Welcome to Bochs, an 80386 emulator! Bochs is a portable x86 emulator, which runs Minix-386 and MS-DOS/Windows. You can compile and run Bochs on almost any Unix & X Windows environment. Since software emulation is very performance sensitive, it is recommended that you run Bochs on at least a 100Mhz machine, with a minimum of 32MBytes of physical memory. Additionally, you'll need a couple Megabytes of disk space to uncompress and compile the Bochs distribution, plus 10 to 30 Megabytes for the creation of hard disk image files, depending upon the option you choose. Installation begins with the BOCHS.TAZ file. It is a compressed tar format file, of the entire Bochs source distribution. You need to compile Bochs for your platform before using it. To extract the source code, change directory into a parent directory in which Bochs will be untarred: unix:/> cd /usr/local/src -or unix:/> cd /users/JohnDoe/src Uncompress and untar Bochs: unix:/usr/local/src> zcat BOCHS.TAZ | tar xvf - You should now have a sub-directory 'bochs-YYMMDD'. Change directory into it, and read the files 'INSTALL.MINIX386' & 'INSTALL' for further detailed installation notes. For uses of Bochs, outside of running the version of Minix on this CD, please consult the file 'LICENSE'. The file 'INSTALL.DOS_WIN31' may also be of interest. Thanks for your interest in using Bochs! Current versions of Bochs as well as other relevant information may be obtained at the following Web and ftp sites. Feel free to give me feedback on portability and other relevant issues. I'd like to continually enhance Bochs, and add to its general portability. http://world.std.com/~bochs ftp://ftp.std.com/pub/bochs Kevin Lawton Bochs Software Company bochs@world.std.com