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Internet Based 8051 DebuggerOne of the more interesting Internet applications I have seen is Miguel Wisintainer's and Luis Marques Remote Debugger for the 8051. This tool consists of an Atmel 98C51 connected to a host computer with RAM that can be updated from the Internet. The purpose of this application is to be used as a training tool for students that want to try out 8051 applications, but don't have an 8051 (or EPROM) Programmer to try out their ideas on hardware.
From your PC, you will create an application that starts at Address 08000h, assemble it (using the "ASM51" program in the "Remote" subdirectory of the CD-ROM, convert it into a binary file (using "hexbin"). The only modification to your code that you will have to make to have it run under RExLab (or "CLI40.EXE") is instead of the first "ORG" Statement set to zero, it has to be set to 08000h.
Once the file has been created, the RExLab Application can be run. This file can be run directly from the CD-ROM, by double clicking on the highlighted "RExLab" above. When you do this, you will have to execute the program directly and not save it onto disk.
The Remote 8051 experiment code can be saved onto your PC's hard file the same way the "UMPS" code was loaded from the CD-ROM.
When you are running this application, please remember that there is only one available and that the time you spend working on it, you are keeping others from from trying out their own programs. |