The Lotus ScreenCam Player is automatically installed during the Oracle Demo Setup program to the C:\ORATOOLS directory, or a directory you have specified. To launch ScreenCam properly from within the demo, follow the instructions below. If you are using Netscape Navigator: - Go to General Preferences in the Options menu. - In the General Preferences dialog box, click on the Helpers tab. - Click on the Create New Type... button, and enter "application" as the Mime type and "x-screencam" as the Mime subtype. Click OK. - Enter "scm" in the Extensions box. - Click on the Browse... button and locate your installed copy of the Lotus ScreenCam Player (scplayer.exe). It should be in the C:\ORATOOLS directory. Click Open. - Click OK. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer: - Go to Options in the View menu. - In the Options dialog box, click on the Programs tab. - Click on the File Types... button. - Click on the New Type... button - Enter "ScreenCam Player" as the Description. - Enter "scm" as the Associated Extension. - Enter "application/x-screencam" as the Content Type. - Click "New" under the Actions list. - Enter "open" as the Action - Click on the Browse... button and locate your installed copy of the Lotus ScreenCam Player (scplayer.exe). It should be in the C:\ORATOOLS directory. Click Open. - Click OK. - Click Close.