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Carnivorous Plants
Spring Splendor Carnivorous Plants Organic Byproducts


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Are your pets and plants compatible? Carnivorous plants are rapidly gaining popularity among Pacific Northwest homeowners, due to the natural protection that they offer against household pests such as spiders and mosquitoes. When these hardy plants are relegated to the outdoors, local weather conditions can encourage overwhelming growth spurts, sometimes leading to frightening results.

This class is taught by Kim Yoshida, an international expert in the field of carnivorous plants. Kim is a master gardener and the owner of two cats and a dog.

Classes are held at The Garden Company’s headquarters in Seattle. Each class session is limited to 12 students.

What You'll Learn

bulletWhat types of carnivorous plants thrive in the Pacific Northwest.
bulletWhich plants are appropriate for indoor and outdoor locations.
bulletWhat risks are posed to local pets and livestock during periods of extreme activity.

Class Schedule

Monday, August 11

6:00pm – 8:00pm

Wednesday, September 10

6:00pm – 8:00pm

Saturday, October 11

12:00pm – 2:00pm


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Last modified: 02/22/01