My mother said that she was going to change her will and leave
her money to my sister "because she needs it and you don't." My
husband and I aren't rich but we have good jobs and savings. My
sister is a single mom who has two kids and a hard life. I see my
mother's point, but I think she should leave me my share and trust
me to do right by my sister. I say to myself "grow up, your mom
has the right to do what she wants." Yet I still feel hurt. Should I
just get over this or should I say something?
--- Posted by Brendq
--- Posted by plustwo
--- Posted by chata
--- Posted by tlskates
--- Posted by Anonymous
--- Posted by Anonymous
A Solution: Accept It . . .
Your mother has every legal and
logical right to do exactly as she
pleases with her money. Don't make
this issue into one of sibling rivalry
or to evaluate how much your mother
loves you. Simply accept that this is
her money and, as an adult, she can
do as she pleases with it. How would
you feel if she were trying to tell you
and your husband what to do with
your money?
A Solution: So Be It. . .
Please do not take this wrong, but It
ticks me off when I hear this. You
love you parent right? You should let
them do what they want with their
and I emphasize their belongings.
They earned it and have the right to
make decisions about them. YOu
should be content to know that your
parents loved you. The rest is
meaningless. memories should satisfy
all. If one gets more than the other
because the parent felt this would
help best that way. so be it.
A Solution: Count Your Blessings. . .
The things in life that are of value
cannot be bought with money.
Obviously, your mother's heart is at
peace knowing you are well taken
care of and do not need her as much
as your sister does. She was able to
share her decision with you because
she felt you would understand and
have the same compassion for your
sister as she does. You have an
"equal", "friend" relationship with
your mother that your sister does
not. My mother has no money to
leave me but she has given me
everything--her love, friendship and
herself. Count your blessings and not
the bucks!
A Solution: I Understand . . .
I understand where you are coming from. I am the
single mother and my sister is happily married one. I
am always grateful for any help my father can give
me and so is my sister it just seems while he is
giving to me he won't buy her a cup of coffee
because after all 'she can afford it.' She is made to
feel her successes are being held against her and I
am made to feel like my fathers pet charity. Either
way we both feel uncomfortable with it.
A Solution: Get Your Feelings Out. . .
I would talk with your mother, since it's obviously
eating you up inside, and tell her how you feel. Your
purpose in talking to her doesn't have to be to
change her mind; I just think it'd be good for you to
get all of your feelings out in the open. One of the
other parents here may be right in saying your
mother may plan to leave you something else,
something perhaps that may mean more to you than
money, and if that's the case, and if you value a
memento more than the money, you'll feel much
better if you know that. I'm a single mom, and I
know how hard things can get, but I can tell you
that, if it came down to money or a relationship with
my sister, I'd thank my mother for her good
intentions, but I'd split the money. Who knows -
maybe your sister feels the same way. You may even
want to talk with her about it, to see how she feels.
A Solution: No Greater Joy. . .
I am going thru the same thing only with my
grandmother,but I realize that its just the devil
whom puts these thoughts inmy head. He is the
author of all confusion.Of course I would rather that
my family in need come 1st..Only hope that she uses
good judgementin how she distributes this will &sets
guidelines in how it is to be used by & not squanderd
by the individuals.But we have no control over this. I
feel no matter what the desision is you should resist
the devil & become a friend to this person and not
just one of the possible resippients.Adding your
support For these very difficult times.Being a part of
the giving is just as rewarding as the resieving trust
me...Thers no greater joy..And you will also gain your
surviving families friendships forever..Hope I