Vx2000 Plus for Desktop PC's (Trial Version) The Complete Virus Control System K7 Computing, Chennai Welcome To K7 Computing - The Antivirus People ----------------------------------------------- This file contains information about Vx2000 Plus. To install the product : . Run / Double Click on the VxSetup.exe file. . Follow instruction on the screen to proceed with the installation. This will install the base product in your system. . As the anti-virus product requires constant updation. On installing the product you may receive an "Update Now" warning. The update that was the latest during the production of the CD has been provided for your use . To update Vx2000 Plus for Windows run VxUpdate.EXE . For further updates you may visit our web site www.k7computing.com. or you may click on the LiveUpdate option in the Vx2000 Plus Product. =============================================================================== Other files of Vx2000 Plus . Readme.txt - The file you are currently reading . VxManual - This contains the entire product manual in the PDF format for your use. ============================================================================== Contact Us at: K7 Computing 24 North Mada St,Srinagar Colony Saidapet, Chennai - 6000015. Web: www.k7computing.com Email:vx2000@md2.vsnl.net.in Fax No:044-2355921 Phone Nos.: 91-044-2353235 / 2354692 / 2355931 upto 34 ===============================================================================