I/O Definition Tables
Unlike many ladder logic editors which are "numeric-centric" - meaning all ladder components are referred to by their I/O numbers, TRiLOGI programs are "labelname-centric" because TRiLOGI constructs the ladder logic strictly based on the use of label names and the compiler generates the correct I/O representation based on the labelnames defined in the I/O table. The advantages are that ladder programs constructed from label names are far easier to understand and remember, and you can rearrange the I/O location for a certain label without changing the program at all (e.g. move a load to another output driver).
You can open the I/O table by pressing the <F2> key. It is good to remember this short cut key since you will be using it very often. The first time you press <F2> the input table will be opened. You can then scroll to other tables using one of the three methods:
Using the left/right cursor keys.
Click on the word "Inputs" - a choice box will open for you to select the I/O table you wish to scroll to.
Click on the two buttons beside the "Inputs" choice box to scroll left or right from table to table.
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To create or edit labelname for an I/O, simply click on the I/O number in the opened table and a text entry box will appear for you to enter/edit a label name. Once you have finished editing, press the <Enter> key to close the box and the name will appear on the I/O table. You can also use the keyboard to move the blue color highlight bar to an I/O location and press the <Space> bar to edit the label.
Editing Set Values (Timers and Counters only)Timer and Counter Tables each has an extra "Set Value" column. If you define a new timer/counter label the Set Value field for this newly defined timer/counter will be opened for entry. Otherwise you can manually open this field for entry by clicking on it or by pressing the <End> key. Only numeric values between 0 and 9999 should be entered. If you enter an illegal character, the text field will not be closed when you press <Enter>.
Label Name Restrictions
You can enter up to 10 characters per label name. Only alphabets and numbers can be used. No space is allowed between characters. If you enter more than 10 characters only the first 10 characters will be recorded when you press the <Enter> key to close the text entry field. If you enter a name that contains illegal characters, they will automatically be converted to underscore characters.
Cust Func Table
This table is meant for you to define a label name for a custom function. However, in order to keep compatibility with older TRiLOGI software version 4.x, label names for CusFn is NOT mandatory. If you don't define a label name for the custom function then the function will assume a default name Fn_#xxx where xxx is from 1 to 256 when you insert it into the ladder diagram.
Important Notes
You can shift the Items in the I/O table up or down or insert a new label between two adjacent, pre-defined labels. Simply press the <Ins> key or Right-Click the mouse button to pop up the "Shift I/O" menu which allows you to shift the selected I/O. However, please note that if you shift the I/O down, the last entry in the I/O table (e.g. Input #256) will be lost.
TRiLOGI Version 5 allows I/O label names of up to 10 characters. However, if you wish to keep compatibility with Version 4.x, you should use no more than 8 characters to define the I/O names. In addition, since Version 4.x does not support label name definition for CusFn, it should not be used if compatibility is important to you.