This appendix lists the triggers and procedures that are generated automatically in SQL*Forms 3.0 for master-detail coordination. The code listed in this appendix are for the dept (master) and emp (detail) blocks.
The following procedures are automatically generated to support the key triggers for master-detail coordination.
procedure check_package_failure is begin if not form_success then raise FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE; end if; end;
procedure query_details ( detail char ) is begin go_block(detail); check_package_failure; execute_query; end;
procedure clear_details ( detail char, master char, opt number ) is begin go_block(detail); check_package_failure; if :system.block_status = 'CHANGED' then clear_block(opt); if :system.block_status = 'CHANGED' then go_block(master); raise FORM_TRIGGER_FAILURE; end if; end if; clear_block; end;
procedure query_dept_details is begin if ( (:dept.DEPTNO is not null) and :system.record_status != 'NEW' ) then query_details('emp'); end if; go_block('dept'); end;
procedure clear_dept_details ( checkmaster boolean, opt number ) is begin if ( not checkmaster or ((:dept.DEPTNO is not null)) ) then clear_details('emp', 'dept', opt); end if ; go_block('dept'); end;
This section lists the key triggers that were generated for master-detail coordination.
clear_dept_details(TRUE, ASK_COMMIT); clear_block; exception when form_trigger_failure then null;
clear_dept_details(TRUE, ASK_COMMIT); create_record; exception when form_trigger_failure then null;
clear_record; clear_dept_details(FALSE, ASK_COMMIT); query_dept_details; exception when form_trigger_failure then null;
declare cursor detail_cur is select 'x' from emp where DEPTNO = :dept.DEPTNO; detail_dummy char(1); begin open detail_cur; fetch detail_cur into detail_dummy; if ( detail_cur%found ) then message ('Cannot delete master record when matching detail records exist.'); close detail_cur; raise form_trigger_failure; end if; close detail_cur; end; begin delete_record; clear_dept_details(FALSE, NO_COMMIT); query_dept_details; exception when form_trigger_failure then null; end;
The following triggers have the same code except for the do-the-right-thing built-in.
For example, the trigger code for KEY-DOWN is as follows.
clear_dept_details(TRUE, ASK_COMMIT); down; query_dept_details; exception when form_trigger_failure then null;
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