Working with Connected Frames

In publications such as newsletters, it’s common to have text begin on one page or column and continue on another page or column. Publisher makes this process of connecting pieces of a story together easy. This section describes how to connect and disconnect text frames and how to move between connected frames as you edit a story.

To connect text frames, follow these steps:

1.      If necessary, create a new frame into which you want the text to continue.

2.      Select the frame containing the text you want to flow into a second frame.

3.      Click the Connect Text Frames button on the Connect Frames toolbar. (If you can’t see this toolbar, choose View | Toolbars | Text Frame Connecting.) The mouse pointer turns into an icon of a little pitcher.

4.      Click the empty text frame into which you want to flow the extra text. Publisher flows the remaining text into this frame, as shown in Figure 31-4.

To move to the previous frame in a connected series, click the Go To Previous Frame button at the top of the text frame. To move to the next frame in a connected series, click the Go To Next Frame button at the bottom of the text frame.

To disconnect connected text frames, select the first frame in the series and click the Disconnect Text Frames toolbar button.