets m_pDatabase->m_mapRecordsets.SetAt(this, this); TRY { BindFields(); GetDataAndFixupNulls(); SetCursorAttributes(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { Close(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } void CDaoRecordset::Open(CDaoQueryDef* pQueryDef, int nOpenType, int nOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Must pass valid, open QueryDef ASSERT(pQueryDef != NULL); if (!pQueryDef->IsOpen()) ThrowDaoException(AFX_DAO_ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_OPEN); // Re-Opening is invalid. if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } if (nOpenType == AFX_DAO_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE) m_nOpenType = m_nDefaultType; else m_nOpenType = nOpenType; // Can't open table type recordsets with QueryDef ASSERT(m_nOpenType == dbOpenDynaset || m_nOpenType == dbOpenSnapshot); // Snapshots readOnly in DAO model. if (m_nOpenType == dbOpenSnapshot) nOptions |= dbReadOnly; // Cache parameters and initialize m_nOptions = nOptions; m_cbFixedLengthFields = 0; // Use pre-defined query m_pQueryDef = pQueryDef; // Share the same database object m_pDatabase = m_pQueryDef->m_pDatabase; BindParameters(); // Open the DAO recordset (implicit MoveFirst) DAO_CHECK(m_pQueryDef->m_pDAOQueryDef->_30_OpenRecordset( COleVariant((long)m_nOpenType), COleVariant((long)m_nOptions), &m_pDAORecordset)); m_bOpen = TRUE; // Add the recordset to map of Open CDaoRecordsets m_pDatabase->m_mapRecordsets.SetAt(this, this); TRY { BindFields(); GetDataAndFixupNulls(); SetCursorAttributes(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { Close(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } void CDaoRecordset::Open(CDaoTableDef* pTableDef, int nOpenType, int nOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Must pass valid, open TableDef ASSERT(pTableDef != NULL); if (!pTableDef->IsOpen()) ThrowDaoException(AFX_DAO_ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_OPEN); m_pTableDef = pTableDef; // Re-Opening is invalid. if (IsOpen()) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } if (nOpenType == AFX_DAO_USE_DEFAULT_TYPE) m_nOpenType = m_nDefaultType; else m_nOpenType = nOpenType; // Cache parameters and initialize m_nOptions = nOptions; m_cbFixedLengthFields = 0; // Share the same database object m_pDatabase = m_pTableDef->m_pDatabase; // Open the DAO recordset (implicit MoveFirst) DAO_CHECK(m_pTableDef->m_pDAOTableDef->OpenRecordset( COleVariant((long)m_nOpenType), COleVariant((long)m_nOptions), &m_pDAORecordset)); m_bOpen = TRUE; // Add the recordset to map of Open CDaoRecordsets m_pDatabase->m_mapRecordsets.SetAt(this, this); TRY { BindFields(); GetDataAndFixupNulls(); SetCursorAttributes(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { Close(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } void CDaoRecordset::Close() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (IsOpen()) FreeCache(); // Clean up name strings in ColBindInfo struct if (m_prgDaoColBindInfo != NULL) { for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_nFields; nIndex++) { #ifndef _UNICODE delete[] (LPTSTR)m_prgDaoColBindInfo[nIndex].columnID.lpstr; m_prgDaoColBindInfo[nIndex].columnID.lpstr = NULL; #else delete[] (LPTSTR)m_prgDaoColBindInfo[nIndex].columnID.lpwstr; m_prgDaoColBindInfo[nIndex].columnID.lpwstr = NULL; #endif } } delete[] m_prgDaoColBindInfo; m_prgDaoColBindInfo = NULL; delete[] m_pulColumnLengths; m_pulColumnLengths = NULL; delete[] m_pbFieldFlags; m_pbFieldFlags = NULL; if (m_pMapFieldIndex != NULL) { delete m_pMapFieldIndex; m_pMapFieldIndex = NULL; } if (m_pDAOIndexes != NULL) { m_pDAOIndexes->Release(); m_pDAOIndexes = NULL; } if (m_pDAOFields != NULL) { m_pDAOFields->Release(); m_pDAOFields = NULL; } if (m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows != NULL) { m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows->Release(); m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows = NULL; } if (m_pDAORecordset != NULL) { DAO_TRACE(m_pDAORecordset->Close()); m_pDAORecordset->Release(); m_pDAORecordset = NULL; } // Cleanup TableDef if not user supplied if (m_pTableDef != NULL && m_nStatus & AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_TD) { m_pTableDef->Close(); delete m_pTableDef; m_pTableDef = NULL; } // Cleanup QueryDef if not user supplied if (m_pQueryDef != NULL && m_nStatus & AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_QD) { m_pQueryDef->Close(); delete m_pQueryDef; m_pQueryDef = NULL; } m_nStatus &= ~AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_QD; m_nStatus &= ~AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_TD; m_pQueryDef = NULL; m_pTableDef = NULL; m_bOpen = FALSE; // Remove the recordset from the CDaoDatabase's map m_pDatabase->m_mapRecordsets.RemoveKey(this); } void CDaoRecordset::Requery() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(CanRestart()); // If filter or sort strings changed, must Close and Open // This is only effective if m_strFilter/m_strSort used if ((m_pQueryDef != NULL && (m_nStatus & AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_QD)) && ((m_strRequeryFilter != m_strFilter) || (m_strRequerySort != m_strSort))) { Close(); Open(m_nOpenType, m_strRequerySQL, m_nOptions); } else { // Rebind parameters in case values have changed BindParameters(); if (m_pQueryDef != NULL) { COleVariant varDisp; varDisp.pdispVal = m_pQueryDef->m_pDAOQueryDef; varDisp.vt = VT_DISPATCH; TRY { DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->Requery(varDisp)); } CATCH_ALL(e) { // Reset vt to prevent release of DAOQueryDef varDisp.vt = VT_EMPTY; THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL // Reset vt to prevent release of DAOQueryDef varDisp.vt = VT_EMPTY; } else // Must be a table type recordset (this will fail!) DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->Requery(_afxOptionalVariant)); GetDataAndFixupNulls(); } } CString CDaoRecordset::GetDefaultDBName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Override and add UNC path to .MDB file return _T(""); } CString CDaoRecordset::GetDefaultSQL() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Override and add table name or entire SQL SELECT statement return _T(""); } void CDaoRecordset::DoFieldExchange(CDaoFieldExchange* /* pFX */) { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Do nothing if dynamic binding, otherwise override and add DFX calls } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsBOF() const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nBOF; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_BOF(&nBOF)); return nBOF == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsEOF() const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nEOF; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_EOF(&nEOF)); return nEOF == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsDeleted() const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); return m_bDeleted; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::CanScroll() const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); return m_bScrollable; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::CanUpdate() const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nUpdatable; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Updatable(&nUpdatable)); return nUpdatable == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::CanAppend() const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); return m_bAppendable; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::CanRestart() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); short nRestartable; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Restartable(&nRestartable)); return nRestartable == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::CanTransact() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nTransactions; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Transactions(&nTransactions)); return nTransactions == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::CanBookmark() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nBookmarkable; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Bookmarkable(&nBookmarkable)); return nBookmarkable == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } CString CDaoRecordset::GetName() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } short CDaoRecordset::GetType() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); short nType; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Type(&nType)); return nType; } short CDaoRecordset::GetEditMode() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); short nEditMode; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_EditMode(&nEditMode)); return nEditMode; } CString CDaoRecordset::GetSQL() const { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); return m_strSQL; } COleDateTime CDaoRecordset::GetDateCreated() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant varDate; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_DateCreated(&varDate)); return varDate.date; } COleDateTime CDaoRecordset::GetDateLastUpdated() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant varDate; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_LastUpdated(&varDate)); return varDate.date; } COleVariant CDaoRecordset::GetLastModifiedBookmark() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_LastModified(&var.parray)); var.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1; return var; } CString CDaoRecordset::GetValidationRule() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_ValidationRule(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } CString CDaoRecordset::GetValidationText() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_ValidationText(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } CString CDaoRecordset::GetCurrentIndex() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Index(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; return V_BSTRT(&var); } void CDaoRecordset::SetCurrentIndex(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_Index(V_BSTR(&var))); // Refetch the data GetDataAndFixupNulls(); } long CDaoRecordset::GetRecordCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); long lRecordCount; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_RecordCount(&lRecordCount)); return lRecordCount; } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldDirty(void* pv, BOOL bDirty) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_nFields <= 0) { // Can't set fields dirty if no bound fields ASSERT(FALSE); return; } int nIndex = 0, nIndexEnd; if (pv == NULL) nIndexEnd = m_nFields - 1; else { nIndex = nIndexEnd = GetFieldIndex(pv); ASSERT(nIndex != AFX_DAO_DATA_NOT_FOUND); } while (nIndex <= nIndexEnd) { if (bDirty) SetDirtyFieldStatus(nIndex); else ClearDirtyFieldStatus(nIndex); nIndex++; } } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsFieldDirty(void* pv) { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nEditMode = GetEditMode(); // Fields can't be dirty if not in edit/addnew mode or no fields bound if (nEditMode == dbEditNone || m_nFields <= 0) return FALSE; // Check if cache field values have changed and mark as dirty if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields) { if (nEditMode == dbEditInProgress) MarkForEdit(); else MarkForAddNew(); } int nIndex = 0, nIndexEnd; if (pv == NULL) nIndexEnd = m_nFields - 1; else { // Get the field index to use status array nIndex = nIndexEnd = GetFieldIndex(pv); ASSERT(nIndex != AFX_DAO_DATA_NOT_FOUND); } BOOL bDirty = FALSE; while (nIndex <= nIndexEnd && !bDirty) bDirty = IsFieldStatusDirty(nIndex++); return bDirty; } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldNull(void* pv, BOOL bNull) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_nFields <= 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); return; } if (bNull) { // Need field exchange to set value to PSEUDO NULL. CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::SetFieldNull, this, pv); fx.m_nFieldFound = 0; DoFieldExchange(&fx); // If no field found, index will still be zero ASSERT(fx.m_nFieldFound != 0); } else { // Set status array not NULL. Don't need field exchange mechanism. int nIndex = 0, nIndexEnd; if (pv == NULL) nIndexEnd = m_nFields - 1; else { nIndex = nIndexEnd = GetFieldIndex(pv); ASSERT(nIndex != AFX_DAO_DATA_NOT_FOUND); } while (nIndex <= nIndexEnd) { ClearNullFieldStatus(nIndex); nIndex++; } } } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsFieldNull(void* pv) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_nFields <= 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } int nIndex = 0, nIndexEnd; if (pv == NULL) nIndexEnd = m_nFields - 1; else { // Get the field index to use status array nIndex = nIndexEnd = GetFieldIndex(pv); ASSERT(nIndex != AFX_DAO_DATA_NOT_FOUND); } BOOL bNull = FALSE; while (nIndex <= nIndexEnd && !bNull) bNull = IsFieldStatusNull(nIndex++); return bNull; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsFieldNullable(void* pv) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_nFields <= 0) { ASSERT(FALSE); return FALSE; } int nIndex = 0, nIndexEnd; if (pv == NULL) nIndexEnd = m_nFields - 1; else { // Get the field index to use status array nIndex = nIndexEnd = GetFieldIndex(pv); ASSERT(nIndex != AFX_DAO_DATA_NOT_FOUND); } BOOL bNullable = FALSE; while (nIndex <= nIndexEnd && !bNullable) { if (!IsFieldStatusNullableKnown(nIndex)) { CDaoFieldInfo fieldinfo; GetFieldInfo(nIndex, fieldinfo, AFX_DAO_SECONDARY_INFO); bNullable = !fieldinfo.m_bRequired; if (bNullable) SetNullableFieldStatus(nIndex); SetNullableKnownFieldStatus(nIndex); } else bNullable = IsFieldStatusNullable(nIndex); nIndex++; } return bNullable; } short CDaoRecordset::GetFieldCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nFields; if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Count(&nFields)); return nFields; } void CDaoRecordset::GetFieldInfo(int nIndex, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOField* pDAOField; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOField)); AfxGetFieldInfo(pDAOField, fieldinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOField->Release(); } void CDaoRecordset::GetFieldInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOField* pDAOField; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOFields->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOField)); AfxGetFieldInfo(pDAOField, fieldinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOField->Release(); } short CDaoRecordset::GetIndexCount() { ASSERT_VALID(this); short nIndexes; if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->get_Count(&nIndexes)); return nIndexes; } void CDaoRecordset::GetIndexInfo(int nIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOIndex* pDAOIndex; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->get_Item( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &pDAOIndex)); AfxGetIndexInfo(pDAOIndex, indexinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOIndex->Release(); } void CDaoRecordset::GetIndexInfo(LPCTSTR lpszName, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOIndexes == NULL) InitIndexesCollection(); // Get DAOField object and fill in field info struct DAOIndex* pDAOIndex; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAOIndexes->get_Item( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &pDAOIndex)); AfxGetIndexInfo(pDAOIndex, indexinfo, dwInfoOptions); // Clean up pDAOIndex->Release(); } COleVariant CDaoRecordset::GetBookmark() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Bookmark(&var.parray)); var.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1; return var; } void CDaoRecordset::SetBookmark(COleVariant varBookmark) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_Bookmark(&varBookmark.parray)); GetDataAndFixupNulls(); } long CDaoRecordset::GetAbsolutePosition() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); long lPosition; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_AbsolutePosition(&lPosition)); return lPosition; } void CDaoRecordset::SetAbsolutePosition(long lPosition) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_AbsolutePosition(lPosition)); GetDataAndFixupNulls(); } float CDaoRecordset::GetPercentPosition() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); float fPosition; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_PercentPosition(&fPosition)); return fPosition; } void CDaoRecordset::SetPercentPosition(float fPosition) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_PercentPosition(fPosition)); GetDataAndFixupNulls(); } void CDaoRecordset::MoveNext() { ASSERT_VALID(this); Move(AFX_DAO_NEXT); } void CDaoRecordset::MovePrev() { ASSERT_VALID(this); Move(AFX_DAO_PREV); } void CDaoRecordset::MoveFirst() { ASSERT_VALID(this); Move(AFX_DAO_FIRST); } void CDaoRecordset::MoveLast() { ASSERT_VALID(this); Move(AFX_DAO_LAST); } void CDaoRecordset::Move(long lRows) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); switch(lRows) { case AFX_DAO_NEXT: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->MoveNext()); break; case AFX_DAO_PREV: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->MovePrevious()); break; case AFX_DAO_FIRST: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->MoveFirst()); break; case AFX_DAO_LAST: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->_30_MoveLast()); break; // General case default: // Call Move without getting Bookmark (using unitialized variant). DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->Move(lRows, COleVariant())); } GetDataAndFixupNulls(); } BOOL CDaoRecordset::FindNext(LPCTSTR lpszFilter) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return Find(AFX_DAO_NEXT, lpszFilter); } BOOL CDaoRecordset::FindPrev(LPCTSTR lpszFilter) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return Find(AFX_DAO_PREV, lpszFilter); } BOOL CDaoRecordset::FindFirst(LPCTSTR lpszFilter) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return Find(AFX_DAO_FIRST, lpszFilter); } BOOL CDaoRecordset::FindLast(LPCTSTR lpszFilter) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return Find(AFX_DAO_LAST, lpszFilter); } BOOL CDaoRecordset::Find(long lType, LPCTSTR lpszFilter) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var(lpszFilter, VT_BSTRT); switch(lType) { default: // Invalid Find type! ASSERT(FALSE); // fall through to FindNext case case AFX_DAO_NEXT: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->FindNext(V_BSTR(&var))); break; case AFX_DAO_PREV: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->FindPrevious(V_BSTR(&var))); break; case AFX_DAO_FIRST: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->FindFirst(V_BSTR(&var))); break; case AFX_DAO_LAST: DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->FindLast(V_BSTR(&var))); break; } BOOL bMatch = IsMatch(); if (bMatch) GetDataAndFixupNulls(); return bMatch; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::Seek(LPCTSTR lpszComparison, COleVariant* pKey1, COleVariant* pKey2, COleVariant* pKey3) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); ASSERT(m_nOpenType == dbOpenTable); // Must have at least one key ASSERT(pKey1 != NULL); COleVariant varComparison(lpszComparison, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->Seek(V_BSTR(&varComparison), pKey1 != NULL ? (VARIANT)*pKey1 : _afxOptionalVariant, pKey2 != NULL ? (VARIANT)*pKey2 : _afxOptionalVariant, pKey3 != NULL ? (VARIANT)*pKey3 : _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant)); BOOL bMatch = IsMatch(); if (bMatch) GetDataAndFixupNulls(); return bMatch; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::Seek(LPCTSTR lpszComparison, COleVariant* pKeyArray, WORD nKeys) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); ASSERT(m_nOpenType == dbOpenTable); // Must have at least one key and no more than 13 ASSERT(nKeys > 0); ASSERT(nKeys < 14); COleVariant varComparison(lpszComparison, VT_BSTRT); LPVARIANT pVarArray[13]; for (WORD nIndex = 0; nIndex < nKeys; nIndex++) pVarArray[nIndex] = &pKeyArray[nIndex]; for (;nIndex < 13; nIndex++) pVarArray[nIndex] = &_afxOptionalVariant; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->Seek(V_BSTR(&varComparison), *pVarArray[0], *pVarArray[1], *pVarArray[2], *pVarArray[3], *pVarArray[4], *pVarArray[5], *pVarArray[6], *pVarArray[7], *pVarArray[8], *pVarArray[9], *pVarArray[10], *pVarArray[11], *pVarArray[12])); BOOL bMatch = IsMatch(); if (bMatch) GetDataAndFixupNulls(); return bMatch; } void CDaoRecordset::CancelUpdate() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->_30_CancelUpdate()); // Restore cache if necessary if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0) LoadFields(); } void CDaoRecordset::SetLockingMode(BOOL bPessimistic) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_LockEdits( (short)(bPessimistic ? AFX_DAO_TRUE : AFX_DAO_FALSE))); } BOOL CDaoRecordset::GetLockingMode() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); short nLockEdits; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_LockEdits(&nLockEdits)); return nLockEdits == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } void CDaoRecordset::SetCacheStart(COleVariant varBookmark) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_CacheStart(&varBookmark.parray)); } COleVariant CDaoRecordset::GetCacheStart() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); COleVariant var; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_CacheStart(&var.parray)); var.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_UI1; return var; } void CDaoRecordset::SetCacheSize(long lSize) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_CacheSize(lSize)); } long CDaoRecordset::GetCacheSize() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); long lSize; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_CacheSize(&lSize)); return lSize; } void CDaoRecordset::FillCache(long* pSize, COleVariant* pBookmark) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->FillCache( pSize != NULL ? (VARIANT)COleVariant(*pSize) : _afxOptionalVariant, pBookmark != NULL ? (VARIANT)*pBookmark : _afxOptionalVariant)); } void CDaoRecordset::AddNew() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0) { short nEditMode = GetEditMode(); if (nEditMode != dbEditAdd) { // Store fields if necessary (fields already stored if edit mode) if (nEditMode != dbEditInProgress) { AllocCache(); StoreFields(); } // Set all fields NULL and not dirty SetFieldNull(NULL); SetFieldDirty(NULL, FALSE); } } DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->AddNew()); } void CDaoRecordset::Edit() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0) { short nEditMode = GetEditMode(); if (nEditMode != dbEditInProgress) { if (nEditMode == dbEditNone) { // Save fields for restore/dirty checking later AllocCache(); StoreFields(); SetFieldDirty(NULL, FALSE); } else // Load in fields cached on AddNew call prior to Edit LoadFields(); } } DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->Edit()); } void CDaoRecordset::Update() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); int nMode = 0; // If caching, compare cache to current values and save state if (m_nFields > 0) { if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields) { IsFieldDirty(NULL); nMode = GetEditMode(); } // Set all field values of all fields marked dirty SetDirtyFields(); } DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->_30_Update()); // Restore data if data cached and were in add mode if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0 && nMode == dbEditAdd) { LoadFields(); } } void CDaoRecordset::Delete() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->Delete()); if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0) { SetFieldNull(NULL); SetFieldDirty(NULL, FALSE); } m_bDeleted = TRUE; } COleVariant CDaoRecordset::GetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName) { COleVariant var; GetFieldValue(lpszName, var); return var; } COleVariant CDaoRecordset::GetFieldValue(int nIndex) { COleVariant var; GetFieldValue(nIndex, var); return var; } void CDaoRecordset::GetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); // Clear out variant varValue.Clear(); // Use DAO optimization. get_Collect will get the field object from // the fields collection and fetch the value DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Collect( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), &varValue)); } void CDaoRecordset::GetFieldValue(int nIndex, COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); // Clear out variant varValue.Clear(); // Use DAO optimization. get_Collect will get the field object from // the fields collection and fetch the value DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Collect( COleVariant((long)nIndex), &varValue)); } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, const COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); // Use DAO optimization. get_Collect will get the field object from // the fields collection and fetch the value DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_Collect( COleVariant(lpszName, VT_BSTRT), varValue)); } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldValue(int nIndex, const COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pDAORecordset != NULL); // Use DAO optimization. put_Collect will get the field object from // the fields collection and write the value DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->put_Collect( COleVariant((long)nIndex), varValue)); } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldValue(int nIndex, LPCTSTR lpszValue) { COleVariant varValue(lpszValue, VT_BSTRT); SetFieldValue(nIndex, varValue); } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, LPCTSTR lpszValue) { COleVariant varValue(lpszValue, VT_BSTRT); SetFieldValue(lpszName, varValue); } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldValueNull(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); SetFieldValue(lpszName, _afxNullVariant); } void CDaoRecordset::SetFieldValueNull(int nIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); SetFieldValue(nIndex, _afxNullVariant); } COleVariant CDaoRecordset::GetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pQueryDef != NULL); return m_pQueryDef->GetParamValue(lpszName); } COleVariant CDaoRecordset::GetParamValue(int nIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pQueryDef != NULL); return m_pQueryDef->GetParamValue(nIndex); } void CDaoRecordset::SetParamValue(LPCTSTR lpszName, const COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pQueryDef != NULL); m_pQueryDef->SetParamValue(lpszName, varValue); } void CDaoRecordset::SetParamValue(int nIndex, const COleVariant& varValue) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); ASSERT(m_pQueryDef != NULL); m_pQueryDef->SetParamValue(nIndex, varValue); } void CDaoRecordset::SetParamValueNull(LPCTSTR lpszName) { ASSERT_VALID(this); SetParamValue(lpszName, _afxNullVariant); } void CDaoRecordset::SetParamValueNull(int nIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); SetParamValue(nIndex, _afxNullVariant); } //Implementation functions DWORD CDaoRecordset::GetFieldLength(int nFieldIndex) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); return m_pulColumnLengths[nFieldIndex]; } void CDaoRecordset::InitFieldsCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_Fields(&m_pDAOFields)); } void CDaoRecordset::InitIndexesCollection() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); DAO_CHECK(m_pTableDef->m_pDAOTableDef->get_Indexes(&m_pDAOIndexes)); } // "PARAMETERS <parameter list>;" // "SELECT <select list> FROM <table list>" // " WHERE <m_strFilter> ORDER BY <m_strSort>" void CDaoRecordset::BuildSQL() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Assumes m_strSQL represents table list CString strTableName = m_strSQL; m_strSQL.Empty(); if (m_nParams > 0) BuildParameterList(); BuildSelectList(); m_strSQL += _afxFrom2 + strTableName; if (!m_strFilter.IsEmpty()) { m_strSQL += _afxWhere2; m_strSQL += m_strFilter; } if (!m_strSort.IsEmpty()) { m_strSQL += _afxOrderBy2; m_strSQL += m_strSort; } } void CDaoRecordset::AllocDatabase() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Allocate and maintain database if necessary if (m_pDatabase == NULL) { m_pDatabase = new CDaoDatabase; m_pDatabase->m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_DB; m_nStatus |= AFX_DAO_IMPLICIT_DB; } // Open Database if necessary if (!m_pDatabase->IsOpen()) m_pDatabase->Open((LPCTSTR)GetDefaultDBName(), FALSE, FALSE, NULL); } void CDaoRecordset::BuildSelectList() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_nFields > 0); m_strSQL += _afxSelect2; CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::AddToSelectList, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } void CDaoRecordset::BuildParameterList() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_nParams > 0); m_strSQL += _afxParameters2; CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::AddToParameterList, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); if (fx.m_nParam != 0) m_strSQL += _T(";"); else m_strSQL.Empty(); } void CDaoRecordset::BindFields() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_nFields > 0) { // Setup the DAO binding struct ASSERT(m_prgDaoColBindInfo == NULL); m_prgDaoColBindInfo = new DAOCOLUMNBINDING[m_nFields]; memset(m_prgDaoColBindInfo, 0, sizeof(DAOCOLUMNBINDING) * m_nFields); m_pulColumnLengths = new DWORD[m_nFields]; memset(m_pulColumnLengths, 0, sizeof(DWORD) * m_nFields); m_pbFieldFlags = new BYTE[m_nFields]; memset(m_pbFieldFlags, 0, m_nFields); m_DaoFetchRows.cRowsRequested = 1; m_DaoFetchRows.dwFlags = DAOROWFETCH_BINDABSOLUTE; m_DaoFetchRows.pData = NULL; // Allocate the index map ASSERT(m_pMapFieldIndex == NULL); m_pMapFieldIndex = new CMapPtrToPtr; CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::BindField, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } } void CDaoRecordset::BindParameters() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_nParams > 0) { // Since Jet treats non-bindable names as implicit parameters // this should catch some SQL syntax errors that would otherwise // appear to be uninitialized parameters. ASSERT(m_pQueryDef->GetParameterCount() == m_nParams); CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::BindParam, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } } void CDaoRecordset::Fixup() { ASSERT_VALID(this); CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::Fixup, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } void CDaoRecordset::AllocCache() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Do nothing if caching disabled by master switch if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0 && m_pMapFieldCache == NULL) { m_pMapFieldCache = new CMapPtrToPtr; CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::AllocCache, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } } void CDaoRecordset::StoreFields() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Do nothing if caching disabled by master switch if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0) { ASSERT(m_pMapFieldCache != NULL); CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::StoreField, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } } void CDaoRecordset::LoadFields() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Do nothing if caching disabled by master switch if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0) { CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::LoadField, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); // Clear the dirty status flags SetFieldDirty(NULL, FALSE); } } void CDaoRecordset::FreeCache() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Do nothing if caching disabled by master switch if (m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields && m_nFields > 0 && m_pMapFieldCache != NULL) { // Free up dynamically allocated mem in cache CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::FreeCache, this); // Delete any cached data void* pvKey; void* pvObject; POSITION pos = m_pMapFieldCache->GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { m_pMapFieldCache->GetNextAssoc(pos, pvKey, pvObject); fx.DeleteCacheValue((CDaoFieldCache*)pvObject, ((CDaoFieldCache*)pvObject)->m_nDataType); } m_pMapFieldCache->RemoveAll(); delete m_pMapFieldCache; m_pMapFieldCache = NULL; } } void CDaoRecordset::MarkForAddNew() { ASSERT_VALID(this); CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::MarkForAddNew, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } void CDaoRecordset::MarkForEdit() { ASSERT_VALID(this); CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::MarkForEdit, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } int CDaoRecordset::GetFieldIndex(void* pv) { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(m_pMapFieldIndex != NULL); void* pvIndex; if (!m_pMapFieldIndex->Lookup(pv, pvIndex)) return AFX_DAO_DATA_NOT_FOUND; else // Index was stored rather than ptr, make it 0-based return ((int)pvIndex) - 1; } void CDaoRecordset::SetDirtyFields() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pDAOFields == NULL) InitFieldsCollection(); CDaoFieldExchange fx(CDaoFieldExchange::SetDirtyField, this); DoFieldExchange(&fx); } void CDaoRecordset::SetCursorAttributes() { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_bScrollable = !(m_nOptions & dbForwardOnly); m_bAppendable = CanUpdate() || (!(m_nOptions & dbReadOnly) && (m_nOptions & dbAppendOnly)); } void CDaoRecordset::GetDataAndFixupNulls() { ASSERT_VALID(this); // Don't need to do anything if no fields bound if (m_nFields > 0) { if (IsEOF() || IsBOF()) { // If no current record, simple mark fields NULL if (m_nFields > 0) SetFieldNull(NULL); } else { if (m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows == NULL) { DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->QueryInterface( IID_ICDAORecordset, (void**)&m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows)); } // Call GetRows to fill in the bound data SCODE scode = m_pICDAORecordsetGetRows->GetRows( 0, m_nFields, m_prgDaoColBindInfo, m_cbFixedLengthFields, &m_DaoFetchRows); // Check for GetRows specific errors // This is necessary as ICDAORecordset::GetRows // errors are not appended to DAO errors collection if (FAILED(scode)) ThrowGetRowsDaoException(scode); // Check to see if row deleted as it is just warning m_bDeleted = scode == S_RECORDDELETED; // Reset the status array ClearFieldStatusFlags(); // Fixup Null fields Fixup(); } } } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsFieldStatusDirty(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return ((m_pbFieldFlags[nField] & AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_DIRTY) == AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_DIRTY); } void CDaoRecordset::SetDirtyFieldStatus(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_pbFieldFlags[nField] |= AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_DIRTY; } void CDaoRecordset::ClearDirtyFieldStatus(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_pbFieldFlags[nField] &= ~AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_DIRTY; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsFieldStatusNull(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return ((m_pbFieldFlags[nField] & AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULL) == AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULL); } void CDaoRecordset::SetNullFieldStatus(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_pbFieldFlags[nField] |= AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULL; } void CDaoRecordset::ClearNullFieldStatus(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_pbFieldFlags[nField] &= ~AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULL; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsFieldStatusNullable(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return ((m_pbFieldFlags[nField] & AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULLABLE) == AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULLABLE); } void CDaoRecordset::SetNullableFieldStatus(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_pbFieldFlags[nField] |= AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULLABLE; } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsFieldStatusNullableKnown(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); return ((m_pbFieldFlags[nField] & AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULLABLE_KNOWN) == AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULLABLE_KNOWN); } void CDaoRecordset::SetNullableKnownFieldStatus(UINT nField) { ASSERT_VALID(this); m_pbFieldFlags[nField] |= AFX_DAO_FIELD_FLAG_NULLABLE_KNOWN; } void CDaoRecordset::ClearFieldStatusFlags() { ASSERT_VALID(this); memset(m_pbFieldFlags, 0, m_nFields); } BOOL CDaoRecordset::IsMatch() { ASSERT_VALID(this); ASSERT(IsOpen()); short nNoMatch; DAO_CHECK(m_pDAORecordset->get_NoMatch(&nNoMatch)); // Return TRUE if NoMatch is FALSE return nNoMatch == AFX_DAO_FALSE; } void AFX_CDECL CDaoRecordset::StripBrackets(LPCTSTR lpszSrc, LPTSTR lpszDest) { while (*lpszSrc != '\0') { // Ignore all brackets while (*lpszSrc == '[' || *lpszSrc == ']') lpszSrc = _tcsinc(lpszSrc); // Quit if at the end of the string if (*lpszSrc == '\0') break; // Copy the data and increment the buffers if (_istlead(*lpszSrc)) *lpszDest++ = *lpszSrc++; *lpszDest++ = *lpszSrc++; } // Add the trailing '\0' *lpszDest = '\0'; } void CDaoRecordset::ThrowDaoException(int nAfxDaoError) { ASSERT_VALID(this); AfxThrowDaoException(nAfxDaoError); } #ifdef _DEBUG void CDaoRecordset::AssertValid() const { CObject::AssertValid(); } void CDaoRecordset::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { ASSERT_VALID(this); CObject::Dump(dc); dc << "\nm_bOpen = " << m_bOpen; dc << "\nm_bAppendable = " << m_bAppendable; dc << "\nm_bScrollable = " << m_bScrollable; dc << "\nm_bDeleted = " << m_bDeleted; dc << "\nm_nOpenType = " << m_nOpenType; dc << "\nm_nDefaultType = " << m_nDefaultType; dc << "\nm_nOptions = " << m_nOptions; dc << "\nm_strSQL = " << m_strSQL; dc << "\nm_strFilter = " << m_strFilter; dc << "\nm_strSort = " << m_strSort; dc << "\nm_strRequerySQL = " << m_strRequerySQL; dc << "\nm_strRequeryFilter = " << m_strRequeryFilter; dc << "\nm_strRequerySort = " << m_strRequerySort; dc << "\nm_nFields = " << m_nFields; dc << "\nm_nParams = " << m_nParams; dc << "\nm_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields = " << m_bCheckCacheForDirtyFields; dc << "\nm_nStatus = " << m_nStatus; dc << "\n"; } #endif //_DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helpers - implementation void AFX_CDECL AfxGetFieldInfo(DAOField* pDAOField, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT(pDAOField != NULL); ASSERT(dwInfoOptions != 0); COleVariant var; short nBool; // Always fetch the Primary properties if (dwInfoOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; fieldinfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Type(&fieldinfo.m_nType)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Size(&fieldinfo.m_lSize)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Attributes(&fieldinfo.m_lAttributes)); } if (dwInfoOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_OrdinalPosition( &fieldinfo.m_nOrdinalPosition)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Required(&nBool)); fieldinfo.m_bRequired = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_AllowZeroLength(&nBool)); fieldinfo.m_bAllowZeroLength = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_CollatingOrder( &fieldinfo.m_lCollatingOrder)); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_SourceField(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; fieldinfo.m_strSourceField = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_SourceTable(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; fieldinfo.m_strSourceTable = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); TRY { DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_ForeignName(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; fieldinfo.m_strForeignName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } CATCH(CDaoException, e) { // If this property not appropriate, set foreign name empty if (e->m_scode != E_DAO_IllegalOperation) THROW_LAST(); else { fieldinfo.m_strForeignName.Empty(); e->Delete(); } } END_CATCH } if (dwInfoOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES) { AfxGetDefaultValue(pDAOField, fieldinfo.m_strDefaultValue); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_ValidationRule(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; fieldinfo.m_strValidationRule = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_ValidationText(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; fieldinfo.m_strValidationText = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } } void AFX_CDECL AfxSetFieldInfo(DAOField* pDAOField, CDaoFieldInfo& fieldinfo) { // Assumes name, type and size set on direct DAO CreateField call ASSERT(pDAOField != NULL); if (fieldinfo.m_lAttributes != 0) DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_Attributes(fieldinfo.m_lAttributes)); if (fieldinfo.m_nOrdinalPosition != 0) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_OrdinalPosition( fieldinfo.m_nOrdinalPosition)); } if (fieldinfo.m_bRequired) DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_Required(AFX_DAO_TRUE)); if (fieldinfo.m_bAllowZeroLength) DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_AllowZeroLength(AFX_DAO_TRUE)); if (!fieldinfo.m_strForeignName.IsEmpty()) { COleVariant var(fieldinfo.m_strForeignName, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_ForeignName(V_BSTR(&var))); } if (!fieldinfo.m_strValidationRule.IsEmpty()) { COleVariant var(fieldinfo.m_strValidationRule, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_ValidationRule(V_BSTR(&var))); } if (!fieldinfo.m_strValidationText.IsEmpty()) { COleVariant var(fieldinfo.m_strValidationText, VT_BSTRT); DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_ValidationText(V_BSTR(&var))); } if (!fieldinfo.m_strDefaultValue.IsEmpty()) { AfxSetDefaultValue(pDAOField, fieldinfo.m_strDefaultValue); } } void AFX_CDECL AfxGetDefaultValue(DAOField* pDAOField, CString& strDefaultValue) { COleVariant var; BYTE bUseDao = _AfxDetermineDaoVersion(); if (bUseDao == 35 || bUseDao == 36) { // Call the DAO 3.5/3.6 method DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_DefaultValue(&var)); } else { // Call DAO 3.0 method // get_DefaultValue takes BSTR* param not VARIANT* HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE DAOField::*pMethod)(BSTR*) = (HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE DAOField::*)(BSTR*))pDAOField->get_DefaultValue; DAO_CHECK((pDAOField->*pMethod)(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; } strDefaultValue = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); } void AFX_CDECL AfxSetDefaultValue(DAOField* pDAOField, CString& strDefaultValue) { COleVariant var(strDefaultValue, VT_BSTRT); BYTE bUseDao = _AfxDetermineDaoVersion(); if (bUseDao == 35 || bUseDao == 36) { // Call DAO 3.5/3.6 version DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_DefaultValue(var)); } else { // Call DAO 3.0 method // put_DefaultValue takes BSTR param not VARIANT HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE DAOField::*pMethod)(BSTR) = (HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE DAOField::*)(BSTR))pDAOField->put_DefaultValue; DAO_CHECK((pDAOField->*pMethod)(V_BSTR(&var))); } } void AFX_CDECL AfxGetIndexInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo, DWORD dwInfoOptions) { ASSERT(pDAOIndex != NULL); ASSERT(dwInfoOptions != 0); COleVariant var; short nBool; if (dwInfoOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_PRIMARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; indexinfo.m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); AfxGetIndexFieldInfo(pDAOIndex, indexinfo); } if (dwInfoOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_SECONDARY_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_Primary(&nBool)); indexinfo.m_bPrimary = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_Unique(&nBool)); indexinfo.m_bUnique = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_Clustered(&nBool)); indexinfo.m_bClustered = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_IgnoreNulls(&nBool)); indexinfo.m_bIgnoreNulls = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_Required(&nBool)); indexinfo.m_bRequired = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_Foreign(&nBool)); indexinfo.m_bForeign = nBool == AFX_DAO_TRUE; } if (dwInfoOptions & AFX_DAO_FETCH_ALL_PROPERTIES) { DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_DistinctCount( &indexinfo.m_lDistinctCount)); } } void AFX_CDECL AfxSetIndexInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo) { // Assumes name,set on direct DAO CreateIndex call ASSERT(pDAOIndex != NULL); AfxSetIndexFieldInfo(pDAOIndex, indexinfo); if (indexinfo.m_bPrimary) DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->put_Primary(AFX_DAO_TRUE)); if (indexinfo.m_bUnique) DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->put_Unique(AFX_DAO_TRUE)); if (indexinfo.m_bClustered) DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->put_Clustered(AFX_DAO_TRUE)); if (indexinfo.m_bIgnoreNulls) DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->put_IgnoreNulls(AFX_DAO_TRUE)); if (indexinfo.m_bRequired) DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->put_Required(AFX_DAO_TRUE)); } void AFX_CDECL AfxGetIndexFields(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, DAOIndexFields** ppDAOIndexFields) { COleVariant var; BYTE bUseDao = _AfxDetermineDaoVersion(); // Set the desired interface GUID guidIndexFields; if (bUseDao == 35 || bUseDao == 36) { // Use DAO 3.5/3.6 #ifdef _UNICODE guidIndexFields = IID_IDAOIndexFieldsW; #else guidIndexFields = IID_IDAOIndexFields; #endif } else { // Use DAO 3.0 #ifdef _UNICODE guidIndexFields = IID30_IDAOIndexFieldsW; #else guidIndexFields = IID30_IDAOIndexFields; #endif } // Get dispatch pointer to fields collection DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->get_Fields(&var)); DAO_CHECK(var.pdispVal->QueryInterface( guidIndexFields, (void**)ppDAOIndexFields)); } void AFX_CDECL AfxGetIndexFieldInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo) { COleVariant var; DAOIndexFields* pDAOIndexFields = NULL; DAOField* pDAOField = NULL; // Get the index fields collection AfxGetIndexFields(pDAOIndex, &pDAOIndexFields); TRY { // Get the number of fields in the index short nCount; DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndexFields->get_Count(&nCount)); // Allocate or reallocate memory for array if necessary if (nCount != indexinfo.m_nFields) { if (indexinfo.m_nFields != 0) { // Check that allocation is correct. ASSERT(indexinfo.m_nFields == 0 || indexinfo.m_bCleanupFieldInfo); delete[] indexinfo.m_pFieldInfos; indexinfo.m_pFieldInfos = NULL; } // Now allocate required memory indexinfo.m_pFieldInfos = new CDaoIndexFieldInfo[nCount]; indexinfo.m_bCleanupFieldInfo = TRUE; indexinfo.m_nFields = nCount; } BYTE bUseDao = _AfxDetermineDaoVersion(); // Now get field info for each field long lAttributes; for (short nIndex = 0; nIndex < indexinfo.m_nFields; nIndex++) { // Set the desired interface GUID guidField; if (bUseDao == 35 || bUseDao == 36) { #ifdef _UNICODE guidField = IID_IDAOFieldW; #else guidField = IID_IDAOField; #endif } else { #ifdef _UNICODE guidField = IID30_IDAOFieldW; #else guidField = IID30_IDAOField; #endif } // Get the field item DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndexFields->get_Item(COleVariant(nIndex), &var)); DAO_CHECK(var.pdispVal->QueryInterface( guidField, (void**)&pDAOField)); var.Clear(); // Get the field name DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Name(&V_BSTR(&var))); var.vt = VT_BSTR; indexinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_strName = V_BSTRT(&var); var.Clear(); // Get the field attributes DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->get_Attributes(&lAttributes)); indexinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_bDescending = (lAttributes & dbDescending); // Release and reset the field object pDAOField->Release(); pDAOField = NULL; } // Release the index fields object pDAOIndexFields->Release(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { // Release the field object if necessary if (pDAOField != NULL) pDAOField->Release(); // Must always release index fields collection pDAOIndexFields->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } void AFX_CDECL AfxSetIndexFieldInfo(DAOIndex* pDAOIndex, CDaoIndexInfo& indexinfo) { COleVariant var; long lAttributes; DAOIndexFields* pDAOIndexFields = NULL; DAOField* pDAOField = NULL; // Get the index fields collection AfxGetIndexFields(pDAOIndex, &pDAOIndexFields); TRY { for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < indexinfo.m_nFields; nIndex++) { // Create the field and set the name DAO_CHECK(pDAOIndex->CreateField( COleVariant(indexinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_strName, VT_BSTRT), _afxOptionalVariant, _afxOptionalVariant, &pDAOField)); // Set the descending property if (indexinfo.m_pFieldInfos[nIndex].m_bDescending) lAttributes = dbDescending; else lAttributes = 0; DAO_CHECK(pDAOField->put_Attributes(lAttributes)); // Append field to collection, release and reset pDAOIndexFields->Append(pDAOField); pDAOField->Release(); pDAOField = NULL; } // Always release the index fields object pDAOIndexFields->Release(); } CATCH_ALL(e) { if (pDAOField != NULL) pDAOField->Release(); pDAOIndexFields->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GetRows helper void AFX_CDECL ThrowGetRowsDaoException(SCODE scode) { switch (scode) { case E_OUTOFMEMORY: AfxThrowMemoryException(); default: AfxThrowDaoException(NO_AFX_DAO_ERROR, scode); // These are only (known) DAO 3.0 GetRows errors case E_ROWTOOSHORT: case E_BADBINDINFO: case E_COLUMNUNAVAILABLE: break; } CDaoException* pException; pException = new CDaoException; pException->m_pErrorInfo = new CDaoErrorInfo; // Fill out the DAO error info struct pException->m_scode = scode; pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_strSource = _T("ICDAORecordset.GetRows"); pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_lErrorCode = LOWORD(scode); // There is no help context or help file pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_lHelpContext = 0; int nID = 0; if (scode == E_ROWTOOSHORT) nID = AFX_IDP_DAO_ROWTOOSHORT; else if (scode == E_BADBINDINFO) nID = AFX_IDP_DAO_BADBINDINFO; else nID = AFX_IDP_DAO_COLUMNUNAVAILABLE; VERIFY(pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_strDescription.LoadString(nID)); #ifdef _DEBUG if (afxTraceFlags & traceDatabase) { TRACE1("\nError Code = %d\n", pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_lErrorCode); TRACE1("Source = %s\n", (LPCTSTR)pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_strSource); TRACE1("Description = %s\n", (LPCTSTR)pException->m_pErrorInfo->m_strDescription); } #endif THROW(pException); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _AFX_DAO_STATE helper _AFX_DAO_STATE* AFX_CDECL AfxGetDaoState() { // The DAO state is store in the module state AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState(); _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = pModuleState->m_pDaoState; // Allocate a new DAO state if necessary if (pDaoState == NULL) { pDaoState = new _AFX_DAO_STATE; pModuleState->m_pDaoState = pDaoState; } return pDaoState; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DAODBEngine helpers void AFXAPI AfxDaoInit() { _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); // Attempt to initialize OLE component objects // (use default IMalloc allocator) DAO_CHECK_ERROR(::CoInitialize(NULL), AFX_DAO_ERROR_ENGINE_INITIALIZATION); pDaoState->m_bOleInitialized = TRUE; // Hook AfxDaoTerm to CWinApp, otherwise explicit AfxDaoTerm call req'd CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); if (pApp != NULL) pApp->m_lpfnDaoTerm = AfxDaoTerm; BYTE bUseDao = _AfxDetermineDaoVersion(); CLSID clsidEngine; COleVariant varKey; GUID guidEngine; // Set the interface type #ifdef _UNICODE guidEngine = IID_IDAODBEngineW; #else guidEngine = IID_IDAODBEngine; #endif // DAO 3.5 and 3.6 runtime key varKey = _T("mbmabptebkjcdlgtjmskjwtsdhjbmkmwtrak"); switch (bUseDao) { case 35: // Use DAO 3.5 clsidEngine = CLSID35_CDAODBEngine; break; case 30: // Use DAO 3.0 clsidEngine = CLSID30_CDAODBEngine; // DAO 3.0 runtime key varKey = _T("mjgcqcejfchcijecpdhckcdjqigdejfccjri"); // Set the interface type #ifdef _UNICODE guidEngine = IID30_IDAODBEngineW; #else guidEngine = IID30_IDAODBEngine; #endif break; case 36: // Use DAO 3.6 clsidEngine = CLSID_CDAODBEngine; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } LPCLASSFACTORY2 pCF2; DAO_CHECK_ERROR(::CoGetClassObject(clsidEngine, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, IID_IClassFactory2, (LPVOID*)&pCF2), AFX_DAO_ERROR_ENGINE_INITIALIZATION); TRY { DAO_CHECK_ERROR(pCF2->CreateInstanceLic( NULL, NULL, guidEngine, V_BSTR(&varKey), (LPVOID*)&pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine), AFX_DAO_ERROR_ENGINE_INITIALIZATION); } CATCH_ALL(e) { pCF2->Release(); THROW_LAST(); } END_CATCH_ALL pCF2->Release(); } DAODBEngine* AFXAPI AfxDaoGetEngine() { // Return DAODBEngine object for direct access return AfxGetDaoState()->m_pDAODBEngine; } void AFXAPI AfxDaoTerm() { _AFX_DAO_STATE* pDaoState = AfxGetDaoState(); // Close any CDaoWorkspaces left around void* pvKey; void* pvObject; POSITION pos = pDaoState->m_mapWorkspaces.GetStartPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { pDaoState->m_mapWorkspaces.GetNextAssoc(pos, pvKey, pvObject); ((CDaoWorkspace*)pvObject)->Close(); } pDaoState->m_mapWorkspaces.RemoveAll(); // Clean up engine object if necessary if (pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine != NULL) { pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine->Release(); pDaoState->m_pDAODBEngine = NULL; } // Shutdown OLE component objects if necessary if (pDaoState->m_bOleInitialized) { ::CoUninitialize(); pDaoState->m_bOleInitialized = FALSE; } // If hooked up to CWinApp, make sure to unhook CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp(); if (pApp != NULL) pApp->m_lpfnDaoTerm = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inline function declarations expanded out-of-line #ifndef _AFX_ENABLE_INLINES static char _szAfxDaoInl[] = "afxdao.inl"; #undef THIS_FILE #define THIS_FILE _szAfxDaoInl #define _AFXDAOCORE_INLINE #include "afxdao.inl" #endif #ifdef AFX_INIT_SEG #pragma code_seg(AFX_INIT_SEG) #endif #pragma warning(disable: 4074) #pragma init_seg(lib) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////