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Essentials of Physical Chemistry
Arun Bahl, B.S.Bahl, G.D.Tuli
Book Code
Total Pages
Published By
S. Chand & Company Ltd. .
Utilization of the Book

The Essentials of Physical Chemistry is best summarised by “classic text, modern presentation”. This simple phrase underlines its strong emphasis on fundamental skills and concepts. As in previous editions, clearly explained step-by-step problem-solving strategies continue to be the strength of this student-friendly text. This revision builds on its highly praised style that has earned this text a reputation as the voice of authority in Physical Chemistry. The authors have built four colour art program that has yet to be seen in India !

The acknowledged leader and standard in Physical Chemistry, this book maintains its effective and proven features – clear and friendly writing style, scientific accuracy, strong exercises, step-by-step solved problems, modern approach and design. The organisation and presentation are done with marvelous clarity. The book is visually beautiful and the authors communicate their enthusiasm and enjoyment of the subject in every chapter. 

This textbook is currently in use at hundreds of colleges and universities throughout the country and is a national best-seller. In this edition, the authors continue to do what they do best, focus on the important material of the course and explain it in a concise, clear way. I have found this book to be very easy to follow. There are hundreds of computer-generated coloured diagrams, graphs, photos and tables which aid in understanding the text. The book goes step-by-step, so you don’t get lost. No wonder it is a market-leader!



National Best-Seller

This book has been written for B.Sc, students. It has been National Best-Seller for more than 50 years. It has been used by more than 2 million students. It is 24 Editions old. It really has been that long. A lot of things have changed since then. We also changed with every Edition so that you could get the best. In this New Edition we have retained all those features that made it a classic.



Many B.Sc students do not have a good background in Physical Chemistry. This examination oriented text is written with these students in mind. The language is simple, explanations clear, and presentation very systematic. Our commitment to simplicity is total ! Concept-density per page has been kept low. We feel that this is a big time saver and essential to quick-learning and retention of the subject matter.


This book will help you overcome the fear of Physical Chemistry. Stress is on understanding and not on memorisation. Topics which usually confuse the students are explained in greater detail than commonly done. This text will help you learn Physical Chemistry faster and enjoy it more !


This is an important textbook for the Medical and Engineering College Entrance Exams. Your choice of a book can mean success or failure. Because today you need a book that can help you streak ahead of competition and succeed. No-one knows more about your needs than us. It is a tall claim, but it is true !


The new edition of Essentials of Physical Chemistry contains numerous discussions, illustrations, and exercises aimed at overcoming common misconceptions. It has become increasingly clear from our own teaching experience that students often struggle with Physical Chemistry because they misunderstand many of the fundamental concepts. In this text, we have gone to great lengths to provide illustrations and explanations aimed at giving students more accurate pictures of the fundamental ideas of chemistry. In this New Edition we have retained all that was judged good in the previous edition. However, a number of changes have been made in this new edition. Subject matter has been updated. This edition provides quick access to the important facts and concepts. It includes every important principle, equation, theorem, and concept. The new syllabus recommended by the University Grants Commission has been our model. This edition now includes two new chapters : Mathematical Concepts (Chapter 32), and Introduction to Computers (Chapter 33).


1. Problem-Solving. To a great extent, a student’s understanding of chemistry depends on his or her ability to solve and analyse problems. We have structured this book with the idea of weaving the techniques of problem-solving throughout the content, so that the student is systematically guided and challenged to view chemistry as a series of solvable problems. Question-style has changed over the years. Latest university questions are given at the end of each chapter to show these trends. Step-by-step answers are provided for the in-chapter problems. This book contains more than 1600 latest university questions. It also contains more than 1600 multiple-choice questions. By solving these problems you can precisely know your own success-level. This is the book which the examiners use !

2. Four-Colour Art Program. One of the distinctive features of the text is its visual impact. This is the first Indian Physical Chemistry textbook to be completely done in four-colour and on computer. Colour graphics, illustrations, and real pictures have been extensively used to highlight and reinforce the important points. Colour has also been used to highlight change and concepts.

3. Guidelines are provided to help you understand concepts that are considered difficult and catch careless mistakes before exams.

4. Scientific Accuracy has been checked and rechecked. Subject matter is modern and error-free.

5. Extensive Index has been provided for quick cross-reference.


Changes In The Current Edition

Chapters which have been entirely re-written are : 

  1. Chemical Bonding (Ch 5 and 6), 

  2. First Law of Thermodynamics (Ch 7), 

  3. Thermochemistry (Ch 8), 

  4. Second Law of Thermodynamics (Ch 9), 

  5. The Liquids (Ch 11), 

  6. Chemical Kinetics (Ch 20) and 

  7. Electromotive Force (Ch 29).


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