Fast and Easy Digital Simulation
By Donna
VP Marketing, SynaptiCAD Inc.
This Appendix introduces a
new type of simulation technology, called Interactive Simulation, which
allows engineers to begin to simulate and analyze design ideas before
a complete simulation model or schematic is available. This technology
is particularly useful for students, because they can quickly enter Boolean
and RTL equations to check equivalency or to experiment with flip-flops
and latch designs.
Designers with an Interactive
Simulator have two major advantages over engineers using traditional gate-level
and HDL simulators. First, the Interactive simulator works with circuits
at the same level of abstraction (Boolean equations, delay paths, timing
requirements) as engineers do when they first start formalizing their
design. This means designers can rapidly enter the essential elements
of their design without having to create schematics or HDL models. The
second major advantage is unlike most EDA tools, the Interactive Simulator
is fully interactive - it provides instant feedback to designers
as changes are made to the design. The combination of these two features,
rapid design entry and rapid feedback on system functionality and performance,
makes the Interactive Simulator the ideal tool for the iteration intensive
process of designing digital circuits and examining design tradeoffs.
Getting Started
This Appendix is in the form
of a tutorial that will demonstrate the drawing features, and the Boolean
and RTL equation interface using SynaptiCAD's WaveFormer Pro or VeriLogger
Pro products.
Install either the VeriLogger
Pro or WaveFormer Pro evaluation version from the CDROM in the back of
this book. If the CD is missing you can download a version from the
site. Both products contain the interactive simulator that is used in
the following tutorial. VeriLogger Pro also contains a traditional Verilog
simulator that can compile and simulate the Verilog examples on the CDROM.
Sketching Timing Waveforms
specifications are usually in the form of timing diagrams, waveforms and
timing requirements. So the Interactive Simulator ships with a timing
diagram editor that lets you sketch waveforms and perform timing analysis.
Add a Clock
Clocks are special repetitive signals that draw themselves based on their
attributes: period, frequency, duty cycle, edge jitter, offset, and other
parameters. To add a clock:
- Press the Add Clock
located in the top left hand corner of the Diagram Window. This causes
the Edit Clock Parameters dialog to open
- We will use the default
settings of a 100ns period and 50% duty cycle to define the clock for
this example. Click the OK button to add the clock and close
the dialog.
For more information on clocks, master clocks, clocks with formulas, and
clock grids read Chapter 2: Clocks in the on-line help (select
the Help > Timing Diagram Editor Table of Contents menu option).
If you made a mistake designing the clock, then double click on a clock
segment to reopen the Edit Clock Parameters dialog box. Double
left clicking on a clock edge opens up the Edge Properties dialog,
which displays the edge time. You may also reach the Edit Clock Parameters
dialog by double clicking on the clock name and choosing the clock properties
button in the Signal Properties dialog.
Add Signals
Next we will add three signals that we will use to experiment with the
waveform drawing features. To add the signals:
- Press the Add Signalbutton
three times to add three signals with empty waveforms.
Drawing Signal Waveforms
Next, we will draw
some random waveforms to become familiar with the drawing environment.
- Notice
the buttons with the waveforms drawn on them.
These are the State Buttons. The active button is colored red and indicates
the type of signal state that will be drawn next. In this case, the
HIGH signal state is active.
- Move the mouse cursor to
inside the Diagram window at the same level as the signal name SIG0,
and at about 40ns.
Left click to draw a waveform segment from 0ns to the cursor. Notice
that a HIGH signal was created.
- A different state button
is now activated. The State Buttons automatically toggle between the
two most recently activated states. The small red T above the signal
name denotes the toggle state, for instance.
- Move the cursor to about
80ns on the same signal and left click. Now a LOW segment is drawn from
the end of the HIGH signal to the location of the cursor.
- Left click on the TRI button
to activate the tristate State Button and draw another waveform segment.
- Draw more segments, using
all the states except the HEX button. The HEX state button is used in
defining multi-bit signals, and for signals with a user defined VHDL
type. This button is covered in later tutorials. For the time, experiment
with the graphical states.
Edit signal waveforms
There are
four main editing techniques used to modify existing signals (Note: these
techniques will not work on clocks). The most commonly used technique
is the dragging of signal transitions to adjust their location. The other
three techniques all act on signal segments, the waveforms between any
two consecutive signal transitions. The segment waveform can be changed,
deleted, or a new segment can be inserted within another segment. Use
each of the following techniques:
- Move a signal transition:
Left click down on a signal transition and drag it to the desired location.
A green bar will appear that follows the mouse cursor. Release the mouse
button when the green bar is at the location where you wish to place
the transition.
- Change the state of a
segment: A segment is the waveform between two consecutive signal
transitions. Left click on the segment to select it (a selected segment
has a highlighted box drawn around it) . Then left click on the State
Button of the new state desired. Note: If you try to select a narrow
segment and one of the transitions gets selected, widen the segment
by clicking the Zoom In button , located
on the right hand corner of the button bar.
- Delete a segment:
Select a segment (see above) and then press the delete key on the keyboard.
- Insert a segment:
Inside a large segment, hold the left mouse button down and drag to
the right then release. A new segment will be added in the middle of
the original segment. For this operation to work the original segment
must be wide enough to be selected. These techniques will not work on
clocks. This is because clocks have fixed edges and segments. To edit
a clock, double click on a segment of the clock waveform in the Diagram
window to open the Edit Clock Parameters dialog. All clock parameters
can be changed in this dialog box. Chapter 1: Signals and Waveforms
in the on-line help has more information about drawing and editing waveforms.
Adjust your diagram so it resembles the figure below
Now use the above techniques to edit the signals so they have roughly
the same transitions as the signals in the figure below. This is not the
normal way to create a timing diagram, but it will teach you how to use
the waveform editing features. Make sure you try all the editing techniques.
For this tutorial we will only discuss the drawing features. But for a
real design you would also want to analyze circuit timing and would also
want to add delays, setups, and holds to your design data. These concepts
are covered in the Basic Drawing and Timing Analysis tutorial (select
the Help > Tutorials menu option).
Simulating Boolean Equations
The Interactive simulator
accepts Boolean equations in either VHDL, Verilog, or SynaptiCAD's enhanced
equation syntax. The SynaptiCAD format supports the following operators
(symbolic operators follow the operators that they represent):
and, & |
xor, ^
or, |
not, ~, !
Simulate a Boolean equation
We will begin by
simulating a Boolean Equation.
- Double click the SIG2
signal name to open the Signal Properties dialog. Arrange the
Signal Properties dialog so that you can see the dialog and the 3 signals
at the same time. This dialog is modeless, so leave it open during this
section. All controls and buttons used in this section are contained
in the Signal Properties dialog.
- Make sure the Boolean
Equation radio button is
- Type the following equation
into the Boolean equation edit box (signal names are case sensitive):
SIG0 and SIG1. This causes the waveform of SIG2 to be the results
of SIG0 and SIG1 passing through an AND gate.
Click the Simulate Once button and watch the signal draw itself.
Notice that SIG2 is the result of the Boolean Equation "SIG0 and
SIG1". By default, the Simulate radio button is not checked,
so if you moved an edge on SIG0, SIG2 is not automatically re-simulated.
Continuously Simulate the Boolean Equation
Next we will setup
the equation to automatically re-simulate whenever a change is made to
an input signal.
- Check the Simulate
radio button. Notice that the SIG2 is now drawn in purple. This color
means that the signal is being continuously simulated, and changes to
the waveforms of SIG0 and SIG1 will cause a new simulation to occur
automatically. If you are using VeriLogger Pro, make sure that the program
is in the Auto Run simulation mode. The simulation mode button,
which toggles between the Auto Run and Debug Run modes, is located on
the simulation toolbar, just below the main application menus. Debug
Run mode will not continuously update signals.
- Move some of the edges
on SIG0 and SIG1 and watch SIG2 re-simulate. (Notice that you cannot
drag and drop SIG2's signal edges because they are calculated edges).
Simulating Boolean Equations with Delays
Next we will modify
the Boolean equation to take into account the propagation delay through
the AND gate. First we simulate a simple 15ns delay:
- Enter one of the
following Verilog, VHDL, or SynaptiCAD equations into the Boolean
equation edit box of SIG2:
#15 (SIG0 & SIG1)
(SIG0 and SIG1) after 15
(SIG0 and SIG1) delay 15
- Click the Apply
button and verify that SIG2 is correctly drawn. The diagram from section
3.2 would be changed to the diagram shown below, for instance.
Simulate a true min/max delay using SynaptiCAD syntax:
Next we will use
the delay operator to simulate a true min/max delay. The propagation delay
for a particular part will vary with temperature, loading conditions,
and manufacturing process variations. The delay variations are listed
on the data sheets of each part as the min and max times (sometimes only
max times are given). Often the min/max delays are different for each
possible state transition combination a part might go through (high-to-low,
low-to-high, low-to-tristate, tristate-to-low, high-to-tristate, and tristate-to-high).
If you don’t know whether or not you will have low-high or high-low transition
you must use the extremes in calculating the timing (smallest min time
and the largest max time).
As a design engineer you will
need to make sure that your circuit will perform correctly given any combination
of valid delays. Keeping track of each delay by hand can become a nightmare
for all but the simplest circuits. The Interactive Simulator can simulate
the true min/max timing using the delay operator.
The delay operator takes
a signal on the left, and a time or parameter name on the right, and returns
a signal. A parameter is a construct used by the simulator to represent
timing information. If a parameter name is used on the right hand side
of the delay operator, then the equation will simulate true min/max timing.
This true min/max timing is the main advantage that SynaptiCAD's format
has over the VHDL or Verilog format. In this section we will add a parameter
and then reference it in the delay equation.
- Click the Add Free Parameter
in the Parameter Window. This causes a free parameter named F0
to be added to the Parameter Window.
- Double click on the name
of the free parameter (F0, in the Parameter window) to open the Parameter
Properties dialog.
- Set the min time to 10
and the max time to 15. Push the OK button to close the
Parameter Properties dialog.
- Modify the Boolean Equation
of SIG2 in the Signal Properties dialog so that it reads: (SIG0
and SIG1) delay F0. By referencing the free parameter F0 in the
equation, the min and max propagation delay of the AND gate is incorporated
into the waveform of SIG2.
- Click the Apply
button to apply the changes. A new simulation will be performed. Notice
the gray uncertainty regions on the waveform of SIG2. This true min/max
timing is the main advantage that SynaptiCAD's format has over the VHDL
or Verilog format.
View the HDL code that models the Boolean equation:
The Interactive Simulator
takes the Boolean and RTL equations and generates Verilog or VHDL code
for a complete circuit model. The generated Verilog is the actual code
that is used by the underlying HDL simulator. You can view the code that
is generated for each equation using the Signals Properties dialog.
Click the Verilog or VHDL radio button to view the HDL
code that simulates the Boolean equation. If you wanted to, you could
add native HDL code here to perform a special function. Do not modify
the code now. The code should resemble the following Verilog example:
# F0_minSIG2_wf0 = (SIG0 & SIG1);
# F0_maxSIG2_wf1 = (SIG0 & SIG1);
assign SIG2 = (tb_status[0] == 1'b1) ? (SIG2_wf0 === SIG2_wf1) ? SIG2_wf0 : 'bx : 'hz;
- Click the Boolean Equation
radio button to display the Logic Wizard section (or Boolean Equation
Section) of the Signal Properties dialog.
- Leave the Signal Properties
dialog open. We will be using it in the next section.
Note: This example demonstrated
true min/max simulation, however Min-Only and Max-Only simulations
can be performed by changing the timing model drop down box. You can find
this under the Options > Diagram Simulation Preferences menu
option. This will open the Diagram Simulation Preferences dialog
box, and the drop-down list box is in the upper right corner titled Timing
Registered and Latched Signals
The Interactive Simulator can register or latch the result of a Boolean
equation. Figure 4.0 represents the circuit that is modeled.
4.0: Register and Latch circuit modeled by the
Interactive Simulator
The Signal Properties
dialog should still be open and displaying the SIG2 information
from the last section. Let's experiment with the register and latch functions:
- Enter the equation SIG1
into the Boolean Equation edit box of the Signal Properties
- Click the Simulate Once
button to simulate the equation. SIG2 should look like an exact copy
of SIG1. When we register SIG2 you can visually compare it to SIG1 to
see the effects of the register.
- Next use the Clock
drop-down list to choose SIG0 as the clocking signal . The clocking
signal can be any clock or signal in the timing diagram (the default
value "Unclocked" means no flip-flop is present).
- Next use the Edge/Level
drop-down list box (on the right side of the dialog) and choose both
as the trigger signal .
- Click the Simulate Once
button to simulate the circuit. Notice that SIG2 only transitions when
SIG0 has a positive or negative edge transition (move some edges on
SIG0 and SIG1 to verify this).
Whether a Register or a Latch is simulated depends on the type of triggering
in the Edge/Level list box. For a Register circuit choose neg
for negative edge triggering, pos for positive edge triggering,
and both for positive and negative edge triggering. For a Latch
circuit, choose either low or high level latching.
- Choose different Edge/Level
values and press the Simulate Once button to verify the operation
of the register and latch functions.
Set and Clear lines
The set and clear
features are useful when defining circuits whose initial value needs to
be specified. In this example we will demonstrate how to design a divide
by 2 circuit using a negative edge triggered register with an asynchronous
active-low set line. To specify the initial value:
- Click the Add Signal
button to create a new signal named SIG3.
- Double click on the SIG3
name to open the Signal Properties dialog.
- Enter !SIG3 into
the Boolean Equation edit box (it references itself in the Boolean
- Choose CLK0 from
the Clock drop down list box.
- Make sure the Edge/Level
setting is set to neg.
- Check the Simulate
radio button. Notice that SIG3 signal is completely gray but that status
reports Simulation Good (lower
right corner of the application window). This is because SIG3's Boolean
equation references itself but it does not provide the simulator with
a known start state.
- Click the Advanced Register
to open the Advanced Register and Latch Controls dialog. All
the register and latch individual propagation times, setup/hold constraints,
clock enable, and set/clear options are set here. Global defaults for
these properties can be set using the Options > Simulation Preferences
- 8. Make sure the Active
Low and the Asynchronous check boxes in the Set and Clear
section are checked. Click OK to close the dialog.
- Choose SIG0 in the
Set drop down list box of
the Signal Properties dialog.
- Click the Simulate Once
This button is located at the top left corner of the Signal Properties
dialog box, under the Name edit box. Notice that SIG3 now has
a simulated waveform. Experiment with SIG0 to see how the active low
set line affects the operation of the flip-flop. You may want to redraw
SIG0 so that it goes low early in the timing diagram,
and then stays high for 4 or 5 clock cycles.
The Clock to Out, Setup,
and Hold edit boxes in the Advanced Register and Latch Controls
dialog box accept time values for various timing constraints on the register
and latch circuit. For more information on Register and Latch timing read
the on-line help Chapter 12: Interactive HDL Simulation.
Multi-bit Equations
The Interactive Simulator
can automatically generate multi-bit equations for the register, latch
and combinatorial logic circuits. To convert a register or latch circuit
into a multi-bit signal, change the MSB of the input signal and the MSB
of the register or latch. If the sizes of the signals do not match, WaveFormer
maps as many of the bits as possible, starting with the LSB.
First setup the diagram
to experiment with multi-bit equations:
- Delete the SIG3
- Click on the name of SIG2
to select then signal we are going to copy.
- Use the Edit > Copy
Signals menu option to copy the signal.
- Select the Edit >
Paste Signals menu option to paste the signal. There are now two
SIG2s in your diagram.
- Rename the new SIG2 to
SIGX. SIGX should have the exact same waveform as SIG2.
Next, change the output
of SIGX to a multi-bit signal:
- Double click on the SIGX
signal name to open the Signal Properties dialog.
- Make sure the Simulate
radio button is selected.
- Type 3 into the
MSB edit box
of SIGX. This will make SIGX a 4-bit signal.
- . Click the Apply
button. SIGX's waveform is now drawn as a bus with a 4 bit binary display.
Only the LSB of SIGX is working because the input signal SIG1 is a single
bit. Compare SIG2 and SIGX and verify that they are the same values.
Change the input signal
SIG1 to a multi-bit signal:
- Double click on the SIG1
signal name to edit it the Signal Properties dialog.
- Change the name of SIG1
to SIG1[3:0]. Changing the name using the bracket notation has
the same effect as changing the values in the MSB and LSB edit boxes.
- Click the Apply
button to accept the change. Now all four bits of SIGX should be toggling
1111 and 0000. If the radix is in Hex, the signal will toggle between
0 and F. The radix box is located in the lower left part of the Signal
Properties dialog.
If you want to further experiment
with multi-bit signals, change SIG1's graphical segments to valid regions
instead of highs and lows. Then double click on a valid region to open
the Edit Bus State dialog box. Type different 4-bit values, like
1010 or 0011, into the Virtual edit box and watch how it affects
the output of SIGX.
Interactive Simulation
differs from traditional HDL simulation in the amount of information that
is needed to begin a simulation. With traditional simulation you must
write both a complete design model and a test bench model to get simulation
results that make sense. With the Interactive Simulator you can design
incrementally: simulations are performed automatically without
the need for complete design information. This allows you to catch mistakes
earlier and reduces design time, leaving you more time to optimize your
CD ROM Resources
The CD ROM in the back
of the book contains information about general digital design techniques,
timing analysis, test bench design, and HDL simulation techniques. Below
are some of the more interesting directories that you should take a look
- SynaptiCAD directory
contains the setup file for installing VeriLogger Pro and WaveFormer
- Book Examples_Tutorials
directory contains Verilog source code files for the examples given
in this book.
- Tutorials contains
web links to the lasted SynaptiCAD product tutorials
- Manuals contains
the on-line help manuals and on-line tutorials.
If you are interested in learning
about timing techniques that will let you design the fastest possible
circuits, then read about the Delay Correlation and Common Delay Removal
timing features in the on-line manual. These techniques let you design
for the tightest possible timing.
Donna Mitchell is vice president of strategic marketing at SynaptiCAD
Inc. She received her BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from
Virginia Tech. Mitchell is one of the two founders of SynaptiCAD Inc.
She co-developed SynaptiCAD's first product, a timing diagram editor called
Timing Diagrammer. Mitchell's industry experience includes 14 years of
hardware and software development. Prior to her work at SynaptiCAD, she
designed board-level mixed-signal systems at Analog Devices and Burr Brown