Exporting Data from a Table or Query

You can export data from Access to a new Access database or to another type of file. In some cases, it may be useful to export an Access table or query to an Excel spreadsheet. You can then forward the Excel file to someone who may not have Access or may not need to see the entire database.

To export an Access table to a new Excel workbook:

  1. With the table or query open, select Export... from the File menu.
  2. Click the Save as type arrow.
  3. Click the type of file you would like to export the data to.
  4. Type the filename in the File Name box.
  5. Click Export All.

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Exporting Data from a Table or Query

You can export data from Access to a new Access database or to another type of file. In some cases, it may be useful to export an Access table or query to an Excel spreadsheet. You can then forward the Excel file to someone who may not have Access or may not need to see the entire database.

To export an Access table to a new Excel workbook:

  1. With the table or query open, select Export... from the File menu.
  2. Click the Save as type arrow.
  3. Click the type of file you would like to export the data to.
  4. Type the filename in the File Name box.
  5. Click Export All.

When entering a file name to save as, Access will add the correct extension for the file type. For example, if you are exporting the data as an Excel file, Access will automatically add the .xls file extension.
You can export a table or query without opening it:
  1. In the database window, right-click the object and select Export... from the shortcut menu.
  2. Click the object once to select it. Select Export... from the File menu.