
Government, industry and software-houses participated in study which covered the details of seventeen projects. The two charts included below graphically and dramatically illustrate the results.

Figure 1, below, illustrates the range of projects analysed. They cover a wide range of applications and effort: 24 to 421 Function Points and 12 to 4286 developer-hours.

The left side shows function points and effort (in person-hours) on projects using with Developer/2000 only. This is the classic 4GL-approach for a database-project with neither repository nor upperCASE tools. The right side is shows the equivalent figures for project using the full integrated Designer/2000 & Developer/2000. In the middle column the figures represent projects which used Designer/2000 only for data design and generation.

The figures of this picture show a range between simple additional reports and very complex enhancements. By way of comparison, in a COBOL-environment 421 Function Points might demand something of the order more than 6000 hours of developmentb.

Figure 1 Project size and development effort

Figure 2, below, represents the productivity achieved. The metric is hours per function point (h/FP) - the mean time it takes a developer to deliver software with the functionality of one function point. The range of the projects is indicated by the bracket. The chart again distinguishes the three categories for the use of Designer/2000 (none, partial and full) and the number of project studied in each class is indicated.

Figure 2 Productivity in Hours per Function Point

Using Developer/2000 alone, productivity is on average 4 h/FP. Full use of the integrated Designer & Developer environment requires less than 1 h/FP. As one might expect, the productivity realised by using Designer/2000 only for data modelling and generation lies somewhere in between these extremes.

The conclusion to be drawn from these numbers is that a Developer/2000 shop can quadruple its productivity by fully exploiting Designer/2000. As discussed above, developers probably spend more than half their time of on just such projects.


This work is based on the standards of IFPUG. Other studies using function points have been published. Table 1, below, combines results from this study and others.

Programming Environment h/FP Size of Projects (FP) Source
Assembler, FORTRAN >30 not specified b
COBOL85, PL/1 15-30 not specified b
C++ 7-15 not specified b
General 4GL 5-10 not specified b
All Projects 15-25 <500 c
Maintenance Projects 8-25 <160 d
Oracle 4GL (Developer/2000) 2-6 up to 285 e
Integrated Oracle Environment £ 1 up to 421 e

Table 1 Comparison of FPA Studies

Productivity is again measured in h/FP, where required for conversion a person/month is assumed to be 150 hours.

The first five entries in Table 1 make no distinction between new applications and maintenance. The sixth entry refers to a specific study of maintenance projects which hence provide an independent data point with which to compare. The comparison is very favourable to the Designer/Developer environment.

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